
Chapter One

"Soulmate - a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or possibly romantic partner"

When I was little I used to think that I would meet my prince charming and ride into the sunset. We would be living happily ever after, but life had other plans. I did meet my prince charming we fell in love and all of that good stuff. I thought we were going to have a long-lasting love, like the ones in the movies, and cheesy romance novels. That we would grow old together, but I guess I was the only one who thought like that. I thought David and I weren't meant to be, because we are completely opposite.

I knew of David when we were in high school. We weren't high school sweethearts or anything, he didn't even knew that I existed. He was one of the popular kids, while I was and was and am a very shy person. While everyone around my age was going out to parties and dating. I would much rather be home, watching tv, or reading a book. I am and continue to be very antisocial. I feel safe in the comfort of my own home. David and I meet once more while I was out with some of my family members for dinner. After that we went out on serval more dates, we dated for 4 years and then we got married. The day we got married was the same as our anniversary. I bet this sounds so sweet and loving, and it was.

After a while, I began to notice changes in David's behavior. How he would come home late from work, and how early he leaves for work. David works at a company, his division is sales, and sale marketing. We would have breakfast together every morning, and now I would eat alone. I would always tell myself that he has a lot of work or he is just really busy. I found out he was cheating on me by accident really, I thought I would surprise him with a lunch date at the office.

I got the shock of a lifetime when I walked into my husbands' office and saw him they're making out with one of his co-workers. He didn't even acknowledge that I was there. I was in a state of shock and disbelief. I just couldn't comprehend that this was happing. What I should have done was confronted him right then and there, but I just closed the door and walked away. I dropped off his lunch with one of his co-workers asking them to give it to him. In that moment I didn't feel anything at first, it was more like a numb feeling that ran through my body. Once I stepped out of the building I let my tears fall. I continued to walk down the busy street, at that moment that's when everything hit me. I felt like someone got my heart and began to stomp on it. I thought everything was going well in our marriage. I tried my best to be the perfect wife, loving, caring, supportive, understanding.

Where did I fail in doing that?

Where did I go wrong?

Is there something wrong with me?

How could he do this to me?

How could I be so fucken clueless?

How long has this been going on?

Am I that horrible?

The more and more I think about it, everything began to make more and more sense. All of his weird behavior from the past few months. Just thinking of the person I love, kissing someone else with the same lips he kissed me, makes me sick to my stomach. I just wanted to go somewhere that will take this pain away from me. I make it to a park bench where I just cry, to let this pain away. There are a couple of kids playing and some parents nearby watching them. David and I have always wanted to start a family, but I came to learn that things don't always come out as planned. I recently learned that I am infertile.

I have known this for weeks, I have been too much of a coward and not told him anything. But never in a million years, I would walk in to see the person that holds my heart, making out with someone else, now that's a whole new type of pain.

Apart of me wants to go back to the house, that we share, pack up my stuff and leave his ass. Forget he was ever a part of my life, and move on. But another part of my life wants to stay and ignore everything, To ignore that I ever saw anything, just pretend that nothing has ever happened. To try and win my husband back. I know I can win him back, I just have to try hard enough. I wipe my tears, I feel a new set of determination building inside of me. I am going to fight to save my marriage. I don't care how long it takes, but I am going to win my husband back from that girl.

Some people may call me foolish, or stupid for wanting to stick around. Trying to convince him that he should stay with me. I stand up from the bench with a new sense of determination. There will be no more 'what if' form now and on they will only be 'I will.' It's time for me to win back my husband and show him why he fell in love with me.

One Month Later

"Now Miss. Hernandez, I have been instructed by Mr. Reyes, to serve you with these divorce papers. He would like for you to sign them as quickly as possible. He said and I quote" I want that bitch out of my house as quickly as possible." "I'm sorry," said David's attorney. This is was the final straw, I tried my best to save this failing marriage, but all of my efforts were in vain. "Well, we shouldn't make him wait long." I said with a sigh, I grab the pen and signed my name in the corresponding places. "Please file these quickly." I said to the attorney, he simply nodded " and the David, that I'll be out of his house as quickly as possible." I just received a nod in response.

Yes, I'm still living at his house, I just moved downstairs into the guest bedroom. I grab one of David's many suitcases and begin packing my things. After a few hours, I finish packing everything. I grab my bag and sling it across my body. Looking back at the house that I called home for the past four years of my life. "I can't believe this is happening", I grab the suitcase and drag it behind me. And with that, I close the front door. Who would have thought that I would be divorced before the age of thirty? But I guess some things weren't meant to last forever.

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