
Four Villainess in Another World

In an another world where four powerful women, Tatiana Tremaine, Lily Violetsteel, Blanc Whitewinter, and Sakuya Kurogane, were once feared as villainesses, their lives take an unexpected turn when they find themselves transported to a new and mysterious realm. Despite their dark pasts, fate brings them together, and they form an alliance with a shared purpose—to restore balance and find peace in their newfound world

Azanami_Sensei · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 9 A Fireside Revelation

**Tatiana's Perspective**

As the evening unfurled its dark wings over the world, an icy wind snaked under the grand tree under which we had made our temporary shelter. The campfire that Lady Sakuya had deftly set up blazed with a soothing light and comforting warmth that acted as a bulwark against the night's chill.

"Hahaha… what a peculiar girl you were," she laughed, the sound ringing through the still air like a silver bell, albeit with an uncharacteristic undertone of levity. It was as though she found the seriousness with which I took our situation amusing.

"Lady Sakuya, this is a grave matter. I would be troubled if anything happened to you," I replied, honesty etched in my words. It was essential for me to convey my concern to her. Her laughter had made me question whether she understood the gravity of our situation. She covered her mouth with one hand in a bid to suppress her laughter. Her effort was somewhat successful but not entirely so.

Could it be possible that she was on a diet? Was her laughter a way of mocking my hearty appetite? I could not be certain and would not dare to inquire. Such matters can often be sensitive.

"Troubled?" She questioned, her usually soft eyes, now imbued with an intense seriousness, met mine.

"Huh, Lady Sakuya?" I stuttered, taken aback. The abrupt change in her demeanor had startled me.

"Do you feel troubled if anything happens to me? Do you truly worry about a stranger whom you met merely a few days ago?" She probed, her eyes boring into mine.

It was true; I did not wish for any harm to befall her, despite our recent acquaintance. "Of course, I would, Lady Sakuya. You may have been a stranger or a passerby to me initially, but our few interactions have made me feel as though we are already friends," I responded, sincerity saturating my words.

"Friends, huh? I still can't comprehend you," she replied, taking slow, thoughtful bites of her sandwich.

Lady Sakuya turned her face away from me as she continued to consume her meal. Was she still irked by our earlier conversation? I could not be sure. As the minutes trickled by in silence, the warmth of the campfire stirred a sense of nostalgia within me. The crackling of the firewood punctuating the silence reminded me of my days of yore. I rummaged through my thoughts, seeking a topic to initiate a conversation with Lady Sakuya.

"Say, were you the one who made this?" She inquired, her tone laced with genuine curiosity. She held up her half-eaten sandwich as if it was an exhibit in a museum.

"Huh…? This was actually prepared back at the inn; does it not meet Lady Sakuya's taste?" I responded, somewhat flustered. The sandwich was, more specifically, Lily's creation.

"I see, I'm disappointed…" She sighed heavily, her shoulders sagging slightly. I was taken aback. Had she set her expectations too high?

"What seems to be the problem? Perhaps, I can rectify it," I offered, eager to make amends.

"Actually, I had assumed this was your handiwork and was excited to sample your culinary skills," she admitted after a pause, her voice tinged with a hint of what seemed like betrayal.

I was baffled. Why would she assume that I had prepared the meal? I am incapable of cooking. "Huh? Did Lady Sakuya desire a meal prepared by me?" I asked for clarification.

She responded with a simple nod. So, it was true. But how was I supposed to break it to her that I was a disaster in the kitchen? "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my culinary skills leave much to be desired," I confessed, a rueful smile playing on my lips.

"I don't mind," she replied almost instantly, a look of determination on her face.

"Even if I always end up burning my food?" I questioned, trying to paint a vivid picture of my disastrous attempts at cooking.

"I don't mind," she said again, her voice steady and unwavering.

"Even if the kitchen would explode if I so much as attempt to make a sandwich?" I pressed on, my words carrying the weight of my past cooking mishaps.

"I would protect you," she assured me instantly.

"Even if I always confuse the salt with the sugar?" I added, hoping to dissuade her.

"…I don't mind?" she responded, a note of hesitation creeping into her voice for the first time.

A smile tugged at my lips as I watched Lady Sakuya wrestle with her determination. Despite her relentless insistence, she was not prepared for the reality of my culinary disasters. "…I suppose I could give it a shot if Lady Sakuya is truly insistent," I conceded, succumbing to her perseverance.

"I take your word for it," she said, satisfaction seeping into her voice.

Her smiles were a rare and precious sight, and I was glad to have elicited one. She took another sip of her tea, her demeanor calm and composed. "Ah! But I need some time to prepare myself," I hastily added. My declaration might have been impulsive, but I was determined to keep my word.

The thought of cooking again was somewhat exciting, despite my previous failures. Lily was adept at cooking; perhaps I could ask her for a few lessons. "Take your time," she advised, her voice soft and encouraging.

