
Ground Zero vs Kai

Ren was trying hard to pay attention in class, but his eyes kept wandering elsewhere. His gaze boring into the back of ashen blonde locks sitting directly in front of him. Ren rolled his plush bottom lip between his teeth, a reoccurring thought swirling through his mind. He almost fought Mazuko.. what is wrong with him? He couldn't understand how anyone could stand up to Mazuko, his demeanor was so cold and intimidating that everyone backed down when standing toe-to-toe with him. No matter how tall or eye level with him. 'Ding, Ding, Ding' the class ended with a dinging bell and brought him out of his trance, pulling his eyes away from blonde hair to his orange bag stuffing his textbooks away. Ren pulled his headphones from his pocket plugging them into his phone, he felt a slight kick on the underside of his desk, "Oi, Chīsai." Ren glanced over at Kane, rolling his eyes as he answered "Yes Kane, what is it?" Kane chuckled placing his hand on Ren's shoulder causing him to flinch "Don't worry, ain't gonna hurt you. Just wanted to see if I should walk with you since dickhead over there was basically threatening to follow you." Ren glanced over at a fuming black and white male, his green-blue eyes boring a hole into Ren. His gaze was so intense, the other classmates were starting to feel the tension. Ren turned back to Kane with pleading eyes, but he never opened his mouth to speak, "Thank you for your concern, but, I can walk him out of here." A soft, bubbling voice spoke out as she walked next to Ren. "Akari.," Ren spoke softly as he stared back at his chocolate friend, he knew this wasn't a good idea. Not in the least but he didn't want to trouble Kane, someone he barely knew vs. someone he knew well. Kane threw his hands up defensively as a chuckle escaped past his lips "Alright, don't want any trouble. Just make sure fuck face stays away from him, yeah?" Akari nodded slowly as she reached her arm around Ren's shoulders keeping his trembling body close as they walked out the door. Kane watched the small duo walk out the door and towards the lunchroom, His eyes never leaving the lush green curls and milky skin, Kane huffing in annoyance as he ran a frustrated hand through this hair "Fuuck, what now.." Kane debated on following them just to make sure he was okay, he's never seen someone so afraid of another person that it caused them to visually shake, truthfully he thought it was none of his business, that he should just let the male go and let him deal with his own problems. I wouldn't be this concerned with anyone else, why is he so different?

