
Food Master of the Underworld

Wang Ming and his father lost everything when his father got cheated by his wife Wang Ming's stepmom. Follow him going from owning a food stand to step after step, opening up a restaurant chain and entertainment empire. He realizes that to stay on top. You need to be the top dog. Tags: Harem, R-18, Comedy, Action, Weak to Strong, Hard Working MC, Cooking, Graphical scenes.

Goham · Urban
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259 Chs

Only the two of us

"Qiao Meng, I realize this is your first day of work, but you need to be more attentive. You also need to learn who you can mess with and who you can't. The person who owns this card has such a big background that even our boss's boss, has to be respectful to them."

Luo Ruiqing sweated profusely, He prayed that Young Master Meng wouldn't pursue this since they had only stopped the taxi and nothing more. He needed to remedy this situation. Looking at Qiao Meng, he got an idea. He didn't think any man could be mean to a good-looking girl like Qiao Meng.

"Qiao Meng, later when young master Meng comes apologize and look as pitiful as you can." Seeing that Qiao Meng wanted to refute him, Luo Ruiqing kept going not giving her a chance.

"Please Qiao Meng, this is important for both of us, I'm going to retire soon. If I get fired now there's no pension for me do you want me and my family live on the streets? Don't you want to catch bad guys anymore? Do you really want to be fired on the first day? Think about it Qiao Meng please."

Luo Ruiqing felt shameful for letting his junior do something like this but, he only had 5 to 10 years left of his career at max. His only wish is to retire with his pension still intact.

"Qiao Meng, go to them and apologize. Show that you're sorry and remember, show that you're weak. Even show tears and a bit of skin if they don't sympathize with you. Also give him the card back."

Qiao Meng clenched her teeth and glared at Luo Ruiqing. She was a police officer catching a criminal serving justice. Why would she apologize to them? They broke the law so they have to suffer why should she apologize?

"No, I'm a police officer catching someone that broke the law. Releasing them is already hard enough for me, and you want me to apologize? Never!"

Qiao Meng was utterly disappointed of the traffic division already after the first day of work. If this was how it would be, how could she serve justice to criminals, if every time the perpetrators had a big background or backer, then she would need to release them.

"Calm down, Qiao Meng, this doesn't happen often. If they had killed someone I wouldn't tell you to release them. They were only speeding. No need to take it further than this. If you lose your job for this how are you going to catch other bad guys, the ones that kill and robs?"

He tried to talk some sense into Qiao Meng. He understood Qiao Meng's passion for justice. He was once like her in the first years of his career. But the law is dead while people are alive. Sometimes you need to bend the law and adapt.

Still clenching her fist, Qiao Meng sighed and nodded to Luo Ruiqing. Walking back to the car, she noticed her anger dissipate for each stomp she made, so she kept doing it. When she arrived at the car, Qiao Meng appeared calmer and released the fist she was still clenching.

Qiao Meng walked back towards Louzheng's car, Wang Ming couldn't help but stare at her again. But this time his heart hurt. She looked miserable, almost like she was about to cry.

Luo Ruiqing, who were still sitting in the police car, looked at the scene and gave thumbs up to Qiao Meng mentally. Since he thought she was acting, the problem was that she wasn't Qiao Meng felt genuinely sad and disappointed.

"I'm sorry, you guys can go."

Qiao Meng said while throwing back the card Wang Ming gave her. Again, walking back to the police car as fast as she could. Qiao Meng stopped when she discovered someone shouting at her.

Wang Ming didn't know why, but he couldn't bear seeing her walk away looking sad. He should have been happy that she let him go, since that meant that he could go to his appointment with Meng Hao. But the only thing on his mind right now is Qiao Meng and her pitiful face.

Assembling his wheelchair and transferring himself over to it, he moved towards Qiao Meng. Seeing her pitiful face and attitude made him want to protect her. "Miss Qiao, is everything Ok? Does letting us go give you problems? If it gives you problems, I can accompany you to the police station and pay the fine."

