
Love for feet

This Story starts with the Introduction of the 12 year old boy named "Anup" from the city of Chennai,Tamil Nadu.Anup is a boy with power glasses on.Anup suffers from social anxiety disorder.Anup always fears of being judged and getting teased.Anup had a sister named "Nandhini" who is one year elder than him.Nandhini is very bold and energetic young girl.One day,Anup was watching wwe(world wrestling entertainment) with his sister Nandhini.Suddenly Nandhini asked Anup "Can we play this game now??" and that's the turning point of Anup's story.

Anup and Nandhini's parents were out of station.Anup and Nandhini started their wrestling match.The match between them looks quite fair at first and when Nandhini knocked down Anup in the floor,She placed her beautiful right feet on the chest of Anup as a mark of Victory over her little brother.This aroused something inside Anup when he saw her sister placing her feet on his chest for victory pose and he's liking this very much.!!

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