
Chapter 1 Revised

Chapter 1: Where Am I?

Birds chirping in melodious harmony.....green trees rustling in the soft embrace of the caressing breeze.....the smell of dew-covered spring grass.....

A young man with dark hair had his eyes closed, his body completely relaxed and lying flat on the ground.

So soft. So warm.

A shadow covered the light streaming onto his face. There was pressure on his stomach as a rough and moist feeling touched his chin.

What in the-

He opened his eyes in a hurry with concern to find himself face to face with a brown, furry snout. He shouted in surprise as the startled animal rolled back, revealing its plump figure.

A bear cub?

The round ball of fur looked at him with its black, wide eyes, button nose twitching in curiosity as to what this new creature it had stumbled upon was.

Wait, bear cub? Why is there a bear cub!? I swear I was at home. Where am I?

The man looks around in surprise.

The serene, picturesque scene entranced him. "Man, this is beautiful". He was in a grassy clearing around the size of a house. There was a small waterfall flowing down into a bubbling brook at his left, and trees all around him. It was vibrant with life. The tree leaves illuminated by the morning sun, birds flitting around with vigor, deer in the woods prancing with joy. He was calm again, all worries freed from his mind.

Now let me gather my thoughts. First, who am I? Wait why am I even asking this question? It's not like I'm suffering from amnesia right?

But no matter how hard he tried, he could not come up with a single inkling as to who he was, more specifically as in- What's my name? It's at the tip of my tongue, dancing in my mind, yet I can't reach it. Do I really have Amnesia?! I jinxed myself didn't I. Alright, that's a big problem.

Sweat dripped from his temples, all traces of calmness dispersed. I don't even know my own name?! How can that be! Calm down. Look around, and it will be alright.....

The man surveyed his surroundings to try to make sense of his situation.

So, .....so it seems I was kidnapped from my house, and brought into a.....a nature reserve!? That doesn't make sense! What kind of sicko is mentally retarded enough to drop someone off, even as a prank, in the middle of the wilderness? Isn't there supposed to be an abandoned warehouse where I'm blindfolded and tied to a chair?

What the heck?

He was a bit anxious but then he looked around and came to the conclusion that he was rather glad he wasn't in a warehouse.

Guess I'll just go with the flow. And this is certainly more beautiful than a warehouse. Anyway, what's with this bear cub?

The cub was rolling around in front of him, pink-and-black belly up. It looked at him with innocent, bright eyes. The man couldn't help but curl the edges of his mouth in a little smile. He snorted in amusement, but when getting up, he moved away from the cub and strolled around the clearing. There were no paths leading anywhere, and all the bushes were berryless, all the trees fruitless. He looked at his surroundings from the edge. Honestly, he was at a loss of what to do or what to make out of this situation. He was wondering as to why or how he was here.

A massive shadow suddenly covered him as something touched his neck. "AHHH-"

A thud rang out throughout the forest, scaring the birds, and our protagonist dropped to the floor, dead.

This is one where I changed up some things. Honestly, I liked my originals so I kept them but I think this one might be more polished. Whenever I change a chapter, I'll put them here and the chapter number in the title. At least that's the plan for now. I hope you guys enjoy.

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