
Bound by Words

She read on with a heavy heart, the weight of each sentence settling upon her. "It's the same world... they're all here," she murmured, the realization sinking in. The characters she had grown familiar with—Lucian, Damian, Seraphina Rose, King Oberon, and Kara—all existed in this very realm, just as the book had depicted.

But there were unexpected elements, ones she hadn't anticipated encountering. "Fantasy... it's a world of fantasy," she whispered, her voice filled with awe and disbelief. The pages unveiled a world where darklings and individuals with extraordinary abilities roamed. It was a realm teeming with wonder, where dreams and nightmares intertwine.

"The author's imagination knows no bounds," she exclaimed, her hand instinctively clutching her heart. "And I'm just a human?" Her voice wavered as she sank back into her chair, the weight of her own limitations settling upon her.

With each page turned, she unraveled more and more of the truth. "So much for tragic entertainment," she thought wryly, her determination pushing her forward. The revelations unfolded before her, beckoning her to discover the depths hidden within the story.

The Kingdom of Lumina was a magical land filled with wonders and enchantments – but also darkness and evil things. The kingdom was ruled by King Oberon, known for his famous gift or curse, the dark magic.

The kingdom of Lumina was divided into different regions, each with its unique magic. Each region had its own set of laws and customs, and the people of Lumina respected and celebrated the diversity of their kingdom. Visitors to Lumina were often amazed by the beauty and magic that permeated every corner of this enchanted land.

The first region was the Forest of Enchantment, where the trees had a life of their own, and the flowers bloomed in all colours of the rainbow. The inhabitants of this region were known for their ability to communicate with nature and animals.

The second region was the City of Stars, where the buildings were made of shimmering crystals that glowed at night, and the sky was filled with constellations that danced in the air. The people there were skilled in the art of astrology and had the ability to read the stars.

The third region was the Mountain of Fire, where the mountain constantly erupted with molten lava and the air was thick with smoke. The inhabitants of this region had the power to control fire and had mastered the art of blacksmithing.

The fourth region was the Island of Dreams, where the sky was always filled with rainbows, and the sea was calm and crystal clear. The people there had the power to enter dreams and communicate with the spirits.

The fifth region was the Desert of Illusion, where the sand dunes shifted constantly, and the mirages played tricks on the mind. The people there had the ability to cast illusions and could manipulate the senses.

The last region where magic existed was the palace. But unlike the colourful powers, the line of the throne was cursed with the power of darklings. They controlled the shadows. They controlled the darkness.

She continued reading, delving into the details about the kingdom's enemies—the commoners, some of whom were even her own family. "Why do they view humans as a threat?" she pondered aloud, her voice filled with confusion and curiosity.

Before she could process the information fully, Kara burst into the room once again, concern etched on her face. "I can't leave you alone—"

Sera cut her off, determined to ask a burning question. "Kara, where is my mother?"

A heavy silence hung in the air as Kara hesitated before delivering the devastating news. "She died last night, Sera. At the hands of Lord Damian. Are you truly experiencing memory loss? Your actions and words... they don't make sense to me."

The revelation hit her like a physical blow. Lord Damian had killed her mother? The pieces of her fragmented memories began to align, and a mix of grief and anger welled up within her.

"I... I just have a headache. Can you show me to my room?" Sera managed to say, her voice strained.

Kara, still wary and confused, gave her directions without further questioning. Sera made her way to the designated room, entering a space adorned with vibrant flowers. It was a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere surrounding her mother, Jane.

She sank onto the bed, her gaze drawn to the mirror in front of her. Reality sank in, and she found herself grappling with the absurdity of her situation—transmigrating into the very book she had been reading. It was a concept that seemed too far-fetched to believe, yet it was the only explanation that made sense in this bewildering world.

Sera's consciousness was jolted awake as she found herself immersed in a vivid dream. The scene unfolded before her like a haunting memory, taking her back to a different time and place.

Her mother's voice echoed through the air, calling out her name with urgency. "Sera! Seraphina Rose! You better not hide! Genghis will be here soon!" Her mother's words reverberated through the chambers, filling them with a sense of impending danger.

As Sera watched, she realized she was witnessing the events from a different perspective—a third-person view that allowed her to observe everything as an outsider. The house in the village appeared exactly as she had seen it upon waking up, surrounded by the dimness of an approaching storm.

A little girl, her younger sister, passed through her, rushing towards their mother with excitement. "He's coming! He's here! I'll go tell Sera, Mother!" The words of her sister pierced through the air, carrying a sense of anticipation.

Sera followed them, entering their mother's room along a familiar path. A strange heaviness settled in her heart, warning her that something was amiss.

"Genghis is here, Sera! He is willing to marry you!" the little girl announced eagerly, her innocence and beauty juxtaposed against the gravity of the situation.

Her suspicions were confirmed as she entered the room and saw her own image, Sera, with a handful of green leaves in her palm. The sight of her pale, lifeless form slumped in the chair struck her with a surge of panic and dread. Unconsciousness had claimed her, and the leaves in her hand revealed a grim truth.

"Sera! Sera! What have you done?! Oleander leaves! Mother! Mother!! Kara!!" The little girl, tears streaming down her face, ran back in distress, desperately seeking help from their mother and Kara.

Sera stood frozen, a silent witness to this heartbreaking scene, her mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation and the consequences of her actions.

The atmosphere grew tense as the man's loud proclamation echoed through the night. Panic spread like wildfire as people hurried to seek shelter, their fear palpable.

"He is here! He came! Get inside!!! We shall be dead! He managed to get through the safety gate! Get inside!!" the terrified man exclaimed, his voice trembling with alarm.

Jane watched from her distant vantage point, her curiosity piqued. Who was this impending threat that had instilled such terror in the hearts of those present?

In a dramatic entrance, Lord Damian arrived astride a powerful black horse, his presence commanding attention and overshadowing everything else. Jane couldn't help but be struck by his aura—both captivated and disturbed by the intensity in his eyes.

With a mix of pride and envy etched on his face, Damian strode into the house, casting a disdainful gaze at his surroundings, as if he found them beneath him. His piercing gaze swept the room, searching for someone specific.

"Where is she?!" his voice reverberated, cutting through the air with an intimidating growl, demanding answers from anyone who dared to stand in his way.

As Jane's eyes fluttered open, she realized that what she had experienced was not merely a dream but a glimpse into Sera's tragic past. It all felt too real, too vivid to dismiss.

Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. She was no longer Jane but Seraphina Rose, thrust into a cursed body in a world of fantasy and danger. It was a surreal existence, one she wasn't sure she was prepared to face.

Jane pinched herself, feeling the sting as a red mark appeared on her hand. "Ow! Alright. This is anything but a dream. And I actually died. I'm no longer Jane... I'm Seraphina, Seraphina Rose. Heaven help me, I'm a survivor."

Taking a moment to gather herself, Seraphina surveyed her surroundings, her mind grappling with the challenges that lay ahead. She couldn't change the fact that she was only human, but she knew that she had to find a way to survive in this unforgiving world.

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