
Chapter 4: The Times We Know/Arc 1.3

Dark blue eyes concentrated on the work before them as a pale hand flipped the pages once in a while. The room was dim, the main source of light from the lamp on the wooden desk. A creak sounded and a sliver of light entered through the door.

Zhou Jian raised his gaze to be met with light brown eyes. The youth timidly peeked his head through the gap and opened his mouth to say something.

"C-can I come in?"

The tall man nodded, his eyes returning to their work while Chen Xiang quickly sat down. Fidgeting, the boy stole glances at the ethereal man before him. Seeing that he wasn't going to speak, Zhou Jian started a conversation.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing...just, umm. You told me to come, remember?"

The pheonix eyes blinked. That did seem to be the case. Mumbling an apology, Zhou Jian shifted his attention to the boy.

"I did. I'm just checking up on you. Are you planning to film tomorrow?"

"Yeah, there's no need to delay. It's just a bump."

Zhou Jian raised a brow but didn't comment. The room was soon engulfed in silence as the CEO focused back on his work. Chen Xiang watched silently, his gaze boring into the man.

"You're going to burn a hole into my head. Is there something you need?"

The youth jumped at this. Taking note of the questioning gaze, he looked away in embarresment. With a flushed face, he shook his head hastily.

"No, sorry. I'll go now."

The younger one stood and left, heading to his room in a hurry. Left alone, the handsome man was confused but forgot about it to focus on his work.

Days later, Chen Xiang silently made his way to the table one morning. Cold eyes looked at him and a sliver of surprise was visible on Zhou Jian's face.

[ He normally eats in his room. What's with the change? ]

With this thought, the tiny curiosity from his earlier observations grew. Resting the document down, Zhou Jian focused on the lowered head.

"How is the drama going?"

The brown eyes widened slightly. It took a moment before the boy raised his head to answer.

"It's ok."

"Is your acting improving?"

Shame overcame Chen Xiang hearing this. It was obvious from the question that the man was quite aware of what was circulating online. The head lowered once more as the youth remained silent.

[ He's acting like a mouse, so timid. ]

Zhou Jian looked at the boy in interest as his mind turned with thoughts. The boy before him seems different. The Chen Xiang he knew was gloomy at times and whiny the next, most likely due to him being spoilt by his parents.

Chen Xiang often acted like he had forgotten that his parents weren't around to protect him anymore, nor give him whatever he wished. In the past, Zhou Jian had noticed that despite this the boy wasn't troublesome so often left Chen Xiang to his own devices.

[ I normally get reports on what he'd done once in a while but...they seem a bit faulty. ]

"Chen Xiang."

The peach blossom eyes were unfocused, seeming to be in a daze and it took another call for him to snap out of it and answer. Taking note of these actions, Zhou Jian couldn't help but feel his lip twitch. The way the boy went off into his own world, a dim shine covering his eyes and the airheaded look was a bit cute.

Hearing these thoughts of his, the CEO was shocked. However, he didn't have time to think more on it as Chen Xiang was waiting expectantly. Clearing his throat, Zhou Jian nonchalantly suggested.

"How about I drop you today?"


The brown eyes widened in surprise when the older man nodded. Chen Xiang thought over it for a minute before answering softly.

"Um, well, thanks. Sorry for troubling you."

Brushing it off as no big deal, Zhou Jian picked back up the document and continued reading. Chen Xiang had an unfathomable gaze as he watched his guardian. After a few seconds, blue eyes glanced up at him. It only took a moment for the confusion in the brown eyes to recede.


Zhou Jian shook his head lightly as he viewed the boys flushed faced.

[ Pff, he looks like a cherry. He's so easily embarrassed. ]

"Why do you keep staring then?"


Chen Xiang immidiately averted his gaze. The older man raised a brow and waited patiently. The boy's hands twisted in knots as his eyes darted around the room. Noticing that he wasn't answering, Zhou Jian pried further.


Feeling pressured, Chen Xiang finally moved his mouth and mumbled something. His ears bright red, he covered his face. Zhou Jian on the other hand was speechless. Recovering, a low chuckle sounded in the room.

