
Forensic director

[Translate]Forensic director Author: An Rumo Suspense Spiritual brief introduction "Forensic Director" lets the dead speak, let the dead speak, and let the dead tell me who is the real murderer. This is the confession of the forensic director! qidian44/book/99647141

Duasatuplus · Urban
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60 Chs

Chapter 31 Take a trip

It has been half a month since the investigation of the ups and downs of the 707th major case was solved.

During this half-month period, the city criminal police team has a bright future. This vicious case was once defined as a typical detection case, and it was even made into a model, and the city criminal police team, the agency that solved the case, has also become a star unit in the city.

Reporters from all over the country came in just a few days after the case was solved, wanting to interview the specific detection process.

But they all came back in vain, because Interpol staff informed them that their superiors had kept the case under wraps to avoid further repercussions.

Such a statement confused the enthusiastic reporters, but what they never guessed was that the most confused people were not them, but the police officers of the Criminal Police Force!

First of all, after the case was solved, the credit fell on them inexplicably. The collective merit and the commendation from the superiors, happiness came so suddenly!

However, what happened next left them completely confused.

Because their immediate boss suddenly resigned... That day he was supposed to be promoted from the Criminal Police Force to the Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau. No one expected such a sudden resignation.

What's even more strange is that Guan Yuan's action was not only as simple as resigning, but the people who accompanied him also disappeared.

Since the case was solved, no one has seen Guan Yuan again, and no one knows where he went.

Even Guan Yuan's best friends and colleagues knew nothing about it. What disappeared together was Wang Luo, the key figure in solving the case, and he has since disappeared.

After half a month of precipitation, whether Guan Yuan or Wang Luo, people have gradually accepted their "disappearance".

At this time, in a newly opened barracks in the Kaiwai Military District on the outskirts of the city, Wang Luo and Guan Yuan, who were thought to be missing, came to a small conference room in the barracks at the same time.

At the same time, there were several familiar faces in the conference room: Mo Yuqing in a black tights, Zhang Dairong who still looked like a student but with a stronger body, Xu Ziqian in a dark green camouflage military uniform. Five people gathered in this small conference room, sitting around a small table.

Several other people looked at Mo Yuqing sitting in the main seat at the same time.

At this time, Mo Yuqing cleared her throat and said, "Let me say a few words first. As of now, our group has finally been officially established. I won't say anything about celebrating. Everyone knows that the establishment of our group is not easy. Everyone sacrificed merit, freedom, glory and even family, and chose to come together to fight for the mission, which may be respectable to others, but not something to celebrate. But... we finally started the hardest The first step: the 'conviction' team was formally established."

The sparse applause sounded, and there was no way to do it. There were only five people in total, and the applause was not warm.

In fact, for Mo Yuqing, what is really gratifying is not the establishment of the group, but the few people she found.

Wang Luo didn't talk about it, the ability was there, and he could be used as a forensic doctor or as an analyst when he had nothing to do. Xu Ziqian knew the bottom line, she didn't say anything about her work, and she didn't say anything about her personal combat effectiveness.

As for Zhang Dairong, a former college student who came by Wang Luo's own initiative, it was a surprise to Mo Yuqing. He has both Wang Luo and Xu Ziqian's brainpower and fighting ability, and can be used as a generalist. However, what satisfies Mo Yuqing more is his intelligence processing ability. He can obtain key information from a small amount of intelligence and can also give his own analysis. This is not something that everyone can do.

But when it comes to the person who makes Mo Yuqing the most satisfied, it must be Guan Yuan. As the current team leader and the former team leader, Mo Yuqing knows how much an experienced orthodox criminal police officer is needed in the current organization. So in the eyes of Mo Yuqing now, Wang Luo is simply her lucky general...

After thinking so much, it didn't affect Mo Yuqing's clear thinking. As soon as the applause fell, she said in an unhurried tone: "As for the responsibilities of our group, you should have heard about it before. The nature of our group and the The crime team specially set up by the Criminal Police Force is similar in nature, but the difference is that the crimes we may have to deal with are more serious... The purpose of our criminal conviction team is to combat vicious serial crimes!"

There was no surprise look on anyone's face, obviously they already knew what this group was doing.

The calmness of the team members made Mo Yuqing a little unhappy. She pressed the table with her fingers and said, "You guys should give a response anyway... Forget it, it's better for you to be ruthless!"

