
Selfless Of You

"We had just returned from the picnic and we had about two hours before the movie so Dad decided to use it to do some office work, Mom went to the kitchen to experiment on more recipes and I went to my tree house at the back of the house--

His throat clogged up and I could tell this was the hard part. I went to his side and hugged him. He sniffed a little trying to reign in the tears.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to Aid." I tried to console him.

"No, it's okay. I have to get it off my chest. I've never talked it out with anyone before."

"Okay, if you really want to." I relented. "The assassins had been too many, my Mom and Dad were injured badly. My cousin was able to kill them all. But before he got to the last one, he'd already shoved a ----s-stake t-to m-m my. m-moms heart--"

"Enough, dont continue anymore ."

"No I --- hiccup, I must--- hiccup. I have to overcome this---hiccup."

"Silly mule." I sighed as I conforted the stubborn night creature. Now I wish I'd never asked the question. I'm not very good with tears. Main reason why I don't have female friends, I can never understand them. The girls I mean, although we're of the same sex. Hmm! Back to Mr. Stubborn.

"My mother had been trying to save me because I got in a little after my cousin arrived. My mother took the stake for me" he wiped his tears and cleaned his snot with the hem of his shirt. He stayed silent for a while, staring at the clouds.

I could do nothing but to rub his back in circles, hoping to soothe his pain a little.

"My cousin had to kill my Dad after finshing of the assassin who staked my mother"

"What, why?"

"Ah! No! Don't misunderstand. When a vampire's heart is pierced with a wooden object, he dies. After my mother's death, my father couldn't take the pain of being without his beloved, it was either to die or go rogue.

"Since going rogue wasn't an option to begin with, my father asked my cousin to kill him instead. My cousin without choice and a better option, closed my eyes and shoved the stake into my father's heart.

"Even after the kill, he didn't let me see and transported us to the castle where I've lived until I came here."

"Wow, big of him.So you're greatfuk to him because of the castle life?" I asked , baffled. He didn't seem like the type.

"Silly girl, of course. Up until now, my cousin still hasn't found his mate. If it were not for me and my parents, he'd be together with his beloved already. He gave up his only chance of happiness for us."


"And do you know? Till now he has never put the blame on me neither has he treated me badly for the lost golden opportunity.

"Our mates mean everything to us Everlette, especially us royals, and most importantly to the King. He brought me up and has looked after me like his own little brother. I never did anything to deserve it."

"You really admire him a lot, don't you?" I smiled .

""You could say that, I want to grow to become just like him. He always put the needs of his people first before his own. There'll never be a King more better than him." He replied with eyes glowing with admiration.

"Now I understand your reason to go back when you don't find her. That's really selfless of you. I feel like a proud mother right now."

"Way to break the moment" he shoved at my shoulder, laughing.

I also smiled widely and chuckled a little, glad that he was back to his optimistic self.

"It's getting dark, let's head back before Dad starts to worry" I stood up, picked my bag and waited for him to follow up.

" Yeah, that cranky old man. Now even the same goes for me. No more freedom."

"Shut up, you know you love it." I punched his shoulder as we walked through the woods.

" Leave there, you're only saying that because now you have someone to share the scolding and punishmennts with. Hmph!" he crossed his arms childly and stomped away.

I ran to catch up to him. He could be such a baby sometimes, and he claims he's the adult between the two of us because of his age. Pfft! and pigs fly.

That night I couldn't sleep even though it was all that I wanted to do.

I kept thinking about what Aiden had told me. He's always so jovial and acts so worry free that you'd never suspect her has any problems. I didn't think he'd have such an awful past.

I wish I could do something to help him. After everything he's been through, he deserves to find his beloved. Although I understand his family's plight and the need for the sacrifice, I can't allow that boy to choose someone who would not bring him the ultimate happiness he deserves.

If he were to choose someone else, after fully mating, they might develop real feelings for each but I don't think it can compare to how he'd actually feel with his real mate. If it were me, I know I'd still be thinking how it'd be if I'd found my mate.

It's not fair on both sides.They should just find the person behind the assassinations and finish him. I'll not allow my best friend and brother to go through that. I won't allow it, they'd have to go through me. I'll kidnap Aiden if I have to, as long as it saves him from centuries of sadness.

I slowly drifted off with these thoughts swelling in my head. Alas!, sleep,Mmmm.


Walking around with an overly enthusiastic person, when you've barely slept for three hours because you were thinking about that same person, what do you do?

I wish I could stuff something big down his throat so he'd stop talking. I'm glad he's back to his usual all sunshine self but he could cut it down a little.

I feel like I've been ran over by a long vehicle, suffocated in an icy lake then left in a hot desert to choke on sand. In all, I feel horrible. I was so sleepy during breakfast that I spilled my hot scorching tea onto my beautiful blouse. As I tried to hurry to the bathroom to change out of my clothes, my skirt got stuck in the chair. I almost tripped on my way to my walk-in closet.

This morning has been awful. Should I emphasize the fact that I'm still very sleepy?

"There's a new horror movie coming out next week-"

"Can you just shut up Aid? Ugh!" I exclaimed in exhaustion. I was so tired of this guy's ramblings this morning. My head feels like it's about to blow.

"Well, someone's got their panties in a twist"

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