Hearing what Wang Ming said made her clench her fists even harder. She thought he was taunting her. If I could, I would have taken you back to the station already, she thought. Qiao Meng didn't notice while she was pondering to herself her face looked even more pitiful, which made Wang Ming's heart heavier than it already was.

But before Wang Ming could say anything more, he saw Meng Hao running towards them while shouting. "Stop! Stop!" Meng Hao thought Qiao Meng was arresting Wang Ming, so he shouted to stop the police officer.

As a result, he ran too fast and almost crashed into Wang Ming and Qiao Meng. Hurriedly Meng Hao separated Qiao Meng from Wang Ming and said.

"Why are you arresting him? Do you know who I am? Do you know who he is? If you don't explain this to me properly, then you should know what's going to happen. My uncle is the police commissioner!"

Meng Hao was not an unreasonable person, but for his friends and Wang Ming he would do anything to protect them.

Wang Ming felt puzzled when Meng Hao asked if Qiao Meng knew who Wang Ming was. Wang Ming didn't have any special identity at all-

Frowning, Qiao Meng scrammed back at Meng Hao.

"Do you know you are talking to the police? Talk with respect. Who are you to threaten me!"

Seeing the situation escalated, Luo Ruiqing jumped tout of the car. Hopefully, this doesn't implicate me too, he thought. Opening the car door and running towards Meng Hao, he shouted, "Young Master Meng! Good Morning!" He hoped that Qiao Meng took the hint, that Meng Hao isn't someone they can offend.

Seeing that Luo Ruiqing was so respectful towards the big man, she felt nervous. She remembered what Luo Ruiqing had just said. If she wanted to keep her job she needed to be respectful to this man, but she couldn't and didn't want to swallow her pride. "I let him go already why are you making more problems. Just go already!"

Meng Hao then looked at Wang Ming to confirm, who nodded back at him. Seeing that he was the bad guy here, he apologized to Qiao Meng. "Miss policewoman, I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me. I didn't mean to threaten you."

Qiao Meng, Luo Ruiqing and Wang Ming felt like thunder had struck them. They didn't think that Meng Hao would apologize like this. Is this a dream? He looked like a fierce tiger just now when he was angry, but when he apologized he looked meek as a cat.

Wang Ming saw that Meng Hao was apologetic and saw this to be a great opportunity to help Qiao Meng out. So he said out loud so they all could hear. He knew it was shameless of him to do this, but he felt it's the right thing to do.

"If you are sorry, then shouldn't you compensate her, Young Master Meng? Miss Qiao, what do you want? Young Master Meng said his uncle is the police commissioner. If you have a small request, maybe he can help you."

Hearing what Wang Ming said made Qiao Meng excited, 180 degrees from how she just was. She went from sad and angry to happy in a blink of an eye. "Mr. Meng is it possible for your uncle to transfer me to the CI? (Criminal Investigation) It has always been my dream to catch the real criminals."

Meng Hao didn't really care about Qiao Meng. He would have said no, if it was her that asked him. But since Wang Ming wanted him to compensate her, he couldn't say no, Wang Ming would think he's petty. Sighing, Meng Hao nodded in defeat "I will call my uncle, but don't thank me thank Wang Ming. If he didn't ask for you, I wouldn't have bothered."

Luo Ruiqing would love to ask Meng Hao to help him to but he stayed silent. He was an experienced man and knew when to be tactful. But it seemed like he would need to get a better relationship with Wang Ming. If he could get close to Wang Ming, then he would be close with Young Master Meng.

"Now go please. Me and Wang Ming still have important business."

Meng Hao became impatient he just wanted to have a nice meeting with Wang Ming. Turning around to grab Wang Ming's wheelchair, Meng Hao pushed his wheelchair to Lance Cafe. Wang Ming didn't like that people thought of him as a handicap, he could push the wheelchair himself.

But since Meng Hao had helped Qiao Meng, he just let Meng Hao have his will. Passing Louzheng's car, Wang Ming told him he could go, which Louzheng just responded with a thumbs up and drove away.

When everybody had left Meng Hao licked his lips and whispered into Wang Ming's left ear. "Now it's only the two of us"