
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Chapter 3

Sunlight bathed the mountains.

A thirty-meter-tall ancient tree stood proudly, its branches and leaves lush like a canopy, gently drooping.

If one observed closely, they would notice that every ray of sunlight was slowly absorbed by the leaves.

[Name: Lu Qingyang]

[True Form: Ancient Tree]

[Lifespan: 10/1000]

[Realm: Early Tier-1 (71/500)]

[Divine Abilities: Soul-Devouring Entanglement (Tier-1), Life Burst (Tier-1), Spirit Integration (Tier-1), Ancient Tree Aptitude (Tier-1)]

Lu Qingyang examined his attribute panel and saw that his cultivation points had unknowingly increased from sixty to seventy-one.

"Ten days have passed, and with the Life Burst ability, I gained ten points of cultivation. The Spirit Integration ability only added one point."

"This indicates that the spiritual energy in this area is still quite thin."

Despite this, the Spirit Integration ability still provided three points of cultivation per month.

Accumulated over time, it was a significant boost.

Unfortunately, over the past month, few demonic beasts had entered Lu Qingyang's territory.

He had intended to hunt demonic beasts to devour their life force, but the opportunity hadn't arisen.

Even so, Lu Qingyang was not anxious.

Sometimes, the absence of beasts provided a chance for stable cultivation.

However, if weaker beasts ventured into his territory, it would be an unexpected boon.

Time passed, seasons changed.

Suddenly, there was movement in the grass, and a familiar snow rabbit cautiously entered Lu Qingyang's domain.

Its blood-red eyes stared at the ancient tree, unaware that doom was approaching.

In an instant, the ancient tree's deeply rooted tendrils burst from the ground!

With the force of a thunderbolt, they pierced the rabbit.

The rabbit had no chance to resist, its blood and essence drained in an instant.

The shriveled corpse was then dragged into the soil, leaving no trace.

[Ding! Killed a Mortal stage demonic beast, gained 5 cultivation points]

The notification caused a slight tremor in Lu Qingyang's mind.

"It seems that after advancing to early Tier-1, devouring lower-tier beasts yields fewer cultivation points."

"At my current stage, Mortal stage beasts only provide half the cultivation points. Once I advance further, they might not provide any points at all."

Although slightly regretful, Lu Qingyang quickly accepted this fact.

The five-point increase made him feel a subtle enhancement in his strength.

Each point of cultivation wasn't just a number; it represented a tangible increase in power, halting only when reaching the current stage's limit.

Afterward would come another breakthrough in cultivation.


A root pierced through the soil, targeting a tiger-like demonic beast that instinctively dodged.

However, before it could celebrate, several more roots shot out from the ground.

The sudden attack left the tiger beast defenseless, its body pierced by multiple roots.

Even its thick fur couldn't provide protection. Before long,

The tiger beast disintegrated into a cloud of blood.

[Ding! Killed an early Tier-1 demonic beast, gained 100 cultivation points]

Information flashed in Lu Qingyang's mind.

Upon checking his internal view, his cultivation had quietly increased by one hundred points.

This significant increase made his trunk sturdier and his roots tougher and more powerful.

"An early Tier-1 beast was almost instantly killed by me. This is the result of the Ancient Tree Aptitude, making my strength far surpass that of beasts of the same tier."

"But I wonder if I can kill a mid-level Tier-1 beast just as easily!"

Lu Qingyang pondered.

He recalled the black bear beast.

Now, devouring an early Tier-1 beast provided one hundred points of cultivation.

A black bear beast in its prime would undoubtedly offer even more.

After gaining one hundred points of cultivation, the ground returned to calm.

The disturbed soil was skillfully covered by Lu Qingyang's roots.

Everything returned to its original state, leaving no trace.

Since devouring the tiger beast, Lu Qingyang's territory had remained peaceful.

One day, Lu Qingyang was startled out of his cultivation.

A vast, overwhelming pressure descended from the sky, instinctively making him feel a deep sense of fear.

It felt as though a terrifying entity was about to descend upon the world.

Then, a black shadow swiftly fell to the ground.

Through his dense leaves, Lu Qingyang saw a majestic divine eagle soaring across the sky.

Its size was enormous, spanning several hundred meters, its wings outstretched, seemingly capable of covering the sun, moon, and stars.

The golden feathers shimmered with a sacred, dazzling light under the sunlight.

The powerful pressure made Lu Qingyang tremble, his leaves swaying imperceptibly.

Fortunately, the golden divine eagle's appearance was brief, and its departure sudden.

In an instant, it had vanished from Lu Qingyang's sight.

It took a long time for the immense pressure to gradually dissipate.

Suppressing his shock, Lu Qingyang recalled the scene, the grand form of the golden divine eagle etched into his memory.

"A Tier-2 beast?"

"No... This beast is likely beyond Tier-2, possibly Tier-3 or even higher!"

In his ten years of cultivation, this was the most powerful beast aura Lu Qingyang had sensed. The pressure alone made him feel incapable of resistance.

This level of beast was vastly different from Tier-1 beasts. Even Tier-2 beasts couldn't compare to the golden divine eagle.

Whether the divine eagle was Tier-3 or higher was still unknown.

This level was too far beyond Lu Qingyang's current reach.

"This mountain range, with such a beast as the golden divine eagle, surely harbors other equally powerful beasts. And the divine eagle might not even be the strongest."

"I'm just beginning to step into Tier-1, and my strength is still too weak!"

Lu Qingyang sighed inwardly.

The ability to instantly kill an early Tier-1 beast was not enough to secure his position in this mountain range.

Only through continuous breakthroughs could he ensure his survival.

At that moment, perhaps intimidated by the divine eagle, several demonic beasts strayed into Lu Qingyang's territory.

These included weak Mortal stage beasts as well as fierce, early Tier-1 ones.

Regardless of their level,

The moment they stepped into his territory, countless roots burst from the ground!

In an instant, the roots pierced the beasts' bodies.

One by one, the beasts fell, unable to resist, and were swiftly devoured.