

'can't you listen to me, I am tired of you, and if you think I am going to tolerate this nonsense! you are more like a goat.'Mrs Smith, Alohi's mother shouted at Alohi. she was warning her(Alohi ) about her house chores.

'Shit, I can't even have a better living with the parent I have' she hissed and left to her room. while she was going, she saw a cat in the basement. Alohi knows her mother is allegic to cat, she brought the cat in to care of it.

Alohi kept the cat for some few days. On the Thursday morning, Alohi has gone to school,the cat has found a way out of Alohi's room.

'what's is that smell,umm the cat where did it come from? 'Mrs Smith shouted, she sneezed. she went to the room to basement to take the broom to pursue it out.

Alohi in the school with her friends, she got into her boy friend, Carlo. she went towards him she kissed in the public, while kissing the principal met them. all the students didn't tell them the principal was coming, they left them to face what they were doing.

'what is going on? ' they stopped with fear 'meet me in my office'

the principal said to them.

'was that a trap?' Alohi ask her friends. They head to the principals office.

'This is the last I will warn you about what you both do in the school. I don't know what to say, the only solution is bring your to the school tomorrow. ' The principal said.

Alohi looked at Carlo, 'is that all ?' Alohi asked.

'yes , I am in the post again to warn you , it's your parents '

'Please give me the last chance ,my mom would kill me she heard of this nonsense. ' Carlo plead.

'That's my last statement for you,you can leave.'The principal said. Alohi was the first person to leave,thinking her mom would not complain

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