
CHAPTER 1: the young miss

The sound of the flute instrument playing could be heard deep with in a large forest where huge tree and wild animals surround it parts. The sound of the music was pleasant to the ears but it's pleasantry could not compliment the outlook of the forest as it held a dark and horrifying atmosphere which could make one think twice before going into it, but to a little girl who appears know less than five years of age, it would seem like any other forest as she often spend her times there. She seat down on a tree stump in the middle of the forest with no fear in mind of the horror beast or creatures that might infested it's ground as her continued playing. She held the flute delicately up to her lips. Her eyes were close but at times she would open them to reveal a pair of dark red eyes which stared at nothing in particular but as the breeze blew over her face her would close them back to prevent her long black hair from falling on her face. This was the moment the little girl felt tranquility and at peace as she lost herself to the flute melody's.


Came the sudden yell which startled the girl as she turned to see who was calling her but to her surprise it was her Nanny, Martha. But the surpring part was not at the sudden appearance of her Nanny but by the state her was in.

A beautiful blonde haired woman who looked to be in her early thirties; ran toward the girl like she was being pursued with her long hair left out unkept and some twigs hung on each sides, some parts of her long grown was dirty and some were tored due to them getting caught by brunches which made the woman appeared raggedly.

"Martha!, what happened," Raven asked worriedly as to was might be chasing her Nanny for her not to care about her appearance; as the woman holds great importance to her looks. She reached the little girl but the woman said nothing as she gasps of some air.

Martha is the young girl loyal Nanny and faithful accomplice in all her cunning. Ever since Raven was born, Martha has been taking care of her as a real mother should. Even if at times it was becoming a challenge on rising the girl, The woman has proven to be an incredible Nunny, though... to other she could not be called one as her wild nature and arrogance had left her quite a reputation which don't sit well with some of Raven's family members but more or less The girl was happy to have her.

"Hi-His back," came the still panting woman."We need to leave, now!" And with that she quickly grabbed the girl's arm and began to move with haste but the little girl pulled back from her Nanny to say.

"First calm down and tell me what happened and who's back?"

"You don't understand miss Raven, we need to leave now!" Martha tried to persuade her as she pulled her hand once again to move but the girl was having none of that as she also stood her ground in not moving.

"Then let me understand," Pouted Raven.

"Why are you so willful," Her sighed silently.

"I believe I learn it from you, dear Martha," She chuckled sarcastically.

Taking some air to her lungs, Martha exhaled to finally speak. "Lo-Lord Maxwell, his back and his coming,"

"... So?" Raven trailed, not knowing why the sudden return of her uncle, who traveled to the southern land only come back had troubled her Nanny. So her tried guessing. "Is...it that Uncle have read your unfinished love letters," She stated to have her Nanny eyes go wide in shock.

"How? did you-" Raven giggled at Martha reaction as she turned to both her side, making sure no one was intruding on them.

"No dear! He found out,"

"He found out what?" Murmured Raven as her once smiling face turned serious as she might have a hinting feeling on the matter.

" He found out about what we did to the governess,"

On hearing this Raven expression instantly drop as it turned into that of horror.

"WHAT!!!, How did he found out," Raven screamed as she would feel the sudden anxiety rising with in her. "And why are you just telling me this?"

"I tried to-" Martha could not finish her sentence as a loud voice interrupted her from speaking any further.

"RAVEN!!!, WHERE'S THAT UNGRATEFUL BRAT!!!"Came a thunderous yell."SEARCH ANYWHERE AND DO NOT STOP UNTIL WE FIND THEM!!!," Roared the man who was none-other than Raven's uncle Lord maxwell white of the Eastern land.

"He found us, Martha," Whispered the little girl as they both instinctively hid behind a large bush.

"What do we do now," Raven said to Martha only to see her with a hopeless smile on her face, she replied softly. "Simple we run!, as you know, the old sayings 'he who leaves: live to fight another day."

Raven was beyond lost of words on how to comprehends the thought that comes out from her Nanny mind, some times she was full of wisdom and at times she's quite silly, but today she as proven to be the most intelligent person in Raven's heart. "That's a smart idea Martha," Praised the little girl to her Nanny. "But where do we go?"

"I have no idea, but let's come back before dinner."

Before they could set their plan in action a sudden voice from behind took them off guard.

"My Lord, I heard voices coming from that bush."

"They've spot us."


They quickly dash out of their hiding place and started running like their life's depended on it, but sadly their efforts was fruitless as her uncle with to other men suddenly appeared before them in a blink of an eye.

Next chapter