
Follow The North Star

Amelie has been experiencing intense nightmare lately, it had even gotten to the point that she was afraid to fall asleep. She experiences random mood swings, and she is constantly feeling nauseous in the morning. Her doctor claims it is due to the fact that she is constantly staying awake all night, reading about conspiracy theories, but Amelie believes there is more to it, as every night when Amelie looks out the window, she sees a bright shining star above in the night sky, and for some reason she feels the need to follow it, almost like it was luring her.

TheGorillaMonkey · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


Amelie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she waited patiently by her window, Dr Gru was standing right behind her with a tired look on his face, "...I don't see anything" Dr Gru commented, "Just wait!!" Amelie shouted, keeping her eyes at the sky, which was as dark as unfiltered coffee.

"...There!!!" Amelie shot up, pointing at a bright shining light in the sky, almost like a shooting star that's frozen in place, it was a short dash of line that's emitting light.

"...Holy hell" Dr Gru murmured as his eyes became fixed on the light, suddenly they both stared at it in a daze.

Amelie could hear the sound of children giggling, and the sound of laughing, it drew her in, comforted her and made her feel a sense of nostalgia. Dr Gru on the other hand had a paralyzing look, his pupils were dilated and his hands began to sweat.

The Light suddenly flickered, and it appeared to zoom away. Amelie blinked rapidly, feeling blood pouring out of her ears, meanwhile Dr Gru stood frozen in place, "...What did you see?" Amelie asked Dr Gru, who remained silent. "This time I didn't see anything...I only heard a familiar sound...a sound that I felt like I heard centuries ago...but also recently...almost like I heard it from a past life, do you get what I mean?" Amelie asked Dr Gru. "...I saw something different...I saw what is lurking out in the cosmo...out in the unknown, I saw all the monstrosities...no, all the FORCES beyond our grasp...the things that are emitting that light, they are but a speck of dirt compared to the forces of...not even nature, the forces of chaos that exist beyond our capabilities...I saw the nightmares lurking on our ocean floors, the entities hiding among us...but most importantly of all, I learned that we are nothing...we are no longer the Alpha species...we are not even a speck of dirt, not even a piece of atom to the things out there..." Dr Gru picked up his pen, "...I cannot live...I cannot live knowing such horrific things are out there...I can't live fearing that one day, I may have to view such horrors again...farewell" Dr Gru cried, Amelie covered her eyes and turned away, and before she knew it, a pool of blood had formed on the ground.