
chapter 2

ding! ding! ding! dong!

that was the sound of ivy's alarm clock indicating the break of dawn as ivy twist and turned until she fell off her hard medium size bed and landed on the cold hard floor

ouch! I'll give anything to trade for a softer bed" that was all ivy could mutter in accordance to the pain she felt as she struck the cold hard floor . suddenly her bedroom door flingged open and a beautiful young lady with dark tooned skin and beautiful brown eyes made her way into the ivy's well decorated simple medium sized room.

The beautiful young lady walked toward the closed curtains in ivy's room and swinged it open thereby allowing the rays of light to hit the room making it look like an entirely different place

'Good morning sunshine,rise and shine. a new day with new adventures awaits you today ma lady' the young lady said with a smirk on her face as ivy sluggishly stood up from the cold floor she was glue on like a magnet and then slowly removed the bed spread which was tied round her as a result of the twist and turn she had did all through the night.

'arrghh!!! new adventures? hmmp more like new tortues' ivy murmur to her self in a low tone which was still able to be heard from a distance

'common ivy,don't be that way, where's the enthusiasm?' the lady said with a bit of sarcasm as she giggled quietly to herself

haha very funny Stella,you know what happened yesterday,I almost got caught plus that asshole dat bumped into me at the hotel which added to ma suffering, it's all his fault, yesterday was a close call, I ain't risking it anymore, I would av gotten killed if they had caught me ,thank goodness I'm an expert at running and I was clever enough to outsmart them

hmmp! clever u say? you know u would av gotten caught if not that I had Ur back and distracted them which gave u enough time to escape, by the way how did they know we were fake and trying to dupe them?

i have no idea Stella but we really have to be careful from now on so we don't lose our lives ,they are still on our trail

yeah Ur right vee, we will be careful next time

wait wait wait! no no no! there is no next time Stella, we can't keep doing this,let's just stop and live a normal life

what are u saying vee,u know we don't have a normal and we can't live a normal ever since the day our foster parent died and we ran away from the orphanage, we've been in this together and this is the only thing we can do to earn a living and put food on the table or do you want to go back to the streets?..

...but Stella,how long are we going to keep living like this? stealing and deceiving people just for scraps

well vee,those scraps are paying our bills and putting food on the table so we are in this together just until we get help okay, don't think about it to much ,we will be careful next time

hmm okay fine Ur right beside it's not like we can meet a rich guy Hus mother will offer us lot of money just to leave her son just like in the movies

hmm or can we? Stella said with a michevious smile on her face

no no! no no! no Stella !no!wipe that stupid smile off your face, I'm not going to support you in your silly devious plans

common ivy! this is the easiest way we can earn money without risking our lives and besides we aren't Hurting anyone ...ish

Stella I don't thin....

please vee vee,just this once ,if things start going south, we'll stop,I promise, pretty pretty please with puppy dog eyes' Stella said while portraying cuteness

haha fine okay,how can I refuse my cute adorable stella

yaayy,u won't regret it,I promise

hmm I just hope so but this time your the one doing it and I'll back u up okay? common let's get ready for school

okay go on and bath and I'll prepare breakfast' Stella said before smacking ivy on the butt and existing the room

haha naughty girl' ivy said with a giggle as she made her way towards the bathroom


Ethan pov

beep! beep!that was the sound of Ethan's electric alarm clock signifying a new day as Ethan rolled off the blanket off his body and made his way out of his soft large bed and into his huge bathroom which was the size of ivy's bedroom as he stepped into the shower and took a warm bath and brushed his teeth, he tied a towel round his waist and went back to his large well decorated bedroom and took a cloth from his walldrope and selected a blue top and a pair of black jeans with his black leather jacket and then made his way out of his room downwards the steps towards the living room where he met his parents discussing. his mum was busy arranging the flowers in the flower pot while his dad was relaxing on the cussion reading the days news paper

"Ethan darling are u on your way to school already?" Mrs Rose brooks, Ethan mother said while smiling at Ethan as she drop the remaining flowers which have not been put in place on the table and signaled one of the servants to fix it as she walked up to Ethan and greeted him with a warm hug and kiss

"good morning ethan, how are u doing,hope u enjoyed Ur sleep last night"Mrs Rose said again as she broke the hug while still holding Ethan's hands

"where were you through out last night young man"Ethan's father said while still reading his news paper and concentrating on it. Ethan then freed his self from his mother's grip and was making his way out the front door as he picked up his backpack which was on the floor close to the large cussion

unlike ivy,Ethan's family are very wealthy,their sitting room is large and has a big chandelier at the centre of the room and other few lights which helps brighten up the room, the house is well decorated with a colourful rythm of black and white. the cushions were black and the table and pillows were white and it gave the room a harmonizing look

"I was talking to you ethan, where were you last night' Mr Henry brooks asked again and this time with his attention on Ethan whom was now standing close to the exist and looking at his father

'honey don't be so mean,he probably just went out to study with a few friends, he's already late for school,just let him go' Mrs Rose said which smiling and Ethan buh Ethan still retained his cold expression

"your spoiling him to much, how is he supposed to take over the business if he is behaving like this"Mr Henry said

....I don't need your business or your money or Ur support,I can take care of maself' Ethan then said as he then exist the room

...Ethan! Ethan! Mr Henry called buh still no reply

darling u should av just let him be,he will come over all this okay? just let him be

no swetie,your pampering him to much,how will he grow and be matured

well forcing him isn't going to help matters at all,let's just give him some time to heal okay

hmm it's been years already,how much more time will it take, Mr Henry said

let's just wait for his wounds to heal and not add more salt to it okay

fine buh you will be responsible for Ur over pampering

haha let's forget about that now" Mrs rose said as they went back to doing their daily activities and reading the news paper

Next chapter