

"This is NHS reporting, there has been a lot of discussion about the murder that happened nearly twenty years ago. It has been a popular topic for most of us. Even though the suspect is still in jail but the victim's family are demanding him to get sentenced to death. Here, today we invited one of the victim's family member, he would like to discuss something that everyone would want to hear. Go ahead." The camera switched to the man in his fifties.

"My name is Feng, my sister was killed on that very night. Every day there was not a single moment where I stopped thinking about her. She was only a teenager with a dream. The murderer destroyed her and her dreams to become an actress. I missed her so much. Since in a few months, the murderer will be out of jail. I would like him to get death sentence. The murderer is a serial killer. He does not have a heart. Death sentence is the only way!" The man finished his speech and the TV camera returned to the news reporter.

"Thank you, Mr. Feng for speaking. To the audience watching, let us know what you think about death sentence. The police are currently working and discussing the possible solution. We want to hear your opinion." Xiu Ying was drinking a can of soda while watching the news. She was tired of hearing this news over and over again. Her father was the police who handled the crime scene. She read his journal entries before and believed the current suspect is not the real killer. The way her dad described the crime scene was probably done by a professional killer. An amateur would leave lots of traces. But again, it was rainy that day and the suspect happened to be there. He was arrested at the crime scene.

"Bullshit." Xiuying whispered under her breath, "There is no way this is all true." Liu Susu, a senior officer, tapped on Xiuying's shoulder, "Hey. What were you muttering about? I heard you said something. What is it?" Susu was her best friend and colleague. They graduated from the same police academy.

"Susu, I'm just thinking that murder case from twenty years ago might be twisted. Do you think all of them are true?" Susu shook her head.

"I don't know. I wasn't there when this all happened. Hey, do you know the murderer actually had a son? I feel so bad for him." Xiuying didn't say anything but kept silent. That's right, arguing won't be the best idea. What should I do, she thought. She went through her phone and saw so many nasty comments. Though she knew the truth, she couldn't say anything. There was no proof. She silently screamed in her head and shook away all unnecessary thoughts.

"I'm heading out to take a walk. Susu, let's go." Susu looked at her crazily, "Girl, there's going to be a huge protest outside. Just stay in here. Don't ruin yourself. It's dangerous outside." Xiuying laughed, "Who do you think I am? I'm not the little girl you knew since day one. I'm only going out a bit. Coming back soon." Xiuying waved bye as she heads out in the summer sun. Susu shook her head, "The boss will kill me." She sighed as she returned to her desk. As expected, a protest was held across the street.

Few days later, an alert was sent to all phones within the police station for an information session. Xiuying and Susu quickly went to the meeting room and all of the staff were there as well. The chief officer was Officer Yu. He was in his mid thirties and very dedicated to his job. As he flipped through the pages, other officers started to chatter but Officer Yu silenced them in an instant.

"Everyone, today I would like to announce something. From now on, the names I'm going to call out will be transferred to another branch. Xiuying... Liu Susu... stay behind. Those names I have not called, you will work closely with other officers as we will track down the recent crime activities. Please go back to your assigned group." All of them chattered and left the room. Well, that was short, Xiuying thought.

Officer Yu looked at both of them. He cleared his throat and started to explain.

"The reason I called you guys is that we discussed with our top officers, we will transfer you to the security team. You will be working at a special branch at the Star Corporation. It has the largest number of security officers. We will send you there and you guys will train with them. You will be undercovers. Only the CEO know you guys are police officers. He especially chose you guys because of your experience level. Even though it's a large business corporation, it has the biggest and largest security team in all of China. When working them, make sure to report back to us what you guys found. The recent murder cases are similar to the ones from twenty years ago. It's definitely a copycat killer. The criminal could be hiding in the company right now. It's your job to report back to us. Alright?" Xiuying nodded and looked at Susu.

"Don't worry, Officer Yu. We will be careful." Officer Yu nodded and shooed them outside.

"Guess we are transferring tomorrow. Are you ready, Xiuying? We will be working together." Xiuying looked at her, "Ready, my foot. I still haven't finished the report that was due yesterday." Susu laughed, "What do you mean report? Your special boyfriend already did it for you." Xiuying looked Susu with disgust, "Who?" Susu giggled, "Of course, me silly." Xiuying remained poker faced, "I don't know you anymore. By the way, I don't need a boyfriend. You are enough, haha... boyfriend. Oh yeah, thanks for finishing it up for me. Let's get ready for tomorrow." Xiuying stretched her arms up high as they walked home together.

"Susu, let's do our best and catch the criminal!" Xiuying hugged her.

"Xiuying, please get off of me. I need to snooze." Susu yawned.

"Tomorrow will be the day. Susu, let's work hard together!" Susu looked at her, "You sure have lots of energy. Yeah, let's do our best."