
Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

A thousand years after the Undead Empire vanished, the little skeleton who used to farm was still tending to his fields, until the summoning portal reopened. "Are you guys hungry? I’ve been farming for a thousand years and have stored a tiny bit of food." "Have these fields been deserted? Can I plant things?" "The princess's city on the hill doesn’t allow farming? Then never mind, I won't go." "They want to tax me but won't let me farm? Wipe them out!"

Love eventually flows like water · Games
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596 Chs

Chapter 217 It's crying_1

Translator: 549690339

Shamara who was mingled with the women, sensing Ange following, quietly fell back to the end of the line. As they passed a building, she smoothly left the group and approached Ange.

Ange said to Brand, "You guys should leave."

Little Brand was astonished, "Leave? Is that okay? Our mission is to protect you."

Before he even finished speaking, Brand lifted him by his collar, dragging him along, "You are too talkative."

They kept walking until they reached a corner hundreds of meters away. They stopped only when Ange was no longer in sight.

"Fool, do you think the lord needs your protection? We are just here for show, to intimidate others. Know your place; when the lord asks you to do something, just do it without asking. What if the lord is having a private meeting with a lover, and we hear things we shouldn't--we would all die," Brand said sharply, filled with frustration at Little Brand's naivety.