"Is that so? What a compliment."

Chen Xiang took one glance at the amusement in those blue eyes and couldn't bring himself to look up again. Luckily, Aunt Lu, the housekeeper, brought breakfast just at that moment so the boy quickly dug into his meal.

Thanking her, Zhou Jian began eating as well. In his mind, a few thoughts flashed by.

[ I don't think anyone's ever told me that to my face yet this little mouse did. They're normally scared by my aura to dare start any small chat...well except Wang Tao but he'd probably be the last to say that. ]

Despite how small Chen Xiang's voice was earlier, the CEO's keen ears picked it up. Zhou Jian had clearly heard the words 'because you're handsome' which the youth had forced out with difficulty and was a bit surprised.

Shaking his head inwardly, the two finished their meal and the older man dropped the boy off at the film site. Unfortunately, Zhou Jian didn't have a chance to converse more with Chen Xiang since the youth was too embarrassed to speak up or meet his gaze.

A few weeks later, Chen Xiang sat in the couch quietly reading his script. Flipping a page, the brown eyes concentrated carefully on the scenes he was reading.

"Chen Xiang?"

Startled, the boy jumped, flinging the book a few feet away in his fright . The wide eyed boy only calmed down once he noticed the older man. Zhou Jian chuckled lightly at Chen Xiang's reaction.

"P-please don't laugh."

"Ahem, I'm sorry "

Glee twirled in the blue eyes watching the boy pout. Seeing those puffed up cheeks like a chipmunk, Zhou Jian couldn't resist the urge to pinch it. Chen Xiang shrunk back hastily, his face a tomato once again.

Rubbing his aching cheek, a hint of annoyance slipped through which the CEO caught quickly.

[ Oh? ]

A thought popped up in his head but the older man didn't mull over it. Walking around the couch and sitting, Zhou Jian smiled lightly watching the boy shift to the far end.

"What are you doing?"

"...Studying the script."

Picking up the script, Cheng Xiang patted it lightly before fixing himself comfortably back in the couch. The peach blossom eyes glanced at the older man hearing the next question.

"Do you like acting?"

"Yeah, it's very nice...and emotional...do you?"

The pheonix eyes blinked as he thought it over. It wasn't like Zhou Jian had never tried acting before but he'd never stopped to ask himself whether he liked it or not.

"I don't know."

"Oh, then what do you like?"

The innocent face turned towards him, some curiosity visible. Smiling lightly, the CEO moved to sit beside the boy. Seeing him recoil, the older man showed a hurt expression.

"I don't bite you know."

Even though Chen Xiang didn't answer, his gaze was skeptical enough for Zhou Jian to get the message. Showing a helpless expression, he created more distance between them. Having satisfied the younger one, Zhou Jian continued their discussion.

"Mm, I like to read and swim. I think those are the main things. Do you like anything besides acting?"

Chen Xiang took a moment to think before nodding his head.

"I like to watch movies."

"What else?"



Lights flashed and cameras rolled. Staff shuffled around to set up the next scene as Director Mo called out a few orders and turned to the actor he was instructing.

Brown eyes watched the blond some distance away who was nodding his head to the director's words. No thoughts or emotions could be told from the gaze as he observed them silently. Listening to the senior, the boy's light blue eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled. Giving Director Mo a curt nod, the youth took notice of the transmigrator and his smile widened.

The brown peach blossom eyes remained unblinking and Chen Xiang only nodded slightly. A dark look flashed across the blue eyes with the limited response but he didn't have time to stop and chat. With a slight scowl, the boy left Chen Xiang alone.

Chen Xiang was currently at the film site for the martial drama 'An Eternity'. At the moment, he had been studying his script before it was his turn to shoot scenes when he caught sight if Wu Jang. Wu Jang was the originals best friend but ever since taking over, Chen Xiang had made an effort to distance himself.

Not caring for the matter, the youth lowered his head to continue reading.

"Chen Xiang!"

