
(chapter one; is this a dog?)

This story starts in the village of Alynthi a village ruled by vampire hunters were the vampire king and beautiful women by the name of evalin pandora it was time for Eva to give birth and Lazarus wanted Eva to come with him but what she didn't know was that he was a vampire "come with me and be my vampire queen!-" smack! Eva had smacked him "be a vampire with you! ha! This is all your fault I never wanna see you again!" (16 years later) and my life is pure shit my mom hates me and my stepdad is a strict vampire hunter fan he even tried to convince me to get a garlic shot which I promptly refused but lately, I've been getting weird vibes from the forest as if something was calling me and me when I talked to Michelle she ratted me out thinking im getting mind fucked by a vampire and I'm set to get a garlic shot soon so at night I planned to run away so I packed my shit and I left in the night into the woods when I stumbled on a group of vampires performing a ritual "well well well look at what we got here * he picks me up and carries me over to the others* a little human we should eat him" "fuck" the vampires had never seen a mortal run as fast as Michael did that day they would laugh if they weren't so surprised "huh that was easy" I say finishing my monologue before realizing I had run right into vampire territory! "Shit im screwed," I say before ducking into a bush 'real manly' i cringe "death would be more manly," a wolf boy says also in the bush before looking at me "crap" we say in unison "how'd a wolf get this far into vampire territory" he scuffed "how did a human get past those guards!" I puff up with pride "I was top in track!" he looks somewhat surprised "humans have track? I thought you, humans, were too keen on farming and hiding to run track" I laugh "at least I don't smell like a wet dog all the time" he scuffed before covering his mouth "shh a vampire guard is coming our way!" I duck lower down as they walk past us phew! Hey! Let's escape! Together" I nod reluctantly "on my mark one two three!" I bolt from my spot as fast as lightning before he even said go "ah! Wait up! god your fast"

yup another one's up and at em

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