
Chapter 1

It was the usual Friday night obligatory drinks with my partners. I’m a lawyer, the only female partner they have, and every Friday night I have to act like one of the boys. Tonight we were at a local pub instead of going into town to some swanky restaurant. Suited me—the sooner I was away from them and home in my own bed, the better.

No wonder I was a lesbian. These guys were absolute dickheads. The more they drank, the louder they became; the louder they became, the more obnoxious they presented. They were giving this cute waitress a hard time, so on the way to the ladies’ room, I stopped and apologized for them.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I’m used to dealing with men like that. Why do you hang around them?”

“We’re partners, that’s all. I’m Sheila,” I said, holding out my hand for her to shake.

“Melissa,” she said. “Nice to meet you.”

I felt that shiver of anticipation run up my spine. I wondered if she felt it, too. I opened my mouth to say something but thought better of it. Something I’d learned about being a lawyer. Think before you speak. I watched her tongue lick her top lip slowly before I dropped her hand. Was she coming on to me?

As I opened the door to the ladies’ room, I glanced back. She was still staring after me. I smiled and nodded my head, hoping my intuition was correct.

As the night wore on, I found my gaze constantly searching for her, following her every move as she waited on other customers. She, I was pleased to note, was also watching me. A good sign, I thought, as my pussy began to swell with expectancy.

The girl was absolutely gorgeous. With her blonde hair tied up and a few escaped wisps hugging her face, she had the look of someone angelic. But beneath that veneer I was sure lurked a sexual siren. She oozed sexuality, the way she looked, walked…even the sound of her voice.

An hour or so later, I saw her sitting at a booth, obviously having a break. She smiled at me, her mouth turning up at the sides, before her tongue licked her top lip. Standing, she sashayed her way to the ladies’, glancing back at me this time, as I had done earlier. Her sexy arse wiggled seductively before turning, indicating I should follow, and she disappeared inside.

Intrigued and excited, I excused myself and hurried after her. Entering the room, I noticed four of the five cubicles were empty. She was in the disabled toilet, the one with a bigger floor space. I was pleased we were alone. Unsure of exactly what was going to transpire, I made to walk past her cubicle on the pretence of washing my hands.

I must admit I was nervous. In the courtroom I had control and I loved it, but in relationships I was never sure, so it was not without hesitation that I continued on.

The door creaked open and her hand shot out, grabbing me by the lapels of my jacket. She dragged me inside and kicked the door shut. She was all over me, kissing me while her hands roamed my body, grabbing at my arse as her fingers inched up my skirt.

I’ve never been so unashamedly turned on by anyone before. I kissed her back, bruising her mouth as my lips ground onto hers, my tongue darting in to flicker crazily with hers. My fingers clumsily unbuttoned her blouse, my hands stealing inside and around her back to unclip her bra.

With her bra up near her neck, I lowered my head to latch onto a hardened nipple. She fell back against the wall, pulling me closer to her while my fingers ran up the inside of her thighs.

It was magic, absolutely sensational. I couldn’t believe it was all happening so fast. I didn’t give a thought to anyone coming in and catching us and I should have—my reputation needed to remain intact. Couldn’t have scandals about lawyers now, could we?

Her legs opened and I fell to the floor, bunching her skirt up around her waist. She had a red satin g-string on and I pulled the crutch out of the way to expose her pretty pink pussy. Her scent was intoxicating and, as my tongue flicked out over her slit, I heard the ladies’ door open and voices drifted in.

I froze, peering up at her. Her hand caressed my hair, holding me there. She thrust her pelvis into my face, indicating I should continue.

Our breathing was ragged and I tried to calm myself down, hoping whoever was out there would hurry up and leave.

“What a pig,” I heard someone say.

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