
Mission 1: Flower

"Agent Flower! Come back here!" yelled a man in a suit running after a girl wearing thick headphones and a statement sweater. They were making quite an uproar at the floor of the retrieval department so early in the morning. Everybody was looking at them as she frantically throws all the pile and stacks of documents on the floor just to slow him down.

"Agent Flower as your supervisor, I order you to stop running!" he yelled angrily trying to catch his breath.

They ended running towards a dead end with only a window to escape to. She could fly off considering her abilities but she couldn't risk jumping off a high rise building in broad daylight where people could see. In a blink of an eye, the girl chucked her boots and summersaulted above her supervisor landing behind him, startling the poor man.

He stared at her in shock stuttering his commands over and over, "A-A-Agent Flower, I order you―"

"You know," tapping on the side of her headphone, "I could hear you loud and clear even from the first time old man." she replied in monotone.

The supervisor's eyebrows furrowed obviously insulted by her behavior, "Agent Flower, your partner Mr. Crumb of the vatican has resigned claiming he could not handle your attitude towards work." he said with his voice shaking in anger.

She scoffs, "So? It's not my fault he couldn't handle me. I've told you many times I can do my missions ALONE."

"THIS IS THE TENTH PARTNER, PICAR. All your missions are simply cleanup duty and yet you are being assigned to talented exorcists all over the globe. You should be grateful." he yelled.

She rolled her eyes and trilled her lips as she stared the old man down. She was not fazed.

"You know what old man," she pats his shoulder gently, brushing it lightly dusting off spirit mites he couldn't see, "I think you need to relax. Your wrinkles are showing your age." she smiled wickedly.


"You know Miss Picar," he lightly picked her hands off, "I will be writing this as another stain to your career. Just because you're a special case for this company doesn't mean you can't have a bad record. Which means it will be harder for you to get a NORMAL job afterwards." he yells and walks away.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and turned around watching his back disappear to the corner of the building. "I have nothing to lose you know." she mumbles to herself.

People were staring at her as she walked down the hall. She didn't mind the eyes that almost looked like spears cutting through her flesh. This is why she hated her job. Nobody understands the struggle of being to deal with things these people are unable to sense. Nobody understands her.

"You know, your job, it's not as bad as you think it is." said a girl wearing a sailor uniform floating around her bedroom.

"Easy for you to say. You're dead. Might as well die." she said strongly throwing a tennis ball bouncing it on the floor to the wall and catching it back. The ball occasionally passing through the girl's body. Yes, you are correct, the girl is a ghost.

"Primrose Picar, listen to me," the girl notices how the ball keeps on entering her abdomen, "And will you stop using me as a target net?" she said flailing her arms.

Prim laughs, "Sorry Jona, I just.." her face turned grim catching the ball to a stop, "I'm really tired. I've been doing this job for years. I have not had a normal conversation even once. It's always been talking to things unseen. Bottomline, it's just sad how you're the only person―"

"Ghost," Jona crossed her arms.

"Pfft." Prim rolled her eyes chuckling, "Alright, alright. Person-before-now-ghost I can talk to."

Jona smiled.

Jona is Prim's best friend who happens to be a ghost. Jona isn't really her real name and they don't know what her real name really is. She can't remember who she really was before she died. They met when Prim was still a trainee. She met her at one cleanup mission they had in an abandoned orphanage at the neighboring city. Prim found Jona at one of the orphanage's classroom hiding near the broom closet. At first, Jona wouldn't come out, but eventually started to warm up to Prim the moment she did something.

"Hey," Jona said and sat beside her best friend on the bed.

Ordinary things pass through her but the company's furniture were designed to be spirit proof making it a lot easier to trap unwanted entities. Not a surprise considering their line of work.

"Yeah?" Prim responded.

"Remember the first time we met?"

Prim paused then melted into a smile, "Yeah. It was at an abandoned orphanage back when I was ten."

"You were ten?" Jona exclaimed, "No wonder you were shaking your butt off." she giggled.

"Hey!" Prim pushed her, "In my defense that was my first mission outside the city. And it was really dark."

Jona giggled, "Ahh...good times. I remember how you weren't wearing these thick black headphones back then." she said pointing to Prim's ears.

Prim laughed, "Yeah, those were plain ol' wired earphones designed for me by the company. It was uhhh..connected to a device that would cancel out majority of my bionic hearing."

"Do you still hear them?" Jona's voice turned soft.

Prim glanced at her best friend who had a worried look, and pretended to mess with Jona's hair, "Don't worry, as long as I don't remove these, I'm fine." she smiled.

Having extra sensitive ears might sound cool for a regular human being, but for Prim, it was a nightmare. At four her parents left her with her grandfather, saying they couldn't handle the paranormal activity happening in their house and that the child attracts bad entities into their lives. Little Prim could not do anything but harden her heart to the reality. By the time Prim reached grade school, she tried to make friends but was unable to do so. Like her parents, the kids would stay away from her saying she's talking to demons. One kid said they saw her talking to the piano of the school's music room and the door suddenly shut. Rumors spread around the campus isolating Prim from everybody. Prim's grandfather decided she be homeschooled for the time being. Prim was very smart. She excelled in all her subjects. But that did not matter to Prim. All she ever wanted was a normal childhood. A normal life. And yet because of this curse, everybody turned away from her. That until she met the people of DoReMi.

"You know Prim," Jona interrupted her thoughts, "Even if you feel like you hate your job or you hate yourself for being unusual, you have to admit that because you can sense the unknown, you found a place where people do not question your peculiarity. And because of your peculiarity, you found me."

Prim felt her chest lighten up. Hearing those words from her best friend cheered her up. She knew that Jona was right. Maybe if she could just look at it at a different perspective, she'll learn to appreciate the work.

"Besides Prim, you're lucky you get to live at this company's penthouse top floor. You even go to a private school at their expense."

"A private school for freaks."

"Oh come on! Look at me, I'm dead. I can't even go to school." Jona pouted.

"Well, maybe if they just realize I can do the work all by myself, I'd think about being thankful for once."

"And there you go again with your 'I can do this alone'," Jona sighs, "You seriously need a boyfriend."

Prim stood up, completely dumbfounded by her best friend, "W-Wha, HOW DID THAT EQUATE TO ME HAVING A BOYFRIEND??"

Jona burst into laughter, "You my friend have zero immunity to guys which is why hostility comes first for you then you end up wanting to just kick the bucket and abandon all. YOU NEED TO EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF HAVING SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE. YOU NEED TO ENJOY LIFE."

"Jona. I have grandpa."

Jona facepalms, "You are a disaster Prim. I can't believe you. I meant a date!"

"I have no time for such―"

Prim was about to have a come back to that when suddenly a tune from the speakers came on and a voice spoke.

"Calling Agent Flower of Squad 4, Commander Chang demands your presence at her office in 5 minutes."

Prim and Jona stared at each other as the announcement repeated three times.

"You better go, Prim. It sounded serious."

"This isn't the first time I was called to the commander's office. I bet it's that supervisor's doing." Prim complained picking up her gear, "He probably had me relocated."

"Well, where's the worst he could send you?"

Prim glanced back to Jona shaking her head, "Who knows. Probably hell."

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