
Forgetful God: The Plan Went Wrong

What if a young master, originally doomed to serve as an antagonist who gets stepped on by a protagonist, was given a system? "It's a well-known trope!" But what if that young master did not get a new personality and remained the archetype young master? Glottis, the god of devour, is only one step away from attaining perfection. Unfortunately, he is cursed to never be perfect, to never execute a single plan right. Unable to break the curse, Glottis decides to try another approach. He might not be able to solve the problem because his mindset was fixed, but perhaps if he followed a young man's journey to the top, he could find a new path. Remembering his time on Earth many years ago as a child, he follows the path of novels. "Let's pick the tags - System, Young Master, Rich Family." He manipulates a universe from behind the scenes to choose his first target - a young man from a rich family whose fate is to be a stepping-stone for a man with a better fate. Now, he only needs to insert a wisp of his soul into the young master while adding a little twist to allow the young master to change his miserable fate. "Oh damn, I forgot..." He realizes in the last moment that the curse worked again, messing up his plan. The young master regressed without his memories. The cursed god will be stuck in the body of an immature young master. --- *Might contain dark humor *Has some vulgar scenes, but no smut *Can be considered a Slice of Life **Notice** Want me to release the older chapters faster? Please leave some nice reviews!

Railvas · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 34 – A Date with Sheela

"Ah… okay…" Sheela was forced into accepting Glottis' invitation. After all, she did say she would accept his offer if Mike were out of the picture.

She hopped into the car, admiring the leather seats and the shining dashboard. Everything seemed futuristic as though she had entered a vehicle from a science fiction movie.

"Welcome," Glottis smiled and placed a hand on her thigh while driving away from school, taking her to a main shopping district where designer shops and fancy restaurants awaited them.

"Thanks," she forced out a smile as she grabbed his hand and put it back on the gear selector.

"I can't have you spend your free time wearing your school uniform," Glottis declared, "Let's get you some clothes."

"I'm not telling you where I live," she said in suspicion, squinting her eyes. "I'm fine with this outfit."

"You do look sexy in a skirt, but people will look at you with judging eyes if they see you with me wearing this, they will think you're a gold digger. We will just go shopping!"

"Aren't you a guy? Why are you excited about going shopping?" She was the first to judge. "Besides, if I wear expensive clothes you bought, wouldn't it make me a real gold digger?"

"I'm excited because you will model for me in tight, short, and translucent dresses. As for your other question, they can't tell who bought the dress unless you normally write this information on your clothes or enjoy yelling it outside."

"Hm, I don't yell it, I only take a picture and upload it to Instapound for my 230,448 followers to see."

"You know your exact number of followers?" Glottis asked in surprise, ignoring her sarcasm. He didn't take offense at her words, it only made her seem more spicy in his eyes.

"Yes," she took out her phone and opened the app, "Oh wait, no. It's 230,449 now."

"That's a lot of followers, do you upload bikini pictures or something?" He raised an eyebrow in surprise. He himself only used it to send messages to girls who uploaded bikini pictures. He should've seen her already if she uploaded bikini pictures.

"No, I upload content about achieving inner piece, it's part of a movement. It's very famous in the Fika continent," she started talking with shining bright eyes, "Due to my influence in the Arika continent, they gave me the title Priestess. It means nothing, really, it's just an honorary title," she chuckled.

"Not gonna lie there, it sounds like a sketchy cult. You can't convert me. That whole continent is filled with lunatics who control the masses with empty promises while hoarding wealth for themselves."

Glottis saw multiple red flags fluttering in the wind coming from the window above the girl's head.

"It's not a cult! We help people find their true inner piece! I get countless messages from men and women who have started practicing the doctrine of the Inner Peace Movement, and they all report they experienced enlightenment, making their lives happier and fulfilled."

She took a strong stance, protecting her beliefs. Regrettably, Glottis remained unimpressed.

"Most are men, aren't they?"

"Yes, how did you know?" she asked in surprise.

"Aiya, you are too naïve, Sheela," Glottis sighed. "They are just horny and try to find a way leading to your juicy butt through that inner peace bullshit. Your vagina is the only inner thing they are interested in. The few women messaging you are either lesbians, trans, or middle-aged aunties with nothing better to do with their free time."

"That's not true! You're looking down on my hard work!" She protested loudly. Those claims would mean her whole hard work was almost for nothing. She spent hours every day to respond the direct messages from those people!

"Sure, your work makes many things hard. Anyway, we are here, let's get off." Glottis parked the car in a free spot.

