
Fool's Errand

The world has never been fair to Ronan and bad luck seems to be his middle name. Going about his business, he is suddenly transported to another world which seems to be very familiar to him, yet the ride to the destination was anything but desirable. Rather than endure and give up, why not laugh? "HAHAHAHAAHA! Nothing ever goes my way!" PS. This is for fun. This is my first book so there might be grammar mistakes or mistakes in general, but I hope to learn. Summary might be changed but I don't want to put too much into it since I like surprises. Thanks for reading!

ChainedTime · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

'No way I am going to stop with the way I was just treated. What an unreasonable request and when has anyone ever stopped when someone yelled you to stop? NO ONE! I'm surprised no one is chasing. If it was Michael, there is no doubt he could catch me in a blink of an eye. Well luckily, this gives me a chance to make my move.'

I turned a right towards a door only to be greeted by a huge corridor illuminated with dim white lights and peach colored marble flooring and walls. There were multiple numbered doors which all appeared to look the same and multiple corridors branching from the main corridor to create a maze-like structure.

The cathedral is absolutely massive which is to be expected but being the author, if I am to believe so, then running away from the front entrance is just asking to die so going in this maze-like area was the only option.

This is quite literally the Goddess' territory and the cathedral is more used as an over glorified throne room to emphasize the grandness she possesses. That being the case, it is usually empty as it is considered sacred grounds for angels and only those granted permission may enter.

A whole army of angel soldiers/paladins will probably be located just outside the cathedral which means that leaving will be more trouble than it's worth. It also appears that no one other than the Aria and Michael are in the cathedral which I have to thank the war for.

Normally, there is a whole squad of paladins and archangels protecting the Goddess, but it seems that the current situation did not allow them to stay next to her and most of the army should have gone as well. That doesn't make me worry any less though since there are guaranteed to be powerful entities all around.

"That means I probably only have around 10 minutes at most," I sighed.

"Still, it's strange that I, the one and only author, would be chased by the very beings that I gave life to. Damn ingrates. Have fun with the war, hehe."

As a realization struck me, I suddenly stopped running.

"Wait... war?"

'Something is wrong. Why would there be a war going on at this very moment of the story? Since when was there a war involving multiple angels appearing in my story? Angels were rarely ever mentioned because the story behind them was that they only lived to protect the goddess they served. Why would they mobilize? In what moment of time did I arrive?'

Suddenly interrupted, a loud sound could be heard from all around the area.

"Alert! Alert! An intruder was found inside the cathedral. Entity Classified as Extremely Dangerous. All High-class personnel are granted access to enter the Cathedral. Capture, if possible. Killing is permitted."

'Forget it. I have other priorities.'

Running as fast as I could, I was searching for a room where there would be an item that might be able to get me out of here.

It was a stone called "Stone of miracles" which is a stone that makes miracles. Not really that complicated. The only reason it was called that was because there was no price to pay when using the stone other than the stone itself.

The miracle doesn't grant you absolutely everything, but rather it is a stone that acts as a sort of 'cast any magic you want for free' and that just doesn't happen normally. Hence the name "Stone of Miracles."

Luckily, no one really knows what the stone looks like and it is generally regarded more of a myth since it is just absurd if a stone had that much power. The only reason I added it to the story was to emphasize how amazingly kind the main character was. He would use the stone to help out the father of one of the main heroines who was deathly ill and as a result, the main character gained a loyal follower and potential lover.

The only reason he knew how to use it is because I gave him the ability to identify how items can be used. He could also 'sense' the power from an item or person. Like how people in shows can tell someone or something is dangerous somehow.

The Goddess never knew of this power or else she would have safeguarded it. I never really described why the Goddess wasn't able to sense the item which makes me wonder how it is interpreted in this world.

"I'll help out the heroine's father when I can to make up for taking the item."

Whatever the case is, the stone is in a wooden crate found in a storage closet full of garbage items that don't really have much use. A safe and unprotected location.

As the sound of an alarm was blaring, I finally found the door I was looking for after lots of turning left and rights.

It was door number 202.

I quickly opened the door and closed it right away only to be greeted by a gymnasium sized storage room with Mutiple wooden crates.

"How am I going to find anything here!" I exclaimed quietly.

"The main character had his secret sense, but I have nothing."

I Immediately decided to place a couple of crates in from of the door to prevent entry although it would probably not do much.

Not wasting any more time, I started rummaging through all of the piles of items to no avail.

There was no guarantee that the stone would be here, but it was my best shot. Afterall, I never wrote how the stone got to the Goddesses' domain just that it was there when the main character arrived.

I heard multiple footsteps coming down the corridor, every door being open and closed, and yells of angels saying "Room ___ Clear".

*Pant. Pant. *

Drenched in sweat, I glanced at the door.

"Haha," I said weakly," it seems like my time is running up and my body seems to be giving up on me."

I sat down next to one of the boxes and glanced at my body which was filled with little static squares from varying sizes.

"Ha. Man, I even look like a bugged player you would find in video games."

I then smiled and looked at the huge room surrounding me.

"Well, I at least got to experience something different in my life. Chaotic, sure, but it was fun."

"Room 201 Cleared!" yelled an angel.

Loud stomping footsteps could be heard coming towards my door.

"Let me at least rough them up a bit before I go down," I chuckled as I picked myself up from the ground.

My punches would probably just amount to a tickle... on a good day.

As if all the luck accumulated in the world, In the corner of my eyesight, there laid a quartz rock located at the far corner of the room.


"Sir, the door is blocked" an angel could be heard exclaiming.

"Break it down then!!! The intruder is most likely in there! I'll take care of the damages!" exclaimed another angel.

Rushing over to the stone, I picked it up hurriedly.

"[Holy Slash]" a soldier chanted, and the door was sliced into pieces. soldiers rushed into the room one by one carrying all kind of weapons.

"Stop in the name of Goddess Aria!!" commanded a burly looking man with light brown hair and light brown eyes.

Not wasting any more time, I shouted, "Teleport!"

The stone started to glow only to be engulfed by the static squares that surrounded my body.

Now it just looked like a corrupted stone.

"AAAH! What?!" What is going on!?!?!?" I screamed in pain.

My body felt like a thousand needles were being pressed on it while being in a pool of acid.

All the angels in the room stood there dumbfounded and gazed at the scene of a demon, or monster, glitching in heaven and fazing in and out of reality.

None dared to approach this monster and much less dared to attack it.

Where I stood, static squares started spreading throughout the room destroying everything it touched.

Everything that surrounded me within a 20-meter radius started to disappear and it felt as if the world was being ripped apart in the storage room.

"HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA!! HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS MY LUCKY BREAK!!!! YOU STUPID STONE!!!" I screamed in laughter and agony while my consciousness was fading away.

The stone then shattered and infused itself onto my body only to inflict more pain.

I then faced all of the angels with a smile, who looked at me all scared.


I don't know what is going to happen to me, but I want to get the back at them. Some good ol' psychological warfare. Hopefully, they are scared till the end of times. I did teleport here without an angel which was previously known to be impossible, afterall.

'They didn't want to believe me when I said I don't know so only they are to blame for this.'

My eyesight started to blur.

The pain then instantaneously disappeared as if it wasn't there.

Then my mind went blank.


Just as fast as it happened, the monster disappeared without a trace leaving only a gaping hole in its wake.

The angels could do nothing but watch this scene with fear, their feet planted onto the ground like they were nailed to it. Maybe it was because of the inexplicable situation, the threat, or maybe it was because of the maniacal laughter the monster had. They didn't know.

What they did know, however, was that they witnessed a being that will flip the world upside down.