3 Quarantine


Declan took the pills she offered and kept them on his mouth,he took a glass of water and drunk,good.

Antonnete;You had pannies?


Antonnete;The rapper,you had pancakes?

Declan;(Talks to himself more than her)Do they all call them that?

Antonnete;I dont remember the menu having pancakes.(thinks as she clears up the table)

Declan;Julius must have had it perhaps for lunch and forgot who knows.

Antonnete;Damn,no food in the quarantine section.

Declan shruggs.

Antonnete;Oh i almost forgot,here.(she handed him his smartphone).Just for the hour.

She got out and locked the room.

Antonnete;I cant believe you had pannies in the room.


As he stood outside this time.

Antonnete;Here(she made him wear a mask to go)

Julius;I dont even know what your talking about.

Antonnete;Just dont do it next time.

They leave.

Declan exhaustedly lies on his bed and checks his phone.

The Asley's.

Dinner table.

Faith;So Quinn,how is school going?

Quinn;Uh great Mom.(takes a slice of baken from her plate).

Owen;What about volleyball.

