

He pushed me until I felt the cold surface and put his arms on the cold hard wall behind me , so I couldn't escape.

I looked up at his face and saw his cold , angry stormy grey eyes staring right into my soul . His face had a smirk on it , like he knew that I was terrified of him .

I gulped and looked at him and in the lowest of voice asked "what do you want ?"

He spoke with a calculated but playful tone " what do I want? ... I want you to be quite and respect like everyone else in this school ... I am the king here and you can't walk away when I am in front of you . Do you understand ?" He ends in a sickly sweet tone coming more close to me .

I realised that he was just a jerk and then I remembered all the times that I had to submit to everyone else , of all the times after my accident people looked at me with pity or they made fun of me (obviously they didn't know about the accident). I was tired of it .

Suddenly I got a burst of courage , that I have never had in my life . I looked him straight in the eye and said "oh yeah? ... well guess what I am not everyone else ... And I don't take orders from you !"

Then I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and ran away to my class.

Oh god what did I just do?


He was broken and she was lost. Until, they found their way to each other. She hates him , he seems to hate her what could possibly go wrong? Now , She is his medicine and he is her map. But, would they be each other's boon or bain?


Isabella Sloane had lost her way after the accident that took everything from her .Now, she is the lonely girl who is a dancer , singer and the epitome of grace .But, under that sweet exterior she is haunted by her past every night , to the extent that it has consumed her.

Landon trainor was a mathlete and a nerd before his tragedy occurred and broke him. Now, he is an athlete and the proper definition of what you call a bad boy , but the thing that no one knows is that Mr. Cold hearted jerk is terrorized by the very incident that changed him every single day of his life.


Two traumatized people by their past, one is broken one is lost .will they be able to save each other or will they fall harder than they thought.?


Be advised this will have cliche stuff and that my writing ain't that great but I try . Still want to read it? Then do go ahead and thankyou .

Do leave comments and please , please please I am begging you vote if you like the book .

WARNING: Don't copy my stuff and don't expect Nora Roberts level of writing here ...this is a teen fiction , young adult book ...which is still in Editing .

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