
The Walk

As I entered the cavern I let all frivolous thoughts leave my churning mind. I could smell the undead from here. I took out my short scythes and they unfolded locking into place. I remembered how I got my anti light as I walked through. It was my first time waking to this dream undead where attacking the village. I was the only one left, I cried as an undead reached for me. Then I grabbed it's bony rotten arm. A single use skill changed everything in that moment. I absorbed death from that creature. Frightened as it turned to ash I had absorbed everything I was touching. Including a small plant my hand brushed against. From the forging of life and death, dark and light. My anti light was born that day, not in a good way. I couldn't control it as it ravaged what was left of the village. It is an instinct, I was scared so I protected myself without knowing.

I snapped back to the present as an undead came from the shadows. The abyssal chains locked onto my scythes as I threw one at it. The undead crumpled to the floor as its head burst. 'Why am I so powerful here? It's vivid dreaming right?' I grimaced if this place is real then frell Earth! More came after the noise I made. I didn't care I slaughtered them all without fancy flurries or boastful attacks. I was pissed, what the frell brought me here. It explains why I get hungry, why I fear death here, why I'm not some god of this world. For the first time in a long time, in this place I was terrified. I set up camp and wards in the cavern. I needed to research things on earth, even if it means killing someone I will permanently bind myself to this world. I thought on how many others like me their are as I fell asleep.

I woke in the hospital and sat up. I looked at my wound and noticed it wasn't that bad. Mostly the blood loss is what kept me here. I doubt I was supposed to wake up as when a nurse walked in she looked shocked. I just smiled at her.

"How long will I be here?" I asked the lady who I guessed was in her late twenties. She quickly composed herself.

"You will be out by the end of the day. However you shouldn't be awake and you should be feeling some pain." She looked concerned as she checked the machine feeding me blood.

"Well at least I can add vampire to my resume now." I laughed at my own joke as the nurse looked over the numbers that made no sense to me. She left without saying anything. I sighed as laid back on the bed. Too much to think about, so little time.

I began to think on the situation. I needed more information. I personally believe in the multiverse theory which means I'm not too shocked. Still theories and reality are far different. I sighed then laughed remembering that I thought perhaps myths like elves and beastkin where storied from another world. Or dreams of a real past life. Nice to know I got this crap right in high school. I stopped laughing as I realized I had no way to stay in Terras the name of the planet in that Dre- other universe or reality. I mentally corrected myself. I can't think of it as a dream if I die here or there I'm guessing I'm pretty sure I die for real.

I sighed in exasperation thinking on theories of magic and science. Two worlds with near identical laws of reality. The only difference is magic. As I did so I felt something slip into my back. The last think I saw was a similar assassin to the one at my home.

I walked along a path in darkness. I felt power flowing through and around me. I looked at my lives, I was a farmer, factory worker, slave, human cattle for some strange race. All I saw was pain until my last life finally I had power. Yet still I died as a lowly man who wouldn't be remembered. I turned my gaze to the end of the path as the power left me. Why did I always choose this path, is this my eternal fate? I questioned myself as for the first time I looked away from my lives and the light. Around me I saw thousands of others walking their paths. As entities with no corporeal watched us. Not gods just things that exist in this place. Then I gave a resolute stare at them as I turned around and walked back down away from the light. I felt the power growing as I walked back. I felt like it was wrong and I noticed all the entities liking at me. I pushed through screaming in my mind at the pain and as I reached my first life I laughed to myself. I forced all the power into me, all the hate, all the frelling rage! I roared into the silent space with nothing more that a whimper coming from my mouth as I laughed like a madman in my head. I talked back down forcing the power to stay within me. "SCREW BEING THE HERO IM THE MOTHERFRELLING VILLAIN BITCH!" As I saw the entities watch me I knew no one had done this before at least not to the extent I did. But frell it, I'm going to make a throw out of the bones of my enemies when I get done.

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