
Illegal freedom

Alexei's voice resounded with dozens of others to the tune of a classic Aïchen airmen's celebratory song. It was usually sung after a successful voyage. But this time, it was to celebrate the rediculous amount a regular customer of the bar had been drinking.

The fellow had finished his 7th bottle of beer, and third shot of vodka to the point that he was tipsy enough to believe that his left was his right, and down was up. After a few minutes more of the electric atmosphere of celebration and singing, he finally passed out, and some people moved him to a couch in the corner. Quickly, the bar moved back into local conversation.

It had been around two to three hours since Alexei had come in for a quick drink, which had escalated into an impulsive party with a bunch of the townsfolk. He was known to most there, because Donnê was a small town. It was inhabited mostly by New Worlds, but there was a well known couple of Old World families that were still there and had been for centuries. One of them was Hugo's family.

Besides Hugo and his recent adventures, the bar and seeing his old friends again was all he was really thinking about. But tiredness had taken over. Obviously, being a little tipsy also had its flaws. Alexei was only 19, and the drinking age for Aïchen and Donnê was sixteen. Of course, his mother made him promise not to drink until 18, and he did just that. He always listened and remembered his mother's words. Always.

Thinking about his mother made him more tired of the bar. He loved the locals, but he had had more than enough of partying. He tipped the bartender, who wore mechanical wings that Alexei was quite fond of, and left.

He turned the corner at the base of the street onto the one that led to the airship docks. He loved this town. Just as he loved his hometown of Aïchen. The one thing that spoiled this place sometimes we're the few Old Worlds. But they usually weren't a problem. However, for Alexei, it was more an emotional struggle than a problem.

He stepped onto the airship docks, and searched for his girl. She was painted black, with golden and bronze boning on the outside of her helium tank. The machine that converted chemicals and oxygen into helium sat in the back of her, next to her engine and the steering. The cabin was fairly small, but cozy.

She creaked as he stepped his foot gingerly onto the craft, appreciating the years she had supported his travels and adventures. He went into the cabin, sliding the doors shut and locking them. It was about 10:30 at night, and he was quite tired. He lay down on his hammock in which he'd slept for years, appreciating the comfort. Creaking with use, he swung the hammock back and forth to make the hinges squeak. It was one of his favorite comfort sounds. Or at least he associated it with comfort. One should be comfortable in the place they rest.

He grabbed the jug of water that always sat on the small side table and took a swallow from it. It was refreshing against the alcohol he'd just had.

A sigh left his lips as he stared at the wooden plank ceiling. The wood reminded him of his old room. The floor... his father had put in that beautiful floor. And his mother had painted the grey walls. His mother...

Without realizing, he had choked up. He wiped the tears that sat stagnant in his hazel eyes. He swallowed against the lump in his throat, and took another sip of the water to clear it. He took a couple of deep breaths. "Alexei, don't think too hard about them ok? They loved you very much. That's all you need to know." He said to himself, his voice strained. He shut his eyes, ready to fall asleep.

But he couldn't sleep. Because he was still so angry with Old Worlds for ruining his family. It had been a regular night, even. His parents were normal New Worlds, who lived their life how they wanted to, and told Alexei to live his adulthood however he liked, so as he was good at heart. But he was far from adulthood when the old worlds struck.

It was about 1:00 in the morning, and his mother had woken both her husband and Alexei up. She had smelled smoke, and she wanted to get out of the house. So they went out the front door after making sure there was no fire behind it.

The moment they stepped out of the house however, there were Old Worlds sitting there to overcome them. Alexei had noticed them first with his young eyes, and so was able to get away first. The old worlds had lured them out into thinking there was smoke and a fire. Really, it was just scents. They had captured them and searched for Alexei all night. At one point, Alexei had been so distraught that he almost ran out to his parents sobbing, but he only gave away his position. He ran far, about 3-4 miles to the local airship dock, where he alerted officials of what had happened.

They let him stay for the night. In the Morning they gave him a meal, and tried to console him. They said his parents would surely come back. That they were still out there. And until Alexei and them went back to see the damage, that's exactly what he'd thought.

But that fateful morning, he did not come across a happy house and his parents, nor any beaten up Old Worlds. His parents were dead. They had been laid on the dew ridden ground as a display of the Old Worlds hatred towards New Worlds. But why? What did they ever do to them?

Alexei bought his first airship the next day. She was practically falling apart. Hence, the very reduced price. He had taken the money from his parents, because clearly they wouldn't be needing it anymore. He had to get away. Far away. If Old Worlds were in a town with only New Worlds, that meant that they had infiltrated. This was war. Or at least, to Alexei, it was. He fixed up his airship himself, painting her hull a black, and the boning a bronze gold. Her cabin was humble, but a perfect home. He was only just fourteen.

A few months after the incident, he made the mechanical backpack that he always wore, with rocket boosters and handy nicknacks that he always used. He had started his life.

His adventure.