
Chapter Three: A better hope

I went back to my room and took off my clothes then soaked myself in the bathtub. The relaxing feeling I got made me feel a lot better. I wondered when next I would see the man that I met at the party yesterday.

He looked so stunning in his navy blue suit paired with black with a black shirt and shoes. His aura presented that of strong, rich and dangerous sexy young man. The masquerade party didn't let me get a proper view of his face cause of the mask he was wearing. I could only get view of his sparkling light brown eyes and his pink lips.

He looked so good to be real. Would I ever see him again? I thought. I didn't even get his name. The last memory was of the slow music dance we together and just when I taught he was going to kiss me, the music ended and he quickly retreated. I didn't even see him again after that.

It was like he vanished into thin air. I only knew he was one of the guests that attention the party my father threw for his company which made new profits and new business partners. Was he one of the business partner? I wondered.

I sighed as I reached out for my phone and called my best friend Kelly, she didn't pick up even after calling her twice. I got out from the bath tub and put on my night wear for it was already past 8pm. I decided to take a strode to the garden, my favorite spot in the mansion.

Sitting down at the swinging chair at garden, I admired the view of the flowers before me. It was autumn season and the trees were shredding their leaves and some animals got ready to go into hibernation for the then coming winter period. I was enjoying the cool breeze when I felt someone's presence.

I turned to realize it was my mother and she explained that she had looked for me in my room and then she decided to check the garden. She sat down on the swinging chair with me while the street lights we had in our garden brightened up the garden.

My mother, Mrs Alexia Walter, known for he kindness and upright attitude was the woman that supported my father all through his life. She still looked young despite her advancement in age, graceful and very beautiful. She explains the reason for my exceptional beauty and I was proud to be her daughter. She asked if I was alright and I assured her that I was.

"Zara", she said, "you are our only child and I can tell when something is bothering you." I wasn't bothered as such but I still asked if she felt that I should be trained under some mysterious man.

She replied by saying that her herself didn't know if that was the right thing to do but since no one knows tomorrow, all we can do was to arrange for the best and hope the best.

Certain tough decisions must be made in other to excel greatly some even more dangerous than the others but always remain determined and hard working.

She was right I said to myself. She was always right. She always gave me new confidence when I felt I had no more.

The vibration of my phone took over my attention and the caller was Kelly, requesting for a video call. My mother gave me a hug as she departed and I accepted the video call request.

Please stay tuned and I would be updating another chapter today. Remember to give a good rating

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