

The person I see in the mirror

Is afraid to open her heart for someone to steal.

Someone who wishes to be real,

Desperately trying to hide what she feels,

Tired of all the pain and deceit .

She is wondering who is she.

Influenced by the way cute is perceived.

She's at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

She wants to be seen but not noticed,

Afraid of loosing focus.

Her brown eyes are dull , empty and tearful.

Her soul yearns for love but is also doubtful.

She sees blood when she cries streaming

From her eyes. She is longing to die.

She is no longer surprised when someone says goodbye. All she does is nod and say alright.

Why do good people get hurt the most?

A question she asks seemingly to a ghost.

The pain we feel is what builds or breaks us.

She is broken beyond repair. Her heart is

Constantly filled with despair. All hope is lost

As she is living in fear . She has learned that

All good things will push her in pit of hypocrisy

And leave her there.