1 Draft 1

Short Explanation: Guy gets reincarnated into a fantasy world as a wolf. There are no humans or humanoids, so creatures dominate the world. (Supernatural powers included.)

"Come on, give me something good today!" I exclaimed with feverish eyes as I rubbed my hands together, warming my hands because of the friction. My heart beat rapidly and I examined my surroundings with the utmost preciseness.

I had been living quite the garbage life for the past week; if you disregard the fact that I've been transported to a completely different world! This new world also has a certain set of rules that I don't quite like.

Not only am I no longer a human being... I'm trapped in the body of a wolf! Ever since I've come to this world, all I've seen so far are animals and exotic creatures that wield magical powers.

Vermillion Phoenixes and Everfrost Dragons that split seas and crush mountains with the least possible effort. And I just had to be put inside a lousy fox's body...

Sigh... This really is the worst.

Well, it isn't all that bad. Though I've encountered a number of dangerous creatures and found myself in numerous life-threatening situations, there's this weird animal that comes out of nowhere and protects me every time.

And thankfully, I wasn't transported without a golden finger! It's some kind of daily log-in system that gives me items every day; so far I've only gotten cheap items though...

Apparently, these are the ranks for the items; Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3, Rank 4, Rank 5, Rank 6, Rank 7, Rank 8, and lastly, Rank 9.


A sort of feminine growl echoed through the narrow and small cave that I'd escaped into.

"The same creature? Why won't it leave me alone? Is it trying to play with me before eating me or something?" Various speculations emerged in my mind, but the only thing I could do for now was to wait and see.

I slowly turned around, aligning with the cold gaze of a light-pink-colored wolf. Its dark pink eyes were fixed upon mine; instilling great fear into my very being.

Despite being here for a week, I haven't gotten stronger in the least and I know by instinct that this wolf before me is way stronger than me. Just being around it makes the fur on my body stand up.

The pink wolf opened its mouth and its tongue stuck out and it ran towards me with amazing speed. It was too fast for my eyes to follow, so I just braced myself and squinted my eyes; hoping for the best.

Finally, just as I felt the presence of the pink wolf right in front of me, a voice in my head spoke after what I deemed eternity.

"You signed in an recieved a Rank 2 Combat Mechanica. Automatic claim is activated."

My heart jumped slightly and I wanted to resist the wolf as I had finally received something that sounded good, but I knew my reaction speed was far too slow for that.

All of a sudden, no sound erupted and I felt no pain in my body. I slowly opened my eyes, revealing to me a translucent blue shield that pulsed outward like a small pond that had been invaded by a tiny pebble.

'Huh?' I thought.

The pink wolf stood with its paw pressing down against the shield in confusion. Despite the mysterious shield protecting me, I could still feel the strength of the pink wolf; completely unhindered.

"I was a hair's width away from death..." I let out a heavy sigh that contained a week's worth of frustration and fear. My body felt a little lighter the moment I sighed and a light blue screen suddenly appeared in my retinas.

[Opponent Analysis]

Race: Enchanted Wolf

Gender: Female

Rank: 1

Strength Rank: 1.5

Supernatural Strength Rank: 2

Supernatural Abilities: Hypnotic Aura (Rank 1) Mental Confusion (Rank 2)


"Enchanted Wolf?" As I read the information on the system screen about the wolf, I looked back and forth from the screen to the female wolf over and over. Despite receiving this information, I still haven't discovered a reason as to why this wolf is following me.

"What do you want from me?" I said. Sadly, everything came out in the form of barks and growls towards the female wolf. I fear that I may have just said something offensive without even knowing.

[Emergency Shield has been used. The cooldown will end in 23 hours.]

My heart suddenly sank upon hearing the words echo in my head. I didn't know that the shield that protected me could only be used once a day; that meant if that female wolf attacked again, I'll surely die!

I slowly backed away from the female wolf until my scruffy trail touched the rocky wall of the cave. I didn't dare to take my gaze off the female wolf, who did the same.

She slowly approached me every time I retreated and kept her gaze on me, like a tiger eyeing its prey whilst on alert; ready for any sudden movements.

I could no longer back away from the female wolf, and she slowly made her way towards me. In no time, her nose had already reached mines and her eyes peered into mines.

Akin to a god looking at the soul of a deceased and judging it.

"Are you gonna kill me?" I nervously spoke; in barks. The female wolf turned her gaze towards my entire body before finally shaking her head horizontally, signaling that I was wrong.

I breathed another sigh of relief as the female wolf suddenly moved, wrapping her entire tail around my neck. My eyes contracted out of fear and I didn't move; surprisingly though, she didn't use her tail as a means to strangle me.

I quickly noticed this and stopped resisting. I just sat there, looking into the female wolf's eyes with a cautious stare. Her gaze softened from cold to warm as she quickly made her way to my side; rubbing her fur against mines.

'What's going on?' I thought to myself as the female wolf then started nibbling on me. A memory surfaced in my mind when this happened, reminding me of something I saw in my past life.

Wolves nibble each other to show their affection, so does that mean this wolf wants to be friends?