Saying that, she walked behind the podium in the conference room, took out a black plastic portfolio from the drawer, walked over and threw it on the table: "You should be interested in this, the provincial department has assigned us an interesting one. Cases: In the past three months in Lingtai City, there have been several cases of online car-hailing drivers being killed. According to various clues left at the scene, the criminal police unit of the provincial office decided to investigate these cases together, but they were completely uncertain about how to solve the case. I didn't have any clue, so I found us directly through the provincial department..."

Wang Luo smiled wryly: "The case that the provincial criminal police unit can't solve... was sent to us?"

Mo Yuqing nodded: "It's not very accurate to say that it was assigned to us, the accurate statement is that any similar cases are within the scope of our team's purview, but sometimes the police are also better-faced, in order to make themselves less than that. Incompetent, generally they won't find us for such a thing."

When she said that, things became simple and clear.

On the contrary, the old criminal policeman Guan Yuan expressed his own emotion: "I thought my city criminal police captain was over, and now I am taking a provincial-level case?"

Mo Yuqing shook her head: "I advise you not to think so, our team is only attached to our province, in fact, our scope of action is much larger... So, if we handle this case well, it is estimated that in the future There are not many opportunities to come back here. If you are interested, you can put on your own makeup and travel around the city..."

Wang Luo always listened calmly by the side, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "There is a murder case in Lingtai City, shouldn't we leave earlier?"

"That's right. But given the special nature of our group, they should be picking us up. We'll just wait here."

When Zhang Dairong heard this, Haoxuan didn't laugh: "Is it a pick-up? This is a good deal!"

Mo Yuqing chuckled: "Yes, you have to manage food and accommodation."

This time Xu Ziqian also laughed: "I said Dai Rong, you can't look at our work from the perspective of college students looking for jobs! It's not of a nature."

Zhang Dairong nodded, indicating that he understood.

Mo Yuqing is an extremely efficient person, she definitely counts the time to hold a meeting.

Therefore, not long after the meeting ended, people from the Lingtai City Criminal Police Brigade had already followed their new location to find them.

Mo Yuqing received the news directly from the guards at the door, saying that Wu Feng, the deputy captain of the Lingtai City Criminal Police Brigade, was stopped by them at the door, and asked Mo Yuqing how to deal with it.

Mo Yuqing smiled at the guard and said cheerfully, "It's a good contact, you can just let him in."

The guard nodded and went out.

Not long after, a slightly bald middle-aged man walked in with a curious look on his face, led by the guards.

Then, the guard saluted Mo Yuqing, turned around and walked out.

After seeing Mo Yuqing's seat among the crowd, the middle-aged man was stunned.

"You're Team Leader Mo? I'm Wu Feng, the vice-captain of the Lingtai City Criminal Police Team."

He was surprised not because of anything else, but because Mo Yuqing or the entire convict team was too young! As the saying goes, it's not easy to do things without words. Wu Feng, who was originally shocked by the "high wall compound" of the conviction team, saw the members of the conviction team, and his heart suddenly lost.

However, the scope of the hairless mouth can only include four people, and there is one exception in the conviction team: Guan Yuan.

At this time, Guan Yuan stood up with a smile on his face: "Captain Wu, welcome! I am Guan Yuan who convicted!"

"Hello..." Wu Feng was a little stunned. He didn't know much about Guan Yuan's identity in convicting, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

But Guan Yuan avoided his embarrassment by speaking, he said: "I can probably understand Captain Wu's concerns, but the ability and age of these people are completely different things, so I hope Captain Wu doesn't have any concerns in his heart... "

In this way, Guan Yuan and Wu Feng started to chat.

As an old criminal policeman, he and Wu Feng have many common topics. So without saying a few words, Wu Feng respected Guan Yuan in awe.

Everyone is a criminal policeman, and he can feel that the Wu Feng in front of him has definitely solved a lot of cases after saying a few words!

Subconsciously, his confidence in the convict panel increased a lot.

At this time, Mo Yuqing stepped forward, pointed to Wang Luo, and said, "This is the forensic doctor we convicted. Now, the first scene will definitely not be seen, but I suggest you let him examine the victim's body, maybe There will be something different."

"Then... when will Team Leader Mo start to leave?" Although Mo Yuqing said so, Wu Feng was still a little skeptical of Wang Luo's ability.

It's just...he's all here, obviously he can't just shake his head and leave, right?

So, he asked this question in a somewhat helpless tone of rushing a duck to the shelves.

Mo Yuqing smiled: "This kind of thing is life-threatening, of course it should be sooner rather than later! As for the case, we can communicate on the way, what is Captain Wu's opinion?"