

Everything in this world happens for a reason.

Everything will pass by. But memories can't be forgotten so easily. Feelings can't be over written so easily. Decisions can be changed, status can be changed, opinions can be changed. But will you get back if you let go of something?. Even if you get back, it will never be in same state. Even it applies to relationships, once you let them go, you will never be same again.

You have left me. May be, I can say you don't have enough courage to hold onto me. I know, you don't want to leave me but you had to. I too don't want to leave you but I couldn't stay any longer.

is really there any meaning for our futile attempts to hold onto each other.

You can't go against your family. I can't make my family suffer because of you.

You want the happiness of your sisters and mother. I want happiness of my parents.

Hey, we both shouldn't think about our happiness. We were able to be with each other these years, though we never spent time happily together. It was really good to have each other to think about.

What am I going to do in the future?

I am not sure.

Will we meet each other in the future?

I really don't know

Will you come back for me?

Time has to answer for all these questions.

Is it really the end of our relationship?

I hope it isn't. But it doesn't seem so.

Can we bear to part with each other?

We have to. I know this for sure. You have people you care about. I too have.

Will have I chance to come back?


What if we can go back in the past,

I will never give you chance to say no to me and I'll not let you have any other thoughts of our relationship. Even if you can't manage, I will manage everything for us. I will make sure we will stay together forever.

But there is no no ifs in life. It's really sad.

Can I really say you are coward, indecisive, unreliable person?

May be you are.

Now I blacked you in all the places. You will not be able to contact me. I hope you won't try anything funny. It will not do any good to anyone.

I just hope for your happiness. You are such good person. Why have you born in that family?. Is it your luck or curse?.

Time will heal us. I just hope so