

My name is Lauren Hicks. I'm seventeen years old, junior at Academy of The Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. A private school. I know 'Academy of The Sacred Heart' sounds witchy, I wish my school was like Hogwarts or something, you know like something from Harry Pottery, that would be cool but it's nothing like that, it's the complete opposite. Now you're probably reading this and wondering if I was born into wealth to afford going to a private school. What's my deal.

My parents Mary and John Wicks. One a prosecutor and the other a business entrepreneur. My mom, Mary grew up in Michigan her entire life, knew the direction she was going in and knew what she wanted in life, born into a family of four, she was nothing but rich. My mom owns a successful social media company, if she's not at her job running things, chattering down clients then she's out of town on a business trip. She travels everywhere which often times I'm left alone with my dad, John.

John Wicks is a state prosecutor, one of the very best. Everyone knows he is, he's also very witty and really friendly but when it comes to his job that attitude goes away. He's often caught up in it also with clients. My dad also has enemies, a lot of them after all he does work for the state, some people end up in prison because of him. Families, prisoners dislike him, we have even received death threats, mysterious calls during the night. I know my dad is fearful for his life but he remains strong holding our small family together

Now that you know who my parents are let me introduce you to my best friend, Caroline Flanagan. She's also 17, we've been best friends since our freshmen year at the academy. Likewise my family, the Flanagans are really nice people, very friendly to others but strict on competition, risk takers. Caroline's mom lives on the edge. Her job is cool, she swims with dolphins, Caroline visits the preserve and helps out on most days, I tag along for the fun and enjoyment of it. I get to play with dolphins I wouldn't pass that up. Her father on the other hand is also into serious business. Caroline's father is a lawyer who also has made enemies and received anonymous death threats, he's contacted the MSP (Michigan State Police) several times but to no avail they did nothing.

Caroline has one sibling. Her older brother Josh Flanagan. He's 18 years old. Blonde, your average guy. In a way, I'm kind of best friends with him too since I'm always at their house but Caroline comes first. Me and Josh we talk now and again whenever we see each other or when he's hanging out with us. To him, I'm like a sister. Josh also attends the Academy, he's a senior, about to be graduate and still unsure about his future, college but aren't we all?

Let's move on shall we?

Academy of The Sacred Heart: Let's call it AOTSH, scratch that it's too long. We'll call it ASH. 'Ash' funny acronym for a school name or