
Chapter 2 A giant snake

The group of men is viewed walking through a lush green rainforest. "Theorem, watch your step." James, the green hair guy, said as he watched his friend avoid a long snake tail. "That's a long snake." Theorem, the blue-haired guy said. "Be on guard." Their captain said. The group continues to walk. As they walk further, the little girl appears facing the snake. The snake stops slithering forward and lifts its long neck. The blue snake stares with its pitch-black eyes at the girl. "Do not bother that group unless they intrude in your lair. Send them off with a warning." The little girl said with her eyes glowing green. The snake stares at the girl before putting his head down and slithers away. Viola then heads in the direction of the group, curious about the reason they are in this forest.

"Captain…" James said. "I know." The captain replies, looking at James and Theorem. "We are here." The group appears in front of a large tree. Fruits laid across the trees are abundant in color and size. Theorem lifts his hands. "Dear tree, do we have your permission to take one of your fruits?" The tree shakes. "You have permission; your reason is pure." The tree shakes as three of his fruits float toward Theorem's outstretched hands. Theorem put the fruits in his backpack. "Thank you." The captain said as he bowed in respect. The tree shakes once again. "The snake shall guide you out." The group turned towards a hissing sound. A huge snake appears. It is the same snake Theorem almost tripped over, and Viola sent a warning to. The snake slithers up towards the tree and bows his head, then turns towards the group. "F-foll-ow m-e" The snake as he opens his mouth, and his black tongue sticks out. The snake starts to slither towards the exit. The group looks at the group. The tree shakes again. "Be careful." "What about the little girl?" James said as he looked at his captain and then the tree. "Viola, come out." A dark skin child appears with her yellow dress blowing in the wind. "Follow the group." The tree begins to speak before he changes his tone, and he starts to speak in a different language. The girl nods her head at this. The group only looked curious but said nothing. The girl looked towards the group and said, "Let's go." The snake that was waiting in the distance continued to move as the group, and the little girl followed after.

The group continues to march through the trees. The once-dark forest became darker as it neared night. The snake stops and stares at the group. "I will take you to my cave for the night, but do not touch my stuff." The snake bears his teeth in warning. The captain speaks first, "Thank you." The other two follow with a "thank you." The snake stares at the group before looking at the girl. The girl stares back at the snake. The snake continues to move forward, now heading toward his lair. After 20 minutes of walking and slithering, the group arrived in front. By now, the sky is already dark, and the surroundings have little light beside the glowing snake that led them to the cave. The snake slithers inside, and the girl follows without hesitation. The group stumbles for a bit before looking at each other and heading inside. Inside the cave lay tons of jewels and gold in piles around the cave. There is also a purple snake lying by an area of gold and swaddling nine white eggs. "My dear wife, I have brought the guest." The blue snake said as he slither towards the purple snake. The group and girl patiently waited at the entrance. The purple snake lifted her head and glanced at her husband. "Té cót (Hello Husband)" The blue snake continued to move towards his wife until his head was against his wife. "My ruby (My wife)" He removed his head as he glanced towards the group. The purple snake looks toward them. "I wrq asd a tok bi the zee (I was assigned a task by the tree)" The purple snake looks back at her husband before putting her head down and cuddling her eggs. "Ip ri (I'm tired)," She said. The blue snake glanced at her before looking back at his guest. "Find a place to sleep." The snake said before slithering near the exit to rest. The group followed his command and took sleeping bags out of their backpacks. They laid them out and began to rest. The girl looked at the group before her eyes turned green, and she grew a moss bed from the ground and rested on it. The creature and humans rest peacefully in the cave.

Early the next morning, the snake woke up and went hunting to bring food for his snake's wife. Ten minutes after he left, the group woke up and began packing and eating the food they carried on their voyage. Theorem was the first one to say, "Where do you think the blue snake went?" Theorem whispers, looking towards the sleeping purple snake. "He didn't abandon us, right?" James' eyes widened. "Why would he leave us here in a cave with his wife? Doesn't that sound ridiculous?" The captain spoke. Viola looks at the group as she continues to eat a plum. She then stopped eating as she saw the captain glance her way. "The snake went out to hunt food for his wife. If you can not tell, she recently gave birth." Viola said as she continued to eat her plum, ignoring the surprised stares from James and Theorem. "Btw, my name is Viola. I already know the name of the green hair and the blue hair, but what about you, Mr. Captain?" Viola says as she stares at the black-haired man. The captain grinned before speaking, "You are a well-spoken young girl, but that shouldn't come as a surprise since you are not human." The captain said. "My name is Caolan." Viola nods at him.

The blue snake finally arrives back, noticing the group is awake. "I s-see t-ha-t y-ou are a-wa-ke. L-let me r-est t-his d-own t-hen we wi-ll be on t-he m-mo-ve." The black eye snake said as he placed a wooden box that rested on his back next to his wife. "I ap keavio hpo my love" The purple snake shakes her tail in response as she continues to lay down with her eyes and clothes. "F-foll-ow m-e" The blue snake said as the group had already finished packing their stuff as the snake spoke with his wife. The snake slithers out of the cave entrance, and the group follows.

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