Kane didn't have lunch this period, he was supposed to be in his favorite class. Chemistry, he loved learning about ways to make things explode, that was his thing, explosives, which earned him the nickname 'Ground Zero' from his classmates, which stirred rumors about the blonde. Kane is always behind any trouble you see. You've never heard of Ground Zero? He's a fucking troublemaker. Kane hated the rumors that surrounded him, none of them were true, yeah he was a fucking asshole but he never intently started the trouble, but, if there was trouble and he was there students and teachers put two and two together blaming the blonde if he did something or not. So why was he following the small duo, instead of going to the class he loved so much? He shouldn't give anyone, any more reasons to talk shit about him anymore, but his body was screaming, aching to follow them. Kane lost track of them before long, searching the hallways trying to find green and brown duo walking the hallways together. Which was troublesome, he walked all around the maze-like hallways, trying to search for them, Kane started to feel uneasy. He started picking up his pace as his eyes scanned each hallway. Yelling, screaming, flesh being smacked. Kane's heart dropped, this better not be that fucking bastard. Kane ran towards the sounds, turning the corner to the last set of lockers near the end of the school. Looking at the scene that was unfolding near his own locker, emotions took over, the emotions he was supposed to be working on. Rage, fury, murderous intent. Aki latching on to Mazuko's arm with a bleeding busted lip and lacerated forehead, screaming for him to let go of Gaichū. The greenette was already bruised and bloodied, being held in the air by his throat, Kane could already see the red lines forming around his neck. Yet, he made no sound.. not even a squeal came from the greenette. How unsettling. Kane yanked Ren out of Mazuko's grasp letting the small boy fall to the floor letting his terrified friend take care of him for the time being. Kane had ahold of Mazuko's collar his crimson eyes filled with fury, his words laced with poison "You ever, and I mean ever, fucking touch him like this again, even look in his fucking direction-" Kane slowly trailed off, letting his eyes look back at the trembling greenette and his friend running her hands through his hair to calm him down, he smiled, yeah he meant what he was about to say. Dropping his smile instantly, his eyes looked dead once again as he spoke "I will fucking murder you. I will make the process so fucking unbearable. You'll be begging me to kill you, sobbing at my feet for forgiveness that you will NEVER receive." He snarled at him, causing a slight twinge of fear to pulsate through Mazuko, but he brushed it off, Kane dropped the male to the floor, pointing down the opposite direction of the three "Now get the fuck out. Before I kill you now." Mazuko stood from the ground, dusting his clothes off as he glanced back between Ren and Kane before he smirked "This isn't over, Gaichū~" he whispered as he left, though everyone heard his words. Kane scoffed before turning around, getting on his knees eye level with Ren, his eyes glanced over him witnessing the full extent of damage done to him. Ren was shaking, uncontrollably, black and blue bruises all along his face, from his eyes to his jawline, a busted bleeding lip, red line marking his neck, his eyes focused on the ground shaking harder and harder, yet he still never made a sound. Wanting to help Kane reached a hand out to embrace Ren's cheek, wanting to pull him out of his trace to help him in any way. "What the hell is this!?" A voice pulled them out of their trance, all eyes staring directly at their homeroom teacher, who was beyond pissed. Fuck, here we go again. Kane stood from the ground, dusting his pants off. Not saying a word, because he knew, he knew that even if he protested, that he didn't do this, no one would believe him, no one would stand up for him. This was it. He was getting expelled, and there wasn't anything anyone could do to stop it. "Kane Suzuki. To the fucking principal's office now." Kane shook his head as he laughed, "Yeah, yeah I know the way." Kane started walking away from the group before a trembling voice stopped him. "M-Mr. A-Amari.. where is he going?" Amari looked down at his trembling student, sighing before he answered "I can't let him get away with him hurting you, he's more than likely going to be expelled." Hearing that Ren jumped from his place on the floor grasping Amari's hands, before practically screaming at him, "But he didn't do this! He helped me, someone else did this! Ask Aki she'll vouch for him too! He saved me. Please! Believe me!" Amari looking back stunned at the screaming greenette, he glanced over at Aki who was nodding intensely showing Amari that he was telling the truth. Rubbing his temples with two fingers on each side he pulled his attention to Kane. "Suzuki, if you didn't do this, why didn't you say anything?" Kane scoffed "Would you have believed me?" Amari wanted to say yes, he really did. He didn't want to think he was this biased off rumors about Kane Suzuki. But, he couldn't answer. Because the answer would have been No, he wouldn't have believed him, he would have believed the rumors surrounding him. Amari hung his head, "That's what I thought." Kane turned walking away, heading to his classroom before two small hands stopped him, "I'm so sorry you got caught up in my mess! I didn't want to trouble you in the first place." Ren let go of Kane's wrist twisting his fingers as he never looked at Kane. "It's fine Chīsai, you didn't trouble me." Ren slowly looked at Kane smiling lowly "H-how can I ever thank you?" Kane was going to ask for his name. He wanted to know who caught his attention, whatever kind of attention it was. But, he thought of something a little better. It could be a chance to be friends with him as he wants. Right? He just want to be friends? "Let me walk you everywhere in this school. No matter where you go. Text me when you're going to leave and I'll come to find you." Ren wore a full blush on his face, "B-but I don't have your number.." Kane chuckled "I know. So give me your phone for a minute." Ren pulled out his phone, handing it to Kane, grabbing the phone he placed his number in his contacts under the name Ground Zero. Giving the phone back to Ren, he chuckled as he saw his name, Kane raised his eyebrows "What's so funny?" Ren started to type something in his phone before placing it back in his pocket snickering at him. "On nothing, I just don't think Ground Zero suits you is all.." Kane's eyes lit up, there's someone who doesn't think he's Ground Zero? Someone who doesn't see him as a problem? Kane smirked as he lifted his brow "Oh yeah? What fits me then?" Ren smiled, a big smile, a real smile, not the fake ones Kane has seen so far today, and this smile, made his heart race. "Kai. That fits you perfectly." Kane laughed, loudly which caused Ren's heart to speed up now, "Such a childish nickname. You sure that's what fits me?" Ren nodded "It may be Childish, but I think you're a big teddy bear. But you can be fiery if you need to. At least that's what I see."Kane laughed "A teddy bear huh? I might just call you Chīsai from now on. And you can stick to, Kai, If you want." Ren smiled shyly as he nodded "yeah I'd like that, Kai."

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