
2~ Who is she?

Elmo's p o v-

I was at the airport with my friend last week as he was leaving for Paris after his vacations. We were waiting for the flight at New York Airport. I was having a goodbye chat with my mate Ovine. He was wearing a black hoodie that day. Little I had known that he looked handsome just like a cool European guy.

"It's time for me to go, Ovine. Have a safe journey to Paris. I'll see you in Marseille next week. Remember to give me a call when you reach their buddy."I offered him my hand for a shake before leaving. I think he's my best buddy other than a hand shake and just go by. He gave me a hug and smiled at me. His funny character always held me up to admire him more, more like a brother.

"Dude, take care of you and come back to Paris soon. I'll let you stay here for a week only, not more than that. You know that I needed you the most there and also I need you to solve some of my problems there too. Without you, I cannot live a peaceful life dear." He said teasingly made me embarrassed for a few seconds.

I laughed and looked away so to hide from being embarrassed by his talks. As I turned my face to look away I saw a beautiful girl who looked like a white rose, cute and lovely in her white tank top and short, flared skirt. Her bright eyes and her long eyelashes I could clearly see the beauty captivated in her. Before I could watch her more, Ovine called out for me as I was too distracted it was obvious for him to inquire me.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah I-I'm all fine." I shrug off my shoulders and bid goodbye to him and left as soon as possible.

I called my friend Jayden who was also at the airport as his sister was leaving for Paris. I turned to go up to him as we were both together always because of our studies and also were childhood friends. That was the better way to get back home with him. The worst part was I never saw his sister although I had known he does have a sister but honestly I don't know how she looks like.

I reached home and start to work on my reports. Until my thoughts started to build up about the white rose girl. Her long brownish-black wavy hair. And her very fair skin, more natural without any makeup on.

The question I had was all puzzling. Even my roommate felt weird after he saw me all being confused while staring at the blank space.

"Who is she?

Where did that girl come from?

Is there any way to get her contact number? Ahh no way, how do I know where she lives? I'm just being illogically unreasonable." I was talking to myself in the blank space until Jayden came up to show his pictures with his sister.

"Hey, dude, look at her she's being all cute." He said while swiping the screen and making funny comments revealing all the pictures of her. The more pictures I see I got more shocked and curious to know about her.

"Yeah, you are right she's cute.... and lovely," I said and mumbled to myself.

Day by day the thoughts about her made me more curious and more to admire her. Somehow I managed to get some of her pictures from jay's phone. I had known that if I do anything stupid regarding his sister he won't let me go easily. And there were fewer chances for us to meet up. So it's fine to get her pictures rather than directly asking him about her and get him to ask away all the suspicious question which I'd better rather not answer.

A week later I went back to Paris. I know I cannot go back to my home as it's been a year ever since I left home. The flashback crossed through my mind about the things that happened a year ago.

I was standing at the door already to leave my house. My mom and brother pleading me to stay.

"You are not being reasonable about leaving this family and business to us Elmo. Chasing after your dreams and leave your family both are different." My brother argued.

"Are you sure about leaving this place and the people you love?" my mom Karen said sadly while tears are flowing down on her cheeks which made me think over it again and again about what dad said to me about taking over the business and family assets.

"Yeah, I'm ready to leave this place I don't want to do something I don't like to do mom. My dream to become a journalist is still there. Until I feel I'm capable to be the part of our family business I'll return home. Now I think I should leave this place and focus on my studies and reports more. Sorry mom and brother to let you both disappointed. I don't want to be all busy in my life like how Ethan is now? I want to spend my time exploring new things in life and be happy while enjoying each and every moment of my life." I claimed, took my luggage and went out.

They did agree to what I want to do, pursuing my dreams and lead a happy life. At the same time, denying all of my father's wishes, and plans that he made for me. My brother and my mother, who stood up for me and helped me to get to the U.S.

Back then I didn't care much about my family and their feelings. We were rich enough to live a better life. I assured myself that there won't be any problems they will face in the future without me.

Sometimes to achieve something we need to let go of the things we love the most.

All these days, already been a year now. I didn't try to have a chat with my father Mr. Eros Augustin who is known to be the well-known businessman in the country. As his son, I was always disobeying his wishes and always against his good intentions. But as a son, I'd say the best dad he is. I disobeyed him and left Marseille at that time. Do I regret that? Of course, I regret it my decision and my thoughts at that time. I was so confused that's why that happened I left without saying anything to my father. But now I think it is the best decision I made.

If I go back to the home they'll ask me thousands of questions Eros dad, Mary my Stepmother, Karen mom, Ethan and his wife I cannot face them and I won't be at peace so better to call my step sister Merlin. I took out my phone and dialled her number.

Although Merlin is 39 years old. My elder sister and Mary my stepmother's one and only daughter. She got married at a young age and now a mother of two kids who are one or two years younger than me. Our family is a bit complicated to explain. Even each one of us in the family. From all, I always prefer my stepsister over my own brother Ethan. Ethan is younger than her but elder than me.

"Sister I'm at the airport. Are you coming to pick up me?" I appealed to her.

"I probably cannot get to the airport now. Can you go to the CCD? (Cafe Coffee Day) My daughter and her friend will be there I'll ask her to receive you from there." She answered and hung up the call.

My few hours of travel with Jayden, though he asked me to go with him and meet his family. I refused his offer and stayed at the airport waiting for my step sister which was tiring I wasted my time roaming around the city to find the café. Alas, I have reached my destination.

I went inside the café and sat on one of the chairs. I took out my reports to redo it and make some changes in it. My eyes were fixed on the papers. Until I heard the voice of someone talking on the phone. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. Was it real? Is that her? My thoughts were all mixed up as I saw the girl on a black jacket and skinny jeans. She looked like the white rose I met last week at the NYC Airport.

A few minutes later I noticed her sleeping on the table. All I wanted was to talk to her and be close to her but it wasn't the right time to do so. I thought to keep myself low. And almost forgot about my niece, the daughter of my step-sister Merlin. She didn't come to pick me so thought it'd be nice to admire my goddess.

I got closer to see her close, her lips turned into a pout. Indeed, she looked like a kid while sleeping. Suddenly, she woke up spilling the coffee on me. She didn't look at me once and took out her phone and called someone.

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