
Four Villainess in Another World

In an another world where four powerful women, Tatiana Tremaine, Lily Violetsteel, Blanc Whitewinter, and Sakuya Kurogane, were once feared as villainesses, their lives take an unexpected turn when they find themselves transported to a new and mysterious realm. Despite their dark pasts, fate brings them together, and they form an alliance with a shared purpose—to restore balance and find peace in their newfound world

Azanami_Sensei · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 59 Crimsonroot Elixir Synthesis

Part 1: Media's Alchemy Lab (Morning)

Tatiana's Perspective

The morning sunlight streams through the windows, casting a warm glow on the cluttered alchemy lab. We've gathered here at Media's request to create the Crimsonroots Elixir. She eyes me with curiosity.

"You needed my help?" I ask, my gaze shifting between Media and the array of alchemical tools.

"Actually, I was intrigued to see what a Holy Magic user can do. Will it be alright, Lady Tatiana?" Media pleads, eager for my assistance.

"Of course, if it's within my power. I'd be glad to help," I reply, a smile forming on my face.

Holy magic, a rare element highly sought after in the magical world. Media believes it's crucial for creating a powerful medicine. As a Holy Magic user, I'm here to assist in her experiment.

"But can I even do it? I'm not quite confident," I express my concerns, fearing I might mess up the delicate process.

"It's just putting a blessing or two, really," Media reassures me, her expertise evident.

"That was wrong of you to think like that, Miss Media," Seraphina chimes in, appearing out of nowhere. "One blessing of Holy Magic requires a lot of mana, and some people even use it for profit."

"Instructor Seraphina?" I exclaim, surprised by her sudden appearance.

"Goodness, and here I thought you weren't short-sighted," Seraphina remarks, scolding Media for her limited perspective. "A single blessing of Holy Magic requires a considerable amount of mana, and people have exploited it for profit."

"Oho..." Blanc enters the room with a mischievous smile.

"Profit, you say?" Blanc question, I am wondering if anyone here knows how to give a proper greeting.

Without waiting for an answer, Blanc and Seraphina join us, seemingly uninvited.

"Well, it's a bit easier to show you how to do it. Come," Media says, leading me to the preparation table.

As we gather around the table, Media begins explaining the process of making a Simple Healing Tonic. Memories of past lessons flood back.

"Do you remember the recipe for this?" Media asks.

"For the Simple Healing Tonic, you need Common Healing Herb, Purified Water, and Honey or anything sweet," I recall, confident in my basic knowledge.

"That's right. Let's get to it," Media says, her smile infectious.

"First, crush or chop the Common Healing Herb into smaller pieces. This increases the surface area, aiding in the extraction of its healing properties," she instructs.

"Next, add the crushed herb to a clean container or a mortar and pestle," she continues, guiding me through the steps.

"Pour the cooled purified water over the herb until it's fully submerged. Let it steep for a few hours to allow the water to absorb the herb's essence," she adds.

"Use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the infused water into a clean container. Discard the leftover herb," Media continues, each step bringing us closer to our goal.

"If desired, add a small amount of honey or sweetener to the strained infusion. This helps improve the taste and makes the potion more palatable," she advises.

"Then, it's almost done. At this point, you use magic," Media says, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

The mixture reacts to her magic with a satisfying *blub* sound.

"My word, the volume of the mix increased," I marvel at the magical enhancement.

"This is called enchanting. Instead of infusing yourself with magic, you channel that energy into the materials," Seraphina explains, providing additional insights.

"Make sure to flow the magic energy appropriately to its volume, or it could end up in failure," Media warns, emphasizing the delicate balance required.

"Different elements give different effects. For example, water elements increase the volume of water-based items, fire elements aid in making bombs or other materials, earth elements make alchemy easier, and wind is easily infused into accessories, making them lighter," Media elaborates on the nuances of elemental magic.

"That is interesting, but what about Holy magic?" I inquire, eager to understand how my unique magic fits into the alchemical process.

"We don't know," Media admits, exchanging puzzled glances with Seraphina.

"While it's rare, most Holy elements do not belong to lower-class people. So not many have experimented with it," Seraphina shares her knowledge.

"That's why we're here, hehehe," Media chuckles, brimming with excitement for our experiment.

"Well, well, this is good practice for you, Tatiana," Blanc remarks from her seat in the back, a sly smile on her face.

I can't help but wonder if her enthusiasm is genuinely for my benefit or if she's already thinking of ways to monetize this new knowledge.

"Fine, let's do this," I declare, ready to embrace the challenge and discover the potential of Holy magic in alchemy.

Part 2: Media's Alchemy Lab (Noon)

I've witnessed this process countless times as Media guided me through it repeatedly, creating the Simple Healing Tonic. Today, it's my turn to perform the familiar steps.

"I imbued you with my magic…" I murmur the incantations, channeling my Holy magic into the ingredients.

"And the last one into the pot, stirred," I continue, carefully swirling the mixture within the alchemy pot.

*Shing* The pot starts shimmering with light.

"Did it work?" I inquire, a mix of anticipation and curiosity in my voice.

"This color and texture? It can't be?" Media says with a perplexed look, examining the concoction before daring to taste it.

"What is it, Miss Media?" Seraphina asks, eager to understand the unexpected outcome.

"The supposed recipe for Simple Healing Tonic turned into Medium Healing Tonic," Media reveals, a realization dawning upon her. "It evolved itself."

"It evolved?" Seraphina gasps, stunned by the revelation.

"This is quite an amazing feat, something we've never seen before," Media admits, marveling at the unexpected outcome.

"Then again, this should be a secret kept within us," Seraphina suggests, ready to guard this newfound knowledge.

"Yes, the potential of Holy magic having such effects could lead to danger," Blanc adds, aware of the consequences of revealing this magical secret.

"That's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?" I remark, still processing the remarkable nature of my magic.

"Your Highness, it would be wise not to speak of it openly. It might endanger your safety," Media cautions, genuinely concerned for my well-being.

"I wonder if people knew of this, many princes and kings would come to Your Highness and ask for your hand in marriage," Seraphina teases me, unable to resist a playful remark.

"M-marriage? That's too soon," I stammer, a bit flustered by the unexpected turn in conversation. After all, I'm only sixteen.

"Now, let's focus on the task at hand. Crimsonroot Elixir awaits. Will you lend me your help, Your Highness?" Media shifts the focus, ready to embark on another alchemical journey with me.

"Let's do this. It's quite enjoyable working alongside you, Miss Media," I say, appreciating the camaraderie we've developed. Together, we begin the intricate process of crafting the Crimsonroot Elixir.

As we follow the steps for this complex elixir, obtaining the elusive Crimsonroot roots from the heart of the Crimson. Sourcing ethereal spring water, collecting the golden nectar of sunlight, and harvesting starlit honey, we take our time.

Mixing all these magical ingredients, the elixir finally takes form.

"High-grade Crimsonroot Elixir with Holy magic imbued," Media declares, holding the bottle triumphantly.

"Finally, it's done," I sigh in relief, feeling a bit fatigued after the intricate process.

The magic required was demanding, but luckily, I can replenish by chugging magic potions. Now, the Duke can be cured; I'll leave the rest to Lily.

Chapter 59 End