
Fox Swordsman of Douluo Dalu (Hiatus)

You know the deal with these over done type of cliche for a fan fiction 1: Guy dies in our world 2: Guy meets ROB 3: Guy is reincarnated in a fictional world First attempt at writing something that people may actually see and judge so I apologize in advance if I a) suck as an author, b) update at an irregular rate, or c) drop this story out of nowhere Also I don’t Douluo Dalu or any other stories I borrow character’s appearances or power concepts. They belong to their respective creators. I thank them all for creating their works for us fans.

Darach23 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Where am I?

???? POV

"Space, the final frontier" is the phrase from Star Trek that led to many to want to study space. I find that phrase now to be a load of crap.

I have been floating through this empty expanse of space for as long as I recall. The only thing I have seen is the occasional flash of light that occurs in the distance.

You would think I should head towards those flashes of light, right? Wrong. I have tried but for some reason no matter how hard I tried to get near them I am stopped by some kind of wall or membrane keeping me from seeing what said flashing lights are.

The only reason I haven't gone completely insane is an old trick my grandfather taught me that he used as a POW.

"1000, 993, 986, 979, 972, 965...." as I counted back from 1000 by 7, something registers in my brain that I have heard in so long. It was somebody's voice.

I look around and I see something no one would expect to see in space. It was a door with words on it. I forced myself to get as close as I could to it so I could read what the door said.


It looks like Greek. Ancient Greek. As I look at the door trying to figure out what it means, the letters shift and change to words in English I can understand as:

Hall of Reincarnation Head Office

Just as I was about to touch the doorknob, I heard a woman's voice saying loudly "Come in!" I walked or floated in the doorway and see what looked like an empty lawyer's office.

I asked in a hoarse voice due to I haven't used in a long time "Where am I?". The woman responds in kind but somewhat familiar voice "You are in my husband's and I's office. Which is a feat not many souls can accomplish, even though we have been trying to reach you for some time."

I get a closer look and realize why she sounded familiar to me. She looks like Madame F***ing Web from Marvel Comics with her voice being the same as her cartoon counterpart from the Spider-Man Cartoon from the 1990s.

I look at her name plate on the desk and it is also is in Ancient Greek and it says: Ἀνάγκη, Φύλακας της βεβαιότητας. Then those letter start to shift as well and they become: Ananke, Keeper of Certainty.

My eyes widen slightly while I look at her and with slight fear in my voice I ask "Why would a primordial being such as yourself and your husband want to speak with mortal soul like myself?"

Ananke chuckles slightly and says "Calm down child. It's nothing you should truly worry about. My husband just wants to have a conversation with you about the opportunity of a new lifetime for you. If my name is hard for you to pronounce, just call my Ana."

Ana stands up and walks to what I thought was a large grandfather clock and says "Alright now let's head though this door and the show on the road as you kids say. Oh, and try not have your thoughts so loudly projected in your head. It can cause him a slight headache."

Ok note to self primordial beings are mind readers like most thought them and other deities to be. I follow Ana to what I will soon find to be a rather cliche and she opens it to reveal someone no one would think to see alive and moving again.


I hear him say "That's right true believer. But before we get to what I wanted to discuss with you why don't you tell us about yourself while we wait for our other guests." I nod dumbly as I take the first seat closest to me.

I know this is a little shorter of a chapter than what your guys are use to on Webnovel from other writers and I am working on that aspect as a writer. I just want the people who saw this fanfic and see that I AM actually working on it and not just posting auxiliary chapters. The updates will be slow as I am still working on the story concept and plot. I thank you all for your patience.

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