
Chapter#1 Soul Pain North Carolina Street#57 North Carolina December 12, 1989.

North Carolina.

June 5,1989.

Walking alone on the bridge while holding that black colored Umbrella, she was cursing her own self. "You idiot! Jenny! I told you thousands of times that you aren't going to fit into those elite class friends!"

Friend! Seriously? Are they worthy enough to be called friends. Although it was raining but she felt something flowing from her eyes ." Warm and salty"If you get a chance to taste her tears!

Pain has several types; bodily pain - the pain of joints, the pain your 60 years old aunt Sandra always complaining about . Pain in the nerves when you see your best friend turning into a stranger. Such events are literally 'never shaking'.

But the pain of soul is something else!

You are breathing, actually you aren't because the soul inside your body is died long ago!

She was in such pain! .No matter what she wanted to kill Rosy. What Rosy did in greed and anger was unbearable for any soul. And we all know about Jenny. She is no doubt a pure soul!

She entered the main gate and closed it softly, trying her best to make no noise. Upon entering the house while she was turning the door knob, she saw something strange , red and she was crying and shouting with pain.In this whole world jenny had this one cat who was her family and now she had no one seriously!

There was a note attached to golden vase in middle of the wodden table. It was written with black ink pen and stated as :"Stay away from what is mine otherwise I will tear you and your beloved one apart. Your bestie Rosy".

How one can be this cruel?Why she did this to me ? Why she is behaving like this?

She was recalling each and everything. About 5 years ago she was a teen girl wearing short skirts over her golden skin and holding a bag pack while descending the stairs and calling her Dad : " Daddy I am ready let's go".Only daughter of a billionaire and was lucky go happy girl.But now she is all alone her dad was no more nor his wealth!

She fell over the couch and went into deep valley of sleep while crying. Next morning she woke up and cleaned her apartment and buried her cat in the backyard of the house next to the apartment and she did it early in the morning so no one could see her.She looked herself in the mirror and asked what's the matter why your soul is flattering every time.This is the most frequent question she used to ask herself . And still wandering in search of the answer....

But she wasn't aware of the fact that such questions cost nerves!

She wiped her tears. Rosy was her childhood friend.Both of them graduated from high school recently. But Rosy was no more Rosy anymore. Rosy was amongst those who stood with her through thick and thin but now Rosy was no more than an enemy. Jenny felt breathless for a moment and then she managed to get towards the window she opened it up and began to take deep breaths.

'Hhhhhj Hahhhh Huhhh' Sounds of her tired soul -soul encountering with pain and regrets.

Suddenly the phone rang and she picked up the reciver . "Good morning" Jenny! It's Lionel Richie.

'Good morning' ; She uttered somehow while wondering if it is a good morning? How are you? It's been a whole week you aren't coming to office. You know this very well that we are already facing a shortage of employees but still there are plenty of people who would love to work on your place.

Jenny sighed and replied "Sir ! I have been suffering from a fever. That's why I wasn't able to reach there". Lionel giggled " Seriously?" And you were in Rosy's birthday party last night! Right . I am going to fire you. We just don't need people like you in our office. Have a great day!"

Call dropped. A dead end!

So, Jenny packed a suitcase and decided to leave California. She had some money and she just wanted to leave this place. On reaching the station, she was totally blank .She didn't know what to do? where to go? Tears were falling down from her green hazel eyes , as if dew drops falling from tree leaves. 'I am the most useless thing in this world!' She thought. She was sobbing when she opened up her wallet , there was a dairy and few cards in it. Her mother passed away when she was just 12. Her mother was a successful dentist and she died in a car accident. Her mother has only a siste , Mimi and she lives in Texas. She opened up a little pocket sized diary and searched for her address and found it miraculously!

She had no idea what was going on and she didn't know why she was going to her Aunt . Probably she was her first or last shelter left on Earth.

She prayed to God to lessen her pain.

Her soul was in pain!


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