

Her breathing was as calm as water. Without hesitation, the girl stepped on the muddy dirt, turning her white shoe into brown. The twin tails danced to the rhythm of her run.

That girl, Luce Laudria, is currently pursuing someone.

The panicked middle-aged man came to a halt. The tall wall in front of him made his fear a reality. When he turned around, the girl in the white jacket was already blocking the exit. He was cornered.

"Agh…!!" the man yelled. His right hand was completely engulfed in flames. His shirt's sleeves slowly burned to ashes. "I… I don't want to hurt anyone! So, please… Please, step aside!"

With his right hand full of red fire, the man pointed at the girl. It is very easy to tell how desperate the man is. Nobody wants to go to prison after stealing a small purse.

Luce was confused. This can be either good or bad luck for her. An esper, and a pyrokinesis. This means he can create flames and manipulate them.

"W-wait a second!" In a panic, Luce raised both hands. "Please, don't play with fire. More people will be in danger if the buildings around here catch fire."

After ten minutes of chasing just like a cat and dog, they both ended up in an alley flanked by tall buildings.

"C-can we talk a bit?" The girl relaxed her shoulders while showing a tiny smile.

It was natural for the man to run away. However, he is fortunate that Luce is the one who pursued him.

Laplace is a city with many tall buildings and people with superpowers. To survive, Luce decided to follow three rules whenever she was in danger. That rule is to talk, fight, and escape.

If you can't have a discussion with the other person, most likely a battle will occur. If you can't win, you have no choice but to escape. Such a simple and perfect plan can be used almost anywhere.

"You have nice clothes. Don't you think it is too bad that your power burned it?"

Judging by his attire, it doesn't make sense that the man stole from someone else. However, that is life. People are sometimes got cornered until they do something dangerous and reckless.

Luce took a calm step forward. For her, something like this almost happens every day, to the point she has already gotten used to this.

The man's body shook. He backed away until his back was against the wall. Once more, Luce took another step forward.

"I told you to stop!" The man shouted, firing a large fireball the size of a head at Luce.

"Uwaa…!" Luce dodges instinctively by moving to the side.

The fireball hit a wall and made a small explosion. Since the wall is made of brick, it didn't burn. Still, doesn't change the fact that it was dangerous.

"T-that is dangerous, you know!"

"I told you to stop didn't I?!"

This is probably not going to be easy, the girl sighed. Luce will most likely need to act quickly.

"Huh, w-wait!! w-what is this?" The man looked confused. "Uwaaa…!! What is happening?!"

He gritted his teeth, bearing the pain. The fire in his hand grew larger and explode as if wanted to escape the body. Half of his clothes had already been burned.

When humans are desperate, they mostly will lose control of their minds, body, and spirit. If you lack experience, then the power will become uncontrollable and sometimes can eat your body.

Why are you using your power if you can't control it!"

"Waaaggh!!" The man ignored luce. His focus was drawn to his raging power.

His body erupted in a blaze of red fire. Most likely it will not burn his body and will vanish once he exhausted all of his energy. However, one or two buildings and hundreds of people are likely will die before this occurs.

"I… I am sorry. I can't, please run away!" The man had difficulty speaking while suppressing his power.

"Crap! I guess, there is no other choice, huh!"

Luce approached the man with caution. Her right hand erupted in blue flames. In contrast to the man's ability, Luce's flame was refined and calm, flowing like water.

The red flames struck Luce as if it was a bolt of lightning. Luce raised her hand to block it. It was like something out of a movie. Blue and red lights collided with each other.

Blue flames are typically hotter and riskier than red flames. Normal people would think that it doesn't make sense to kill a lion, by releasing a bear. However, Luce's ability works differently. It is neither hot nor warm. Even the flames don't burn anything.

Then, a question popped up.

If Luce's flames don't feel hot or burn anything, then how could her flame survive?

At first, the red flame is much larger. Luce only uses a small portion of her power to defend. Somehow, now the situation is reversed. Luce's flame burned the man's flame as if it was paper. It doesn't make sense, but that's how her ability works. Her ability defies logic and the law of the world.

Luce's blue flame eats energy. It doesn't matter stamina, heat, electricity, or even magic.