Sheela followed him silently, still fuming about his words. 'Jerk,' she thought to herself.

The young woman glanced around, her eyes wide at the luxury surrounding her. The shopping district was a dazzling array of lavishness, with high-end boutiques and designer stores lining the streets. A grand fountain, shaped like a dragon, stood as a centerpiece, its scales sculpted with precision.

The area buzzed with the rich, casually browsing through the latest fashion and jewelry, each piece more extravagant than the last. The air was perfumed with the scent of gourmet cuisine from upscale cafes, adding to the district's exclusive feel.

"Are we really shopping here?" Sheela asked, momentarily distracted from her anger by the sheer extravagance of it all. It was a stark contrast to her world, a reminder of the wealth that Glottis took for granted. She could still recognize a few of "Sheelas", people like her who only came for sightseeing. She could not separate herself from them in her mind.

"Yes, you can buy any dress you want for tonight, but I prefer it short, red, and revealing."

"Don't be disgusting, everything you would see, strangers would see too. We are in public, you know."

"Fair point. Then we can buy two dresses, one for the day, and another for later tonight when it's only the two of us," he continued his advances relentlessly without an ounce of shame.

"Yeah, not going to happen. Anyway, can we go to Rita Designs? I have followed her on Instapound for a few years now, I love her designs but could never afford it."

"So you are a gold digger! And you were so shy about it!" Exclaimed Glottis with faked shock. 'Every person has a small gold digger inside them that comes to light in the right circumstances,' he believed. Even men liked to squander others' money.

"This is just my compensation for being forced to spend time with you," she shrugged.

"Hey, if I'm paying my woman, I expect much more than 'time spending'."

She did not answer, entering a small boutique with exorbitant price tags all over its clothes. The shop sold mainly women's lingerie and dresses, and Glottis was the sole man to enter. He did enjoy the sight of two women showing their friends a few tempting bras and panties before those noticed him and went back to the fitting rooms.

There were only five women in the shop other than the seller who wrinkled her nose when she saw Sheela's sparkling eyes upon seeing the merchandise. It was the trademark of people who weren't used to shopping in such places, and those people normally did not have the money required for shopping in such places.

The right wall captivated Sheela's attention. It was adorned with an exquisite selection of lingerie, all of which were delicate and beautiful. Fine lace and soft silk garments were artfully presented, ranging from elegant, understated designs to more intricate, embellished pieces. The display exuded a sense of refined sensuality, with bras, panties, and nightgowns in a variety of styles and colors, each carefully arranged to showcase its unique features.

Turning to the left wall, Sheela found a stunning array of women's dresses. From floor-length gowns to chic cocktail dresses, each item hung perfectly, as if waiting for the right person to bring it to life. The fabrics ranged from flowing chiffons to rich velvets, some decorated with sparkling sequins or subtle embroidery.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" the seamstress asked the pair. Her frown eased when she saw Glottis' nonchalant behavior. He never gave a second glance at any price tag. In fact, he didn't even give it a first one. Other than his attitude, she easily recognized his outfit as the handwork of a colleague down the avenue.

"I would like to buy a dress for her. Pick a piece she can wear while hanging out around town with me without looking like an outcast or something," Glottis said. "And, make sure to convince her to take one of the sexier lingerie as well," he added in a lower voice while Sheela was browsing the dresses on the wall.

"I see, since it's for tonight, I can't sew a new article for her. Let's take something from the hangers and fix it for her." She nodded and walked to the said woman. She was much nicer now that she knew that the excited commoner had a 'sugar daddy' to cover the expenses. 'More of a sugar brother,' she mused with a light smile as she tapped the customer's shoulder.

"Hello, Miss…?" she approached her with a welcoming smile.

"Sheela. I'm a big fan of yours, Miss Rita, I've been following your Instapound page for years. I always wanted to wear your crafts!" the girl answered with a wide smile of her own.

"Haha, I'm flattered. You certainly have a good eye for clothes! How about I help you pick something so you can have the rest of the night spent with your boyfriend?" Rita nodded in practiced excitement, "Seems like you struck it rich this time, young girl!" she added with a naughty whisper and a giggle.

"Shh, buying here is the only good thing about going out on a date with him. It's better if we choose slowly," Sheela whispered back with a giggle of her own.

'Damn, that bitch is a gold digger through and through,' Rita shook her head, feeling sorry for the poor boy who fell into Sheela's net. 'Well, I guess he isn't exactly poor either…' she commented in her mind while deciding to present to the girl the most expensive dress in the store.