
Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

In a world where martial artists reign supreme, strength is everything. Unfortunately, that logic doesn't apply to a certain Florida Man. Refined in the nuclear fallout wasteland, Leo was the strongest mutant alive. He carried an alien artifact, allowing him to exchange his lifespan for modern items. After 50,000 years of solitary life in a humanless world, he collected enough lifespan to transmigrate to another habitable world. Leo was later thrown into a mysterious planet. He soon discovered that his body produced radiation, and it mutated the surrounding plants and grasses. Worrying that he might ruin the beautiful planet, he chose to live in seclusion. Unfortunately, the local population soon discovered his existence, and a misunderstanding ensued.

DamnPlotArmor · Fantasy
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340 Chs

Florida Man Injected Micro-CPU and Micro-GPU Inside His Brain So That He Could Play Fortnite in His Sleep.

Chapter 205 – Florida Man Injected Micro-CPU and Micro-GPU Inside His Brain So That He Could Play Fortnite in His Sleep.

"999 more times? Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Leo scratched his head. Although gaining a free skill was tempting, he wasn't interested in the grind. After all, the previous fight was annoying as Esen's shadow was a lot faster than Situ Nantian. Had Leo fought her 2 months earlier, he would have been struggling to catch her.

He had enough with the simulation mode. He checked the other features next.


Pocket Dantian Menu

- Combat Simulation

- Dantian Universe Management

- Lifeform Management

- Time Ratio Settings

- Energy Expenditure Settings


The next one in the queue was the Dantian Universe Management. Leo pressed on it and activated this mode. Then, changes occurred in his consciousness.