
For My Sake

When lies meet passion and power meets control. This is the origin story of my hero. She didn't have a choice when she was brought into this world of given the powers of a world destroyer. Her thrill for the kill leads to the most unlikely turn of events. Love, passion, spells, obsession. What becomes of the sole heir and Avenging angel of both Asgard and Valhalla. can she stand the tests of fate and destiny or will she fall like her mother. Read to find out

0bsidian_Rush · Fantasy
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5 Chs

I Will See You Again

The weak child lay in her arms as she spent a few minutes recovering from the life changing delivery. The little girl did not cry when she was born but as she lay in her arms, Hela knew she was alive but barely.

Few moments later, Hela thanked the hags for their help and left Thyjassa Oak . Outside Fenris waited for her. He could read from his mistress' expression that there would be danger.

Hela strapped the new born across her chest and carefully climbed unto the great beast. Immediately Fenris sped off to the Temple of the Blood Stone, which lay in a meadow of herondrops, the flower of the Morvians.

The Temple was as ancient as Asgard itself but the walls remained intact almost as if it was built yesterday. With halls of bricks and blocks painted with the blood of the sacrificed. The Temple was built in a circular form with a skylight directly above its main courtyard where the Blood Stone could be found.

Hela got off Fenris gently, as not to hurt her daughter. She walked into the unguarded Temple entrance which had writings in a language she had not seen before. The entrance led into a long, lit hallway littered with with the remains of past intruders of the temple. It did not take long for Hela to find the main courtyard.

The main courtyard was filled with trimmed grass and the stone lay in the centre. The stone was 5ft tall and 6ft wide almost like a table but it had an ominous glow that chilled your very core and was unmistakably for anything else.

Hela drew closer to the stone and placed he daughter on its surface. She created a dagger from the black mist she could control and made a clean cut in the soft flesh on the palm of the child. Blood dripped out of the wound and Hela spreading around her child.

Within seconds, the dark visage of the stone glowed even darker and marks almost resembling tatoos appeared on the delicate skin of her daughter. The baby started to cry and Hela knew she was awakened. It worked, her daughter will live.

Hela lifted the crying baby ofc the stone and almost immediately it crumbled to ash. The grass began to wither and die in the field.

The daughter of the Goddess of Death now held the power of the blood moon.

Hela left the Temple with a smile on her face as she watched her daughter with tears staining her emerald green eyes.

Outside, reality hit hard and Hela knew that so.ething was wrong. There was no resistance to her entering the temple and destroying the Blood stone to save her daughter's life. The precious abode and treasure of the Morvians was defend by her to bring life to what was not meant to be and there was not a single Morvian in sight.

Something was wrong, gravely wrong and it could cost her her daughter in the people in question ever found out.

Hela knew she couldn't afford to stay and watch he daughter grow. Without this already developing situation she needed to figure out already many people wanted her dead and no one could tell what they would do to her daughter.

She needed her daughter to be safe but there was nobody she could trust, not even the father of her child.

Then it hit her, there was only one person she did not have to trust but would do the right thing to keep her daughter safe.


He would not try to hurt her daughter because he committed to the moral that his fight was with her and not a defenseless child but how would she get to him.

enjoy. your comments are appreciated

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