1 Together Again | Prologue

I put my phone away from texting my parents, older brother and younger sisters, scanning the crowd for my brother and one of his best friends. 

"Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenzie," I hear a familiar voice call out, and spin around to see a flash of dark hair before I'm swept into a hug. 

I hear Jonah laugh. "Give her a minute, Corbyn. She just got off the plane, bro." He playfully scolds as I hug his best friend and roommate, Corbyn Besson, around the neck. 

Corbs sets me down so I can hug my brother, who holds me tightly. I melt against him, missing the familiar feeling of his hugs. I've missed him. It's been half a year since I saw him last, something that has been difficult for both of us. But with me at college and him and the band working on music, it's been difficult to see each other. Not to mention this whole pandemic fighting to keep us away from each other.

Corbyn takes my bag from my back and duffle bag from my hand, Jonah taking both of my suitcases, leaving me empty-handed despite my protests. 

Jonah makes me coat my hands in hand sanitizer before allowing me in the car, something that makes me laugh. But there is this huge pandemic, and Jonah and all the guys except Zach (I don't know if it was actually Zach who didn't have it or not, but that's what I'm going with) have had it already, so Jonah is hyperaware of anything that could possibly cause him or the others to have it again. 

"Well, the family says to say hello to all of you. Jo-Jo, I have to give you an extra-big hug later from our baby sis." I tell him, remembering Svea's text telling me that she wanted me to give him a giant hug from her. He smiles, nodding, and pulls out of the airport parking lot as I text Dad to let him know I'm with the boys. 

Corbs leans between me and Jonah's seats, grinning at me. "So, how's it feel to not be a college kid anymore?"

I shrug. "I mean, I didn't really finish the year like I wanted to. It was all online and I didn't have a graduation. But, still. Also, South Carolina's weather is so bipolar compared to California, so I've missed the somewhat-stable weather."

"Remember the two days we visited a couple years ago? It was 86 degrees one day, and all sunny. The next day it was 45 degrees and really overcast." Corbyn shakes his head at the thought. 

"I remember that! Because all Daniel packed was a couple tank tops and shorts, so he froze the second day."

We all laugh at the memory. I have so many great ones with these guys. 

"We're going to Daniel's, because we have a song for you to listen to that we recorded there. Jack won't be there, because he's with Gabbie and Lavender visiting. So it will just be the three of us, Daniel and Zach." Jonah tells me. 

I smile. "I can't wait to see them! Last time I saw you guys, you had short hair, Corbyn was blonde, Jack was still noodle, Daniel was brunette, and Zach looked like a normal nineteen year old. Now you're noodle, Corbyn's gone natural for the first time his entire life, Daniel's blonde again, Jack's... normal, and Zach looks twenty-two instead of nineteen."

"Hey! I'm not even twenty-two yet!" Corbyn protests from the backseat. 

"Pipe down, Corby-Worby. That's not relevant. Anyway, you've all grown up on me." I wipe a fake tear from under my eye dramatically. 

"You do realize we're twins, right?"

"Shut up."