I settled down beside her once we finished our meal. Watching Lady Sakuya work was mesmerizing; she handled even the simplest tasks with such grace and elegance. She took a long branch, using it to adjust the firewood in the campfire, making it glow a bright, inviting red. It was a simple act, but she performed it with such refinement that it was captivating.

"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude, my words slightly muffled by the thick fabric of her coat that she had draped over my shoulders. She had noticed my discomfort in the cold and had silently offered me her own coat. I wondered how she managed to endure the cold in her thin dress. But when I tried to voice my concerns, she dismissed them with a shake of her head and a small, secretive smile.

Despite the warmth of her coat and the fire, my mind was clouded with uncertainty. I still had to figure out Blanc's cryptic words about creating forces and our next steps. As I grappled with my thoughts, Lady Sakuya's gaze rested on me, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding.

"…Is something bothering you?" she asked, her voice low and filled with concern.

I hesitated, unsure of whether I should share my worries with her. However, considering that I was clueless about our next steps, I decided to seek her counsel. "Can you listen to my…" I started, looking up at her, my heart pounding in my chest.

She responded with a single nod. Bolstered by her silent encouragement, I shared the details of my conversation with Blanc regarding creating forces of my own. As I spoke, Lady Sakuya listened intently, her expressions revealing nothing of her thoughts. After I had exhausted my concerns, I waited for her response, my heart filled with anticipation.

"So what do you think? I can't seem to decipher what Blanc meant,"

I implored, eager to hear her insights.

Lady Sakuya closed her eyes for a few seconds, contemplating the matter with seriousness. Then, she began to speak, her voice gentle and contemplative. "Perhaps all you need is to identify the main reason for creating forces and how you plan to protect what matters to you. Who are you going to protect, where are you going to protect them, and how are you going to safeguard them," she replied, offering a possible interpretation of Blanc's words.

I was intrigued by her response but was left with a lingering question. "Who am I protecting?" I inquired, my mind searching for clarity.

"It's not merely about voicing the intention. It must come from your heart," she explained, giving me a moment to reflect on the matter.

My heart knew the answer, and I found the words flowing effortlessly. "It's the innocent people, and most importantly, it's Lady Sakuya, Blanc, and Lily. They are all important to me," I declared, a sense of purpose swelling within me.

She seemed surprised by the weight of my response, her voice tinged with awe. "That's quite an ambitious undertaking. So, how do you plan to protect them and all of us?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

Recalling my earlier thoughts, I returned to the idea of acquiring a place. "By having a place," I answered, though uncertainty still lingered in my voice. I placed my hand on my chest, trying to center myself.

Lady Sakuya's reply was both simple and profound. "It's not the place itself that matters. It should be the foundation of your ambitions—a place where you can ensure their safety, and in return, they will protect that place," she elucidated.

The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and I felt a surge of clarity and understanding. Lady Sakuya's wisdom was remarkable, and I marveled at how she could perceive such depths in a mere instant. Her insight went beyond mere guidance; it was a glimpse into a world of profound understanding.

"Of course, that includes you. You don't have to shoulder your ambitions alone," she added, ensuring that I understood the importance of not carrying the burden on my own.

"Lady Sakuya, I can't believe you managed to unravel all of that in just a moment's thought. Please accept my utmost gratitude," I expressed my heartfelt appreciation, bowing slightly as a show of respect.

She smiled warmly in response, accepting my gratitude with grace. As I gazed at her, I couldn't help but feel that she was on a plane of understanding far beyond my own. Perhaps that was what made her actions so enigmatic and awe-inspiring.

"Anyway, it's getting late," Lady Sakuya remarked, glancing at the darkening sky, signaling it was time to head back.

"You're right. If we don't return soon, Lady Blanc will most likely give me a lecture," I confessed, chuckling softly at the prospect of being scolded by Blanc.

Lady Sakuya crafted a makeshift torch, using a wooden stick and tree sap. She ignited it, and its warm glow illuminated our path back. As we strolled side by side, passing by the farm fields, some of the farmers waved cheerfully at us. I returned their gestures with a friendly smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

When we arrived at the front of the inn, Lily awaited us with a warm welcome. She handed us both warm towels to freshen up. Inside, Lady Blanc seemed quite discontent, draining an entire bottle of vodka, her face flushed red with anger. Without hesitation, Lady Sakuya took her seat opposite Blanc, and the two engaged in conversation. It was a curious sight to behold, their interaction like a well-choreographed dance.

Lily then instructed me to turn in early for tomorrow's classes. I nodded, understanding her subtle hint. Exhausted from the day's events, I made my way to my room and fell into a deep slumber almost instantly.

As I lay there, wrapped in the warmth of my bed, I reflected on the events of the day. Lady Sakuya's presence had brought a sense of comfort and understanding to my journey. Her wisdom had provided me with newfound clarity, and her warmth had nurtured the budding friendship between us.

-Chapter 9 End-