A groan filled the silence of the night as a man found himself landing on the rough ground unceremoniously. The stranger tutting as he tried to blink his eyes open though he made no move to get up from his sprawled out position. His brow quickly furrowed as he eyed the sign on the building before him.
Kurosaki Clinic?
"What am I doing here?" He drawled from his position on the ground, his eyes minutely widening as he read over the sign again. He promptly switched to a seated position, his eyes widening still.
"Better yet, where am I?" He questioned no-one in particular.
"No... Hang on..." His voice slowed, his eyes widened as far as they could, the lone strand on his head straightening as his reishi spiked. "Who am I-" He'd originally started, his face tilting as a nonexistent camera zoomed in before the stranger promptly gave it up as a bad effort and relaxed his face.
"I have got way too much time on my hands..." He remarked bored as he quickly straightened himself up, his hands in his pockets.
He carefully eyed the clinic before him, once again wondering how he'd found himself in... He quickly raised a finger, licked it and raised it to the air before he wiped it off, a second later, using his uniform because he wasn't a savage and could actually sense the fact he was in the human world.
But why was he here?
The last thing he could remember was a blinding flash of light as he tried to protect..? Someone by fighting them?
He was pretty sure there was something wrong with that sentence.
Still, other than that and his, practically up until his adolescences, earlier memories, he couldn't remember much else...
Who was he fighting... To protect?
He narrowed his eyes as he felt something stir in the pit of his stomach! A feeling he knew off but had forgotten! A sensation that-
'Growl' His stomach grumpily purred as it demanded food.
Askin Nakk Le Vaar twitched before raising his head, taking another brief look over the clinic before shrugging it off as unimportant and promptly beginning his quest to find food.
And his memories of course.
But food first.
Food was always first.
"Give me your finest cup of coffee!" He remarked as he walked towards the man showcasing a few teeth in the process as he smiled at the big man before the door. His quest for food had failed on account of it being past midnight. This had been the first open business he'd found on his way and he doubted they sold any meals.
"This is a nightclub." The bouncer remarked with a frown on his face as he eyed him-
"Alright, put alcohol in it, I don't mind." He deadpanned as he waved a single hand.
The man blinked a few times as he stared at the either clearly drunk, or insane individual for a moment though before he even opened his mouth to react, the weirdo interrupted him again.
"I am getting that coffee. Just so were clear." He remarked as he crossed his arms.
Author Notes: Everyone, meet number one of x(Undecided) reckless Sternritters who tried to stop Yhwach's mini fit across the Wandenreich.
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!
Edit: Added an extra snippet. Couldn't think of any other business that might be open at the time.
The coffees a very important part of the plot.
Last part (May or may not be split into two will cover what each of the captains, that had shown up at the broken tower after Yhwach, had been doing.