
Cell Crusher

I dragged my weary self to the classroom. Class 10-E. At the corner of the right wing of the academic building. The home of the worst delinquents around the whole school. I wouldn't have to join these dickheads if I hadn't been late in the submission of my admission form. Now I can only regret my clumsiness.

My bench is toward the extreme side, facing the window. You can see the sparkling river outside from there. Nice view if you ask me.

"You look a bit taller than yesterday!"said Mitsuru. One of my very few friends. The kid is quite observant.

I generally hide my muscles, wearing full shirt and a blazer. Nobody in the school knows that I have enough strength to pop out their eyeball, pressing their heads.

Somehow I found a mysterious medical document among my ID showing that I have some severe muscular ailments. I personally never remember these. Who knows how it got there?

Nevertheless, I took full advantage of it. I have been exempted from all medical examinations and PE classes in school. Which is good for me, it helps me stay lowkey.

Just like an average kid. Oops!! … a pathetic weak foolish below-average kid, to be specific.

My grades are much below average so Mitsuru, the topper of our class, would painstakingly try to teach me some basic math problems during the Saturday mornings. I really appreciate the effort of the poor innocent kid!

Aman, our class president, have specially prepared a first aid box for me, in case something happens to me. I hardly think any of the drugs would have been any use to me, even if I had been really ill. Nevertheless, some boys have smuggled in a large vial of food-grade alcohol within it. Sometimes it would decrease and it would again be magically refilled by the next day at noon. These kids are shameless …

"Hey Rono!" Aman called me. It broke me out of my chain of thought.

"Man! You have grown taller?!!"

"Eh!? Have I?"

He inched closer and looked.

"Yeah definitely!"

"Maybe a growth spurt?"

"Possibly. It is hard to imagine that somebody could grow so much in a day. Have you bought new clothes?"

"No. My clothes are already loose."

"Oh! I see."

Mitsuru approached. Aman left me seeing him. They seemed to have a conflict, mostly one-sided. Aman was envious of Mitsuru's grades. Aman would always turn up as the second in class, since the first day.

Mitsuru doesn't have any friends in the class except for me. Somehow there's a rumour that he confessed to a boy in middle school. After that everybody maintains their distance. He had a slender short figure, hardly reaching my nose. He is more beautiful that most of the girls of our class.

"Are you ok? You look sick." He asked with his mother hen tone, which you guys see in BL novels.

"I had a bit of cramps yesterday. Today I am fine."

"Did you stay up late to study for the test?"

"Yeah … I stayed up till eight."

Everybody thinks that I have to go to sleep by 6 o'clock in the evening for medical reasons. The culprit behind the rumour is nobody except me of course.

The maths test started. It was a one hour test taking up first two periods. It went on smoothly. I would roll my numbered pencil for the MCQ. Holy shit! Four were correct! I quickly replaced the correct answers with wrong choices, leaving aside one correct. I wrote some rubbish for the writing part. Overall, I made sure to get a passing grade.

The classes went on smoothly after that. Some days, I would go to my club - Manga club, during the lunch break. Today I wasn't feeling like meeting those bunch of nerds so I stayed back in the class.

I watched outside the window. Same thing as always. Mitsuru was being bullied by the young master of Duja family, at the far corner of the back garden. A bunch of students were walking around as couples. Some of the kids would form groups and roam around the garden. Nothing new.

I came back to my home after a long school day. It bores me to death everyday. Maybe I should cultivate in the class from now on. If I cultivate slowly for four hours in school, it will help me to save two hours at home. Generally I would cultivate for six hours a day and strengthen my body for four hours. Taking out the eight hours of schooling, I am left with six free hours.

Quite a bit less if you ask me. I have got so many use of the six hours, sleeping, eating, taking a dump, showering and earning money. Earning money is a hard part. I get 3000 credit every month as an interest from the money left behind by my parents. The money is clearly isn't enough for buying anything except for basic things.

Well, since these last two week I have been using a very productive but risky method to earn money. I would beat the delinquent kid roaming around in the dark alleyways and take the money from their senseless self. Its is quite a noble job if you ask me, I am just helping the cops to clean up these craps and take my rightful fees in the process!

I wore a full face ski mask, surgical gloves  on my hand and draped a rag around my body, lying hidden beside a trash can. I was actually spying over 8 rotten kids from the corner of a dark alleyway.

Actually I have been monitoring the kids for someday to pinpoint their haunts. This place was a blind spot, devoid of any CCTV cameras. Now then it's time to work!

I slowly approached the kids. They were crouching in a corner smoking cigarettes. All of them were from Ameiti High third year class. One of them saw me approaching.

"Need something from brother Sun?" He said after taking a deep puff.

" … "

"Oi there! Shithead! Speak up."

I ignored these morons. My target were two other in the far corner. Sun Yami, their voyeur leader who collected the mug shots of seven girls and blackmailing them to earn money and Nero Genjo, a middle school boxing champion who colluded in his crimes. Well, I am all fired up to add some extra joints and holes in their body!

"Hey there man! Loosen up a bit. What's your business with us?" Sun said me jovially.

