
Chapter 22

Staring back at Dandelion she opened her mouth to reply to her but was gratefully interrupted.

It was Mrs Carter's phone that rang this time, she breathes a sigh of relief as she picked the call.

"Hello" she paid attention to the caller before hanging up.

All this while she was receiving the call she didn't waste the opportunity to study Dandelions reaction, She seemed worried and a little bit stressed she felt concerned.

She could also see that she had things going on in her head, placing the phone down she faced Dandelion.

"The bands go play tonight said that their Female singer isn't around and would like one of my workers to and there would be rehearsals before then, so can you please do that for me"She stared meaningfully back at Dandy, trapping her in a corner that led to yes only.

Dandelion couldn't read minds but she felt something was fishy but she couldn't wrap her head around it, also Her boss could have told her to do it since she was the boss here, but the " please baffled her"the day felt so strange.

Speaking of strange that reminded her of Emma, Her mind trailed off that she has forgotten to reply to Mrs Carter.

"Dandelion!" Mrs carter drew her back, out of her thoughts.

looking up" I'll try, Ma'am" she tried acting relieved, but she couldn't help but wonder how Mrs Carter Got to know that she sang well she fought the urge to stare back at the woman in front of her suspiciously.

"OK, that's good, but we will continue our conversation later and I think they will be here for you soon" speaking of "they" A knock came and interrupted them.

"A sec please" Mrs Carter shouted causing whoever was knocking to stop and turn back, Taking a walk to Dandelions side she bent and took her hands in hers and sent her gaze into Dandys's beautiful pink ocean eyes while Dandy kept on looking she felt an opening in her heart she never felt before it felt strange yet familiar it felt distant yet she wanted it like something she had always craved for but never had but now she did something told her she did.

Before her emotions were let looses she cautioned herself.

"If you feel strange, unwanted tired or someone to talk to you can always come here" Mrs Carter finally said and before Dandy could refute her words.

"And you can call me Diana or Mum I'll be glad" with an assuring smile she hugged her leaving Dandy speechless and blank to form a word in her mind.

"Thank you", she managed to mutter but didn't return the hug it felt awkward and since she arrives in this town the only ones who acted friendly to her were Collins and her master she felt so warm towards this woman before her but her mind wasn't in support of her.

"Anytime Darling you will be fine, Don't worry I trust you" she paused before returning to her seat and in a more serious tone she said, "you can go now".

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