

Straight back, chest out, and always smile.

These were the three most important rules that I had heard myself say every day of my life.

Being a princess had never given me pressure as a child, but growing up I had learned that it was much more than three simple rules.

Freedom denied, only close friendships, in-depth study, and a necessary strategic mentality.

My life had never encountered imperfections, everything had always gone according to plans. Which obviously weren't mine.

I couldn't help wondering what the world was like outside the castle walls, while I spent every day closed inside, having to meet the rules that a royal had to follow.

Rules, rules, rules.

That's what my life was made of.

I had happened to hear people dream of being able to spend a day like a princess and every time, I shook my head, praying that they would realize the enormous idiocy they dared to hope for.

One day wouldn't have been enough to give them a vision of what a whole life promised.

As always, people tended to see only the positive sides of the role, without considering that the apparently most beautiful things are precisely the ones that hide the worst.

Of course, being a princess was no exception.

The maid looked at me worried through the reflection of the mirror, and I reassured her with a sweet smile, gesturing to finish her work so she could leave the room.

I felt her hands move gently around my soft hair, as she gathered the locks in front in a small braid that would have been a headband.

The tiara laid on the polished wooden bedside table caught my attention, shining as soon as the central diamond met a ray of light coming from outside the window.

The woman behind me bowed and greeted me formally before leaving me alone in the room, sitting staring at me in the mirror.

Whenever I could see my reflection, I couldn't help thinking about the words people used to compliment me.

It was true that I incredibly looked like my mother, a pretty face with fine features, surrounded by hair dark enough to be able to contrast my fair complexion.

But the eyes were definitely those of my father, a simple brown, which however took on a majestic shape.

I got to my feet and slowly ran my hands over the fabric that covered my body, pausing on the corset that tightened severely on my waist.

I sighed and started to leave the room and reach my parents as they had requested.

The corridors were empty, only the voices of some servants could be heard echoing between the walls, some giving orders to others.

I started fiddling with the gold bracelet I kept on my left wrist as I got closer and closer to the throne room.

It was an unusual time to be called back by the King and Queen, and whenever they had asked for a meeting in the largest hall of the castle it had always been to talk about business.

Not that I minded anyway.

Taking an active part in decisions that concerned my kingdom was the only thing that as a royal I loved to do.

The idea of ​​being able to receive trust and love from people had always convinced me that not everything that included being a princess or queen was unpleasant.

I stopped in front of the entrance and the guards bowed slightly after a smile of mine, opening the two massive golden doors that protected the interior.

I took a deep breath and advanced towards the two thrones at the bottom of the room, noting my two parents sitting waiting for my arrival.

I bowed majestically and watched the boy standing at the foot of the small staircase with his arms folded.

"Seokjin?" I frowned and looked again at the two imposing figures in front of me, as usual looking for an answer in their looks that didn't arrive.

"I thought it was a private meeting," I continued and received a small smile from my mother, who was getting up from her seat.

"We wanted your brother here to make an important announcement," she cupped my cheeks while thoughts in my mind became more and more confused.

The prince and princess had different responsibilities and duties once they became mature, and for this reason, I was rarely able to see him or witness his daily life.

"we finally managed to find an excellent candidate as your spouse," the solemn voice of my father interrupted the brief silence that had been created, awakening me from the flow that occupied my head.

I opened my eyes wide and moved the woman's hands in front of me from my cheeks, staring incredulously at the man sitting on his throne.

"A pact was stipulated with the opposing kingdom which provides for the union of you with their son, as a sign of peace," he explained without any emotion designated on his face, while out of the corner of my eye I saw the prince nod to his words.

"But I don't even know him!" I exclaimed panicked, gaining a death glare from him.

"He's young, polite, and from a good family. What more do you need to know?" he answered quietly, crossing his arms and tilting his head, "and we decided to give you time to get to know you before announcing your union publicly," his eyes were fixed on mine as he gave me a more serious look than ever.

I can't get married now. I'm not ready to leave this castle, the kingdom, my home.

"But father—" I took a step forward, looking at him with pleading eyes as I hope he would reconsider his decision for my sake, "—I can't leave our home that soon, I'm not ready."

"Your house is where I want it to be, understand?" he rudely answered, without deigning to me a minimum of compassion.

I turned to my mother for help, but what I got was just a slight, sad smile.

She knew perfectly well that she couldn't interfere with the king's decisions, she would risk unleashing his fury and putting herself in danger unnecessarily.

A tear fell from my face as soon as I met Seokjin's gaze, which seemed visibly tense and irritated by the situation.

Nobody wanted me out of the castle, and my father had certainly done it for the sake of his kingdom.

I looked down and wiped the single drop that was running down my cheek. I raised my head again and sighed, nodding slightly as my father stared at me.

"If that's your will, I'll do as you say, father"

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