
Rare Anomaly

At the last second, I managed to rein in my anger and shift back into a human. Zach didn't look scared. He looked...smug? ok, I will admit I'm not real good at reading emotions.

What I couldn't understand was why I could shift into a tiger.....My mom could shift into a bear and my father a lion. that settles it.

I had to tell my parents. I gave Zach on last look if disdain and went back inside, where my mom was waiting. "Mom, could I talk to you?" I guess she heard the worry in my voice because she set me down on the couch "Sure, honey. what's wrong?"

I take a deep breath and begin. "I got angry at Zach and I shifted except I didn't shit into a bear or a lion. I shifted into a tiger so I was curious to what its called"

my mom frowned "you could be a multi-shifter. they are born every 500 years. it is said that hey live twice as long and age slower than regular shifters. there is only one way to really know if you are a multi-shifter."

I wasn't to keen on being a multi-shifter. I age slower? eesh. no thanks then I heard what my mom said and go excited "How do we test?"

"Think of an animal and shift. don't do a bear, lion or tiger. ok?" My mom replied

I nodded and concentrated on a cute little fox. the pointed ears, the eyes, the nose, the fluffy tail, the small paws. and before I knew it, I was a fox.

I trotted around the room and looked at my mom. she only nodded once. "do another" I shifted back an then thought of an owl. in less that a minute I was flying in the room. flying, that is, until I crashed into the wall.

it didn't hurt, but I decided not to fly in the house again. I shifted back. "Well?" I asked my mom, anxious "Am I a multi-shifter?"

my mom looked confused "Even on of those should be able to do only a couple shifts. you did more than that. I honestly don't know what you are"

my heart dropped like a stone. that's it. I'm an anomaly. I'm a fucking freak. I will be tested and tested until that day I die. if I die. Hell. I could be immortal! I don't want to be immortal!

I had to get fresh air. I couldn't stand around "I'm going to go outside for a while" before my mom could respond, I was out the door and shifted into a hawk. I flew through the air.

it was seriously he best feeling in the world. the wind ruffling your feathers. the quiet. the peace. I could actually get used to it

after a while of flying, I landed in front of my house and shifted back to myself. I felt sore all over, as if I flapped my arms for hours. which, I guess, I did. I entered the house and went up to my room. not only am I an anomaly, but I was going to get married to a guy I don't love. hell, I think I despise him.

I sighed. it was time for bed. I did my normal routine and crawled in my bed. Tommorow is a new day. maybe this was just a nightmare.

I seriously doubt it...was my last thought before falling in a deep slumber

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