
Cold and wounded

From the cold room deep in the dark forest, cries and screams could be heard. The person inside the shabby wooden shack had been begging the man to stop the lashings for hours. The attacker had ignored her cries and lashed at her body with full force. It was not until hours later that the cries from the lonely shed in the Forest had finally stopped. And thus the Forrest returned to its former tranquil.

On the rotting wood floor was a young teenage girl. Her glossy black hair stuck to her forehead due to cold sweat. Her naked back had markings from the harsh lashings and blood oozed from her infected wounds. At first sight anyone would assume that she was dead but if you looked closely you could see her chest moving.

The sounds of heavy rain and thunderstorm could be heard. The rain had found its way into the broken shed and hit her body. Her body temperature had drastically dropped and bloody wounds which had been dried up started to reopen.

The young girl had slipped into unconsciousness and didn't know that Wet footsteps could be heard from the outside. Two strangers were knocking on the shabby wooden door. The girl who stood next to Bu Kai was feeling uneasy and was tugging on his jacket.

"Gege, can't we come back tomorrow? We should have checked the weather forecast before coming here"

Bu Kai shook his head and opened the door. Ling Xiao's eyes went wide open when she laid her eyes on an injured young girl with a blueish complexion. Her eyes wandered and discovered the pool of blood underneath the girl. She hurridly grabbed Bu Kai's arm and tried to hide behind his back.

Bu kai shot her a glance and shook arm to get rid of her hand. He took a few steps into the shack. Ling Xiao thought about running to the car but quickly discarded that thought when she turned around and only saw the endless black forrest. She hurridly followed Bu Kai into the shack.

"Gege, we should just leave. That person is clearly dead. You shouldn't touch her body unless you want a murder case on you." said the girl with a worried expression on her face.

"I saw her chest move" Said Bu Kai with a frown on his stone cold face. He went down on his knee and started to look at the injured girl's wounds. He turned his head towards Ling Xiao and signaled her to bring his first aid kit from the car. Ling Xiao quickly rushed to the car that was parked outside the shed.

Ling Xiao came back with the first aid kit and gave it to Bu Kai. She watched as he undressed the strange girl and disinfected her wounds. At last he wrapped a bandage around her back area. He then took off his black jacket and dressed her.

Feelings of jealousy and anger invoked inside Long Xiao when she saw how nicely Bu Kai was treating that girl. She finally had the chance to win over Young master Kai during this trip to the deep Forrest but unfortunately something managed to ruin her plans.

"Gege! you will fall sick if you take your jacket off. What will I tell auntie if you fall sick?" She whined. Her big puppy eyes were quite effective on the average man and any man who would happen to see this scene would have listened to her words.

"We will take her to the nearest hospital" said Bu Kai with a very deep but harmonious voice. He had a blank expression on his face as he carried the unconscious girl. It was as if he was used to handling Injured people.

The road was slippery and the car ride wasn't so pleasant. Heavy rain combined with muddy road was obviously dangerous. Yun Qi's breath quickened and she woke up from her stupor. She felt great pain and discovered that she was bandaged. Yun Qi stared at the pair of strangers and wondered about how she fell into this situation.

The pair of strangers seemed to notice that she woke up and the girl in the front passenger seat looked at her in chock. The young man who was driving quickly introduced himself as Bai Kai and nudged at the girl who was staring at Yun Qi with wide open eyes.