Blinking, the boys head shot up in confusion. Turning, he faced a young woman with a fairly average face. Seeing that she got his attention, the staff member quickly explained.

"There's someone here to see you."

The thin brows scrunched up slightly. Chen Xiang was a bit skeptical on this.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Fang said they definitely said your name."

Someone came to see him? Pondering for a but, Chen Xiang showed an expression if surprised. Some apprehension flashed in the brown eyes as he stood up quickly. The youth finally realized who had come.

The woman led the boy outside in a few moments. Looking over, Chen Xiang's face lit up spotting the tall man. Hurrying over, he caught the older man's attention and the cold face softened noticibly.

"Jian Ge! What are you doing here?"

Zhou Jian smiled in satisfaction at this. He had only recently convinced the boy to address him as such. The CEO had noticed that Chen Xiang had avoided addressing him with a term, most likely because it would be akward to call the man uncle. After all, they were only a few years apart. With this in mind, Zhou Jian finally gave Chen Xiang something to call him by.

Softly patting the black hair, Chen Xiang was taken off guard but soon calmed down. A warm feeling grew in the CEO seeing that the youth didn't move his hand.

"Of course I came to see you. I wanted to witness your skill myself."

Hearing this, a faint blush surfaced on Chen Xiang's face. As the two had become closer and more comfortable with each other, the youth had started talking about his time with the crew. Naturally, he also mentioned the great improvement in his acting skills.

Nodding his head, Chen Xiang grabbed Zhou Jian's hand and brought him inside, introducing him to everyone. Shortly afterwards, the CEO sat down to watch the youth perform, quite impressed by the skills showcased.

A few mornings later, Chen Xiang silently ate his breakfast, glancing at the older man from time to time. Zhou Jian simply pretended not to notice the other's looks, scrolling through something on his phone.

Uncertainty flashed in the brown eyes as the boy fidgeted. Zhou Jian watched in amusement as the boy gathered up his now grown courage to speak up.As he played with his food, Chen Xiang asked softly,

"Jiang Ge, can you help me get the role of second male lead in the drama 'Two Lovers'?"

'Two Lovers' was the name of a popular novel that was being adapted into a drama with Director Mu, a well known director, in charge.

Zhou Industries had an entertainment company called Cherry Entertainment. It was the top in the entertainment industry and produced a lot of A-list actors and agents.

As the CEO, Zhou Jian would naturally have the connections to land such a role.

Staring at those nervous peach blossom eyes, affection slightly bubbled up inside Zhou Jian. How could he say no and disappoint the other?

[ Besides, he's very skilled. He'll perform well. ]

Thinking it over, Zhou Jian quickly decided to fulfill the request.

"Sure, that wouldn't be a problem."



Hearing this, the boy smiled brightly and his eyes sparkled. Zhou Jian felt his breath hitch as he stared at the beautiful sight and he felt a pinch in his heart. At that moment, something foreign began develop within.

A few days later, the pair stood outside the airport. Chen Xiang was about to enter to catch his flight to S city where the drama 'Two Lovers' was being filmed so Zhou Jian was sending him off.

'"Be careful, don't forget to eat your meals and call me at least once every day. Okay?"

Zhou Jian nagged as he rubbed Chen Xiang's fluffy hair.

"I know, I'll be careful. Stop worrying so much."

Chen Xiang showed a helpless expression on his face along with a smile. Zhou Jian was always so protective.

"Sorry, my bad. I'm just worried. Hurry up and go before you miss your flight."

Zhou Jian chuckled, and his eyes softened as he watched the youth. He'd really taken to the boy so he was reluctant to part like this.

Chen Xiang noticed his damp mood and his eyes twinkled. Stepping closing, he hesitated before shyly giving the older man a hug.

Zhou Jian was slow to react but he quickly returned the embrace.

"I'll miss you."

Hearing the words muttered by the boy, Zhou Jian felt his heart skip. A drum resounded in his ears crazily as he felt his whole body turn to mush. A bright smile crept onto his face.

"Mm, I'll miss you too."

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