

Tariq goes for a stroll and stands atop a small hill overlooking his village in rural Malindi, his eyes fixated on the horizon where the sun sets. As the magnificent fiery orb slowly disappears behind the distant mountains, he can't help but marvel at the beauty of the scene unfolding before him.

He takes comfort in the sound of crickets chirping outside and the distant laughter of children playing in the fields.

Despite the darkness that is slowly creeping in, he can still see the vibrant colors of the sky, the oranges and purples blending into each other in a magnificent display. The colors of the sun's last rays reflect on the tranquil waters of the nearby river, creating a mesmerizing sight that never fails to take his breath away.

The night falls and the slowly darkness envelopes the village, Tariq returns to his little home turns his gaze to the kerosene lamp that illuminates the small huts. Every night, they rely on this simple source of light to navigate their way around the village and carry out their daily routines.

As he looks on, he becomes acutely aware of the absence of electricity in his village in rural Malindi. There are no streetlights to illuminate the darkening streets, no lamps to brighten the homes. Instead, the gentle flicker of a kerosene lamp to light their way does the job.

He remembers how, as a child, he would sit around the lamp with his family, sharing stories and laughter as they ate their evening meal. The dim light would cast long shadows across their faces, adding to the sense of mystery and intrigue.

However, he is grateful for the absence of the blaring electric lights that would otherwise pollute the natural darkness of the night sky. Instead, he can see the stars twinkling in the inky blackness, each one seemingly brighter than the last.

He gazes up at the vast expanse of the cosmos, feeling a sense of awe and humility wash over him. In this small corner of the world, away from the noise and distractions of modern life, he is able to truly appreciate the majesty of nature and the simple beauty of a starry night.

Tariq walks to his small shack, sits in the darkness, his eyes transfixed on the glowing blue virtual screen in front of him. As he gazes at the passive skill "Training Halo," he is filled with a sense of wonder and amazement.

The skill promises to reduce the risk of injury and increase the effectiveness of training by 15%. Tariq can't help but imagine the benefits this skill could bring to his players in the future.

He thinks about the grueling training sessions they endure, the long hours spent on the field, and the risk of injury that always looms overhead. With the Training Halo skill, he can provide them with a safer and more effective training environment.

Tariq's mind races with possibilities. He can see his players performing at their best, pushing their limits, and achieving new heights of excellence. With the Training Halo, he can train them harder and longer, without fear of injury or burnout.

As he continues to stare at the screen, Tariq feels a sense of excitement and anticipation growing inside him. He knows that with this skill and his system, he can help his players reach their full potential and achieve greatness on the field.

He stretches out his tired limbs, jumps on his bed and takes a deep breath, feeling the weariness of a long day begin to fade away. Despite the lack of modern amenities, he finds comfort in the simplicity of his surroundings.

As he closes his eyes, he can hear the distant sound of the crickets and other nocturnal creatures as they begin to stir. The night is cool and quiet, offering a peaceful respite from the heat and bustle of the day.

Its 11 a.m in the morning, Tariq seems to have overslept today because of having to have minimal rest this week, he stirs from his slumber as the light sun to filters through the small window of his hut. The distant crowing of roosters echoes across the village, the mooing of cows he could he it all, the village was busy.

Suddenly Tariq's flip phone suddenly started ringing, and he fished it out of his pocket to answer it. "Hello?" he said, holding the phone up to his ear.

"Hey man, it's Kimani," came the voice on the other end of the line. "Are you busy?"

Tariq groan and smiles. "Not really, what's up?"

"We're playing a game at the pitch today, and I need you to come through and play with us," Kimani said eagerly.

The main character's heart leapt at the news. "Sounds great. Which ground are we playing at?"

"Karima grounds," Kimani replied.

Tariq paused for a moment. "Karima? Is that the one by the beach?"

Kimani chuckled. "Yeah, that's the one."

Tariq's heart leapt at the news. "I know that ground. What time is kickoff?"

"Kickoff is at 2 pm," Kimani replied. "So you better hurry up and get over here."

Tariq grins and says, "I'll be there."

As he hung up the phone, Tariq feels a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Stretching both his arms and legs, he rises from his bed and takes a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The coolness of last night has given way to the warmth of the sun, and he feels invigorated and ready to face the day ahead.

He couldn't wait to get out on the field and show off his skills. "Time to get ready," he thought to himself, a determined look on his face.

"I didn't get to ask him what team we would playing against, may be it some other amateur team."

He tried to remember from his previous life, but nothing comes up with anything because this was the same time he had a car accident because of a girl and forced to pay for the car damages and he didn't even rent which ultimately stopped his desire for football but that is a story for another day.

Back to football now.

In Kenya, football is more than just a sport. It is a passion that runs deep in the veins of its dedicated fans. For many, supporting a local team is a way of life, with the excitement and energy of the game providing a sense of community and belonging.

That doesn't mean they don't also support foreign teams.

The enthusiasm of Kenyan football fans is legendary, with thousands of supporters packing stadiums and cheering on their teams with unwavering devotion. The players may not have the fame and glamour of global superstars, but they are beloved by their fans for their skill, dedication, and heart.

The atmosphere at any Kenyan football match is electric, with the sights and sounds of cheering fans creating an unforgettable experience. The passion and excitement of the game are contagious, drawing in even those who may not consider themselves sports fans.

The K.P.L is the centre of it all, with teams from every corner of the country.

Derbies like the Mashemeji derby (BETWEEN AFC LEOPARDS AND GOR MAHIA), where the teams only come to destroy their rivals and humiliate them severely is the ultimate goal while entertaining their own fans.

Because in Kenya, football is not just about winning or losing. It is about the connection between players and fans, the shared love of the game, and the joy and entertainment it brings to people's lives. Whether a team is victorious or not, the dedication of its fans remains steadfast, with the game serving as a powerful source of pride and unity for the nation, but despite all this the Kenyan National Team (Harambee Stars) has yet to qualify for a world cup.

Tariq goes to their small kitchen and tries to look for breakfast just then he meets his mom.

"Look who is up, have you grown why do you look taller and you skin looks clean." His mom asks him while smiling.

"I think I'm having a growth-spurt Mama and I'm starting to look like you, I think the ladies will love me." He says while teasing his mom.

"Don't bring home a kid before you get married son."

Laughs, "I promise, Mama."



For those who don't know Malindi is a town on Malindi Bay at the mouth of the Sabaki River, lying on the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya. It is 120 Kilometres (74.5 Miles) northeast of Mombasa. The population of Malindi was 119,859 as of the 2019 census. It is the largest urban centre in Kilifi County. Tariq could just make a run to Mombasa and he would have finished his first system mission :).

Football in Kenya is regulated and controlled by the F.K.F (FOOTBALL KENYA FEDERATION).


Mashemeji derby (BETWEEN AFC LEOPARDS AND GOR MAHIA) - Longest running derby in Kenya between the two biggest teams in Kenya.



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