

Feelings developing in between best friends is the worlds most common cliche. Love, being the fluttering and fluctuating as it is, it can infect anyone. Sugawara Koushi is such a victim. Falling for his best friend and captain, Sawamura Daichi was not his voluntary intention, bu somehow along the way he did. How will he cope with this writhing feeling as Daichi is oblivious as ever!

Takumi_Kamikawa · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


The next morning, they all got on the van and were off to face Shiratorizawa. They all were tensed but, excited as well. They got down from the van, and was staring at the gymnasium getting into the full game mode, when they got startled, "Sawamura! We came to cheer you on.", it was Michimiya and her friends.

"Oh, Michimiya. You really came.", Daichi said hesitating for a bit.

"Wow, you are really going to the nationals.", she started ranting just as they got there.

Suga read the mood and dragged Asahi along with him as they walked off. He had decided to stay away from Daichi as possible, last night. So he had a minimal conversation with him, that morning. He sat next to Ennoshita and the others in the van, saying that he was feeling pukish when sitting in the middle of the bus.

"She sure is persistent.", Asahi said as he was dragged away. "Are you really okay?", he asked Suga.

"Yeah, yeah. I am fine.", Suga said replying with his mom smile. He glanced back to where Daichi was and saw Michimiya handing him a lucky charm. He felt a sting in his lower throat but still was able to hold the fake smile.

Asahi gave him a doubtful look then asked when he remembered something, "Oh right. What did you do in the shrine last night?"

"Nothing much. I just prayed for today. I prayed that Asahi won't faint from getting too much stressed."

"Yeah right!", Asahi said shoving him. "But I might need a little help from Kami-sama to not faint though.", he said scratching his head.

Suga burst out laughing. But was trying his very best to keep up his act when he gripped on to the 'good future' charm in his pocket that he got for Daichi, from the shrine last night. He wanted to give it to him before the game, but Michimiya beat him to it. He felt defeated and thought, 'Well, this may be the gods telling me to stop.' He sighed and entered the gymnasium and his stinging heart chugged on an overdose of adrenaline as he saw the court. He didn't have time to be broken-hearted now. His team needed him. He stiffened up and started his mom routine of pumping up his nervous children.


After they all ate together at Ukai-sans place they were all on their way home. Asahi was helping Nishinoya to get home since he was most likely to fall asleep on the pavement if he was to go back alone. Which meant Suga and Daichi will be alone on their way back. It was very awkward, that goes without saying. Suga had tried very hard to avoid this by making up excuses like he will drop off Nishinoya, or he will help the Kiyoko with the dishes and whatnot. But all in vain, since coach made sure all of them went home by sending them off personally.

He didn't feel the pressure this whole time because the entire team was there and they all were too pumped up from the win. But now it was just the two of them. Suga felt too alien that he didn't even know how to start a normal conversation. Daichi was awfully quiet too, making the short walk back home feel like a decade. But somehow they reached where Daichi will take a different route. Suga said slapping Daichi's back as he walked off hiding his constipated face, "Then, see ya!"

Daichi didn't flinch nor did he respond he just stood there staring at the ground. Just when Suga was about to let out a sigh of relief,

"You try to act tough when you are trying to hide something.", Daichi said with his head still hanging.

Suga chocked on the sigh, and turned to look at him with a face that looked normal, chanting in his mind 'Act normal, act normal!'

"Now what are you talking about?", Suga said tormenting every facial muscle to keep the cool act up.

"Suga do you have anything to tell me?", Daichi said as he slowly raised his head to meet Suga's eyes.

Suga swallowed hard, "What are you doing, making such a serious face? Its scary, captain!", he said, being on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Now it's you, who is running away from my question.", Daichi said as stepped a bit forward.

"Okay, now you are starting to make no sense at all.", Suga said sweating all over since he was making complete sense.

Daichi stared at him for a good while, before sighing and walking off, "Fine! Since you are planning to act stupid, I am going."

When Daichi was staring at him, Suga's soul was about to leave his body. But when he walked off he felt relieved but yet depressed. He could have shot his chance now, but he blew it. When he was still mentally beating himself up, Daichi called out while walking away, with his back towards Suga, "Oh and by the way, I could never look at you with disgust in my eyes. I can maybe try something else.", he stopped and turned around and looked at Suga.

"How about I look at you with some love in my eyes? But I don't know if you would like it or not!", he shrugged while he smiled at Suga whose face had 'visible confusion' written all over it.

"And also thank you for this charm.", Daichi said taking out a charm seal from his pocket and showing it to Suga. Suga searched his pockets immediately to find the charm he had with him, to be gone. He looked back at Daichi with his eyes bulging out.

Daichi smiled and said, "But I don't understand how I am supposed to have a good future without you in it!", he said still smiling at Suga who was switching colors between pale and red.

"Don't say things like that Daichi. I will end up misunderstanding you.", Suga said trying to calm his jumping heart.

"I want you to, Suga.", he said in the most soothing voice possible. "But I think I am making myself clear when I do this, right?", he said while he held out both his hands open, towards the almost crying Suga.

Suga felt his knees going weak and his vision blurring. But he forced his legs to run into the firm and warm hands that were held out for him, only him. Daichi held him tight by his waist when Suga clung on to his neck. Daichi picked him up as he felt his shoulders growing wet.

A muffled voice sobbing said by his ear, "You finally got it, you big dumbo."

"Yes, yes. I am sorry for making you wait.", Daichi said hugging him even tighter.

"Now put me down before somebody sees us.", Suga said withdrawing from the hug as his feet touched the ground again.

"Okay, I'll put you down, not because I care about anyone seeing us but so that I can do this.", he said while he held the back of Suga's head as he covered Suga's lips with his own. Suga's eye went wide enough for them to pop out of their sockets. He hit Daichi's chest as he hid exactly where he hit.

"Don't do something like that in broad daylight when we are out!", he said his voice being muffled.

Daichi laughed as he hugged his waist again. He leaned his head towards Suga's ear and whispered in a husky voice, "So, I can do it if we are somewhere dark and alone?"

Suga snuggled deeper into his chest hitting him again, and his ears turning bright red. Daichi laughed seeing that, "Am I making you shy?"

Suga pushed off of him sulking, "Who is shy?"

Daichi stared at him, surprised, "I wonder how you can say that when your face looks like you got spiked by a ball. Do you know how red you are?"

Suga covered his face hot face with his hands, looking mortified. He turned around and ran saying, "You idiot! I hate you."

"I thought you wanted to scream I love you to my face!", he said teasing him.

Suga tripped in his path. He hit the brakes and took a sharp U-turn and ran back. "How do you know that? Did Asahi tell you something? And speaking of that how did find the charm? What? How? I mean~", Suga couldn't even complete his own sentences, he was way too confused.

Daichi watched Suga flipping out then he pulled him into his chest and patted him. "Wanna come to my house. I will tell you everything."