It was like a dragon's mouth, the blue flame extinguished the red flame and swallowed him. The man's body was enveloped in blue flames for a moment.

"Crap! That's enough!" Luce put out his ability slowly.

The man lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground. The girl is simply glad that her ability cannot burn physical objects. If it did, the man might have only left his skull and bones. Made Luce didn't hesitate in the slightest to use it on humans, since it only burns their energy.

"That is dangerous. I am glad I could stop it before..." Celes paused. Someone was lurking behind her. "Crap!"

Luce's skin was covered in a cold aura. As if someone was blowing her ears, the hair on his neck stood up.

"Ah, I should've finished this as soon as possible." Her tone was solemn.

"Luce Laudria."

Luce turned around after hearing a gentle voice from behind her. It was a woman Luce does not wish to see. At least for today.

Her silver long hair complemented her white dress. Her expression is as cold as the aura she exudes. It means winter, as the name implies.

"This is just an ordinary theft case. There is no need for you to come here, Winter." An awkward smile broke out.

Luce walked away and took a purse that he stole.

"I am here because you're getting involved in another trouble and using your power." Winter put a serious expression. "Just to remind you…"

"I know, I know… my ability is dangerous." Luce interrupted. "You always said the same thing every time."

Winter is a good friend to Luce. At least that is what Luce thinks. Winter probably watching over Luce only because of the flame. Luce doesn't care about that though.

"What if your power went berserk?"

Luce's blue flames eat energy. Of course, it has an impact on the user as well. Compared to other esper abilities, her ability consumes twenty times much faster. It took less than five seconds to make someone faint if they are swallowed by the flame.

"You worry too much Winter." Luce turned and walked away. "That man didn't hurt anyone. Also, I will return the purse to the owner. So, there is no need to arrest someone. He is simply desperate. Can you help him? He most likely lost his job or something."

"Luce Laudria. My offer still valid."

Luce came to a halt as a result of Winter's words. This is the reason why Luce didn't want to meet with Winter.

"I want you to join the city center and work as part of my Elite Squad."

They had known each other for six months. Winter isn't the type to be stubborn about something. However, just for this one, she never gives up. The request could no longer be counted on fingers anymore.

Elite Squad is such a simple name. A type of government organization tasked with protecting the city of LaPlace. A person must pass the test and have some kind of special ability to join. Winter's personal invitation demonstrates Luce's trustworthiness and dependability as a person.

The more Winter offered the job, the harder it will be for Luce to refuse. The more she refused, the more she felt uncomfortable for Winter.

"Hahaha…" Luce forced a laugh. "I am still 19 years old here. I don't want to work. I want to make the most of my freedom right now."

After all, the burden assigned is heavy, difficult, and imposed. Even so, receiving approval from someone as special as Winter is a huge honor.

"You do realize, I am asking you to join because you always seem to attract trouble."

"Uuh…" Luce didn't deny it.

This time, Luce only caught petty thieves. What about tomorrow or next week?

Even when her day is peaceful and without problems, she will look for them on her own. Her life could be in danger at any moment. When that happens, Luce will be forced to use her power. That is not something Winter wanted.

"You're still not planning to accept my offer?"

"Sorry, but nope."

"Keep watching over you is very troubling. Especially when you do as you please like this."

"Uh, I am sorry, I will try my best not to trouble you again."

That is what Luce said, but she and Winter both know very well it is something impossible. Her flame is the reason why she is strong, and yet it is also the reason why people are interested in her.

Well, just in case, I will leave one place just for you. If you ever change your mind…" Winter's mouth curled into a faint smile.

"Anyway, I will return the stolen purse to the owner."

Luce had her back to Winter. The girl's twin tail is dancing as he flees from the scene.

Luce Laudria is just a 19-year-old girl with extraordinary ability. Thousands of people in LaPlace city have special abilities similar to hers. Nonetheless, Winter still chooses Luce.

Responsibility, hope, obligation, duty… those are all heavy burdens. It restricts her movement. She can't enjoy anything because of that. Even right now, she already has her burden to bear on her shoulders. More, and probably she will break.

That is why Luce Laudria hates everything about them.