
Foresight: The Power Of Future

Time is omnipotent. It can only flow like a river in one direction, from Past to Future. But what if one gets the ability to see Future? i.e. Foresight. Victor, a 16 year old, sees skillbook 'Foresight' in his room. While picking up the book, he obtains the skill 'Foresight'. What will he do with the skill? How will he use the power to see future? .....

Darkday02 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A new Friend!

After taking a quick shower, I was feeling quite hungry. I checked the time, and it was already 2 p.m. I then headed to the restaurant that Monica showed me today, as I was not in the mood to make it myself. I put on a white shirt and a pair of jean and headed out.

Arriving at the plaza, I thought of having a nice lunch...

...But I can't even have that. As I was about to enter a restaurant, I heard an all-too-familiar voice.

"Victor! Hey, Victor! Here!"

I turned around and saw Monica waving her hands toward me and standing with someone near a café. I would say, I am not even surprised to find her here.

I headed to where she was, and said nonchalantly, "Well, Monica, What are you doing here?"

"That's my question, What are you doing here? I thought you went to skull-rock."

Nodding my head, I said: "Yeah, I went there. It was quite a surprising place. A big rock looking like a giant demon skull in the middle of a forest surrounded by others."

"Well, it's not surprising, as it is one of the places for making out." Pointing at the girl beside her, she said: "Oh! Meet Ruby, I am sure you have met somewhere before."

I turned to look at the girl beside her, she was about 177 cm in height. She had silver hair with hints of golden color at the ends, beautiful red eyes, and raspberry like red lips. She wore a white top and a black culotte. She was stunningly beautiful.

I extended my hand for a handshake and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Victor Hall. Pleased to meet you."

Accepting the handshake, she said with hints of excitement, "Oh! So, you're Victor Hall, rank-1 in the entrance exam!"

Nodding my head, I nonchalantly said, "Hmm.. Yes, I am that Victor Hall."

Noticing that she raised her voice, she said: "Sorry about that, I was just excited to meet the student who ranked first in the exam. By the way, I am Ruby snow, ranked third in the exam."

"Oh! Congratulations to you for that, I didn't know that." Turning to Monica, I said. "So, why did you call me?"

"Hmm... Nothing. I just saw you and called you to introduce to Ruby. She was going on about that you killed 180 golems in the exam and set a new record or something. What are you doing here?"

"That... I just wanted to have a nice and quiet lunch after training."

"We are also having lunch, wanna join us?"

Shaking my said, I said: "Nope."

"Oh, don't be shy, just come with us." After saying that, she dragged me along with Ruby to a restaurant near us.


Sitting by the window, it had a nice view of both outside and inside. The restaurant's interior was also quite impressive. I ordered 3 sandwiches, 2 salads and a jar filled with fruit juice.

Seeing me ordering, Monica asked, "Can you even finish all that you order?"

"Hmm... You see, I am very hungry today after training."

Nodding her head, she stayed silent. The silence continued for a few minutes until Ruby broke it.

She looked at me and asked, "Victor, I heard that you visited skull-rock. Why did you go there?"

"Hmm... Well, I just heard about it and thought it was interesting. So, I visited it."

She didn't look convinced, so as Monica.

Not convinced by my answer, Monica asked: "Didn't someone ask you to go there or something?"

"Nope, nothing like that. Just personal interest."

Hearing my answer, she had a look that said that she had a realization.

Monica and Ruby both thought to themselves, 'Someone must have asked him out.'

Going to a make-out spot, how can anyone even go there for interest. That's not convincing.

Seeing them looking at me, I asked, "Is there something on my face?"

Both shook their heads, "Nope, there isn't." Ruby said, slightly blushing.

Soon, our lunch came and I started eating. I don't know why I was so hungry, but it made this lunch the best thing I ever ate.

Finishing my lunch, I looked at Monica and Ruby, who were looking at me strangely.

"Hmm..." Noticing their gaze, I asked. "Is there something wrong?"

Monica said, "You already finished all that food you ordered."

Soon, I noticed that they were eating their food, but did not even finish half of it.

I stood up from my seat and then said, "Yeah, and now I have finished eating my lunch, so I am heading back. Bye!"

"W..wait!" Monica said, but I was already at the door, and waved at them.

I then headed back to the dorm. While both Monica and Ruby sat at their seats and thought at the same time.

'He just ate 3 sandwiches, 2 large salad and drank 1 jar of juice in just two minutes. That's absurd.'


Arriving in my room, I headed to the living room and ordered Sarah: "Sarah, make a call to Dad."

["Right away, master. Calling dad."]

In less than a minute, my dad picked up the call and a hologram of him sitting in his office chair appeared on the table in my living room. He was looking the same as I last saw him. He had brown-blond hair, blue eyes, and well-trained muscles.

"Oh! Hey dad, how are you?"

["I am good, son. You tell me how are you?"]

"I am the same as before. By the way, I want your help with something."

["Hmm.. What do you need my help with? Did something happen?"]

"Uh.. It's nothing like that, I just needed about 12 magic scrolls to identify items."

["Well, that's a very random request. Okay, I will send them to you tomorrow and there will be a surprise for you as well."]

"What surprise? No, nevermind. I will hang up now, and say hi to mom for me."

["Will do? Take care."]


I then ended the call and sat on the sofa.

'Now, the problem for the elixirs has been resolved.'

I decided to train my new mana-art and headed to the training room to train. I thought to myself.

'Tomorrow also ends the cooldown for the skill.'