" … "

One of the kids got up and held my neck.

"Speak up, you dumb shit head."

"Kids shouldn't smoke!" I took out the smoke and threw it away. It wasn't my style or anything, I just simply hated to speak.

Open declaration of war.

"Duja?" Nero asked lazily. He suspected that this may be the handiwork of the Duja gang. The gangs of the east, centre and west are constantly at war so it wasn't unlikely to suspect me as one of these scum.

"Fuck your wisecracks, bitch!" The kid holding my neck tried to push me away.

Unlucky kid! I held his head with my left arm and punched with the right on his abdomen.

Bam! He fell on his face withering in pain. This wasn't over. I kicked his stomach, he rolled over the centre of the circle of the kids and lay motionless.

Sun: "Oh! What have we got here!"

Nero: "Tonight is going to be fun."

Those kids didn't know this was going to be the worst day of their life.

Five of their remaining lackeys surrounded me. No worries! Two in the front lunged on me together. I grabbed their heads and banged them together. Thunk! They fell down. Now then for some assurance, I pulled their outstretched arm. Crack! Crack! They fainted from the pain of the dislocated shoulder joints. Too weak!

The remaining three backed a little. Want to run away? Sorry to disappoint you. I lunged forward and jabbed the base of the neck of the guys at my either side and a low kick to the thin kid standing in front. All of them fell on the ground.

Ah! Ah!!

You all still dare to open your mouth? Well, this lot looks tougher than those before. Nevermind, a couple of kicks solved the problem. Everything went silent.

"Fuck you!!" Nero slowly walked towards me. He took his defence stance, analysing my moves. His serious face made me give an inner smile. You think that this is boxing? Do you think I play fair? You all don't deserve to see my skills.

Slowly he inched closer as I stood on one place completely open. Yep! Completely defenseless. I don't need to block his attack. Even if he attacks me with his maximum momentum, it won't hurt me. My hide is tougher than a rhinos. I don't have time to waste today.

Now then, how should I break him? Kicking? No. Punching? No. If I attack a pro like him either he would deflect or absorb the hit, wasting a major part of the force. I hate wastage you see. So I basically need a melee weapon now to give a long reach and pinpointed damage.

Wow! I found it. I ripped out the old metal cover of the large broken rectangular bin beside me. Before he could realise what is going on, the extended corner of the lamina hit his exposed armpit. Clang!! His face distorted and his hands dropped, quivering. I hit the side of his neck. Clang!! Once more. Clang!! Clang!!

Ha ha. So many openings! It is easier than cracking an eggshell. I jabbed the far side of the lamina at the base of his neck. I jabbed his chest. Clang!! He fell down on his face.

Now then kid, where is your guts? Clang!! There goes the lower back. I smacked his butt for a couple of times with the flat side of the lamina. The weapon dented. Enough playing around. I crouched near his neck and held it firmly. He coughed. Blood oozed out from his broken jaws. Good, he won't wake up soon enough.

Their leader was trying to make an escape. Such irresolute bastard! If I live him unattended, he will grow up to be a good for nothing pimp in future. Wait for me son! I am coming to enlighten you. I ran towards him and gave him a loud knock on his temples with my tightened fist. 'The hammer of god' strikes - KO. I pulled him back to the centre, to where his partner in crime lay coughing blood.

He woke up after a few minutes. Before he woke up, I emptied all of their pockets. I never touch new crunchy cash fresh from the ATM, I always take old soiled money. Well, I am smart enough to get rid of those ass-grabbing cops at least. I have fixed rate, 50 credits for lackeys and 200 credits for leaders. Some extra cash, if I feel like buying an ointment or coke in the way. Also I confiscated some smokes and a packet of white powder along with the notes.

"Hello there! Brother sun."

"Fuck you! The girls told you, didn't they? I will never give them to you. Your girlfriend's pics will be all over the net! Ha ha."

These assholes never learn the easy way, do they? I broke his thumb. Crack! Maybe it was bad to break his right thumb, maybe he would fail this year unable to write his exams and create another year of trouble at school. Nevermind.

"Ahhhhh ahh aaa… " Slap!! Slap!! He quieted.


"4 .. 2 no .. 3 .. 2 .. 8." He said meekly.

I entered 4328. The screen-lock opened. Search for apps in settings. Hidden apps!! Yeah! There it is! Three hidden vaults. This kid was smart enough not to upload them on cloud. Do you think that a weasel like you can escape me? After checking the whole phone and his browser history. I turned my attention to the encrypted vaults.


"Fuck you!"

So troublesome. I pulled one of Nero's arms and broke the upper arm in two pieces. The senseless boy didn't respond. Everything happened smoothly from then on. I found all the pictures and deleted them. I checked others phone, there was nothing. Actually it was kind of good that the kid never trusted his subordinates, it saved me a lot of trouble.

"You are 'cell crusher', aren't you?" Sun asked faintly.


You see, that's my nickname. After beating the leaders senseless, I would crush their cellphone to a ball and stuff it within the user's mouth. I did the same for these two friends and left the scene.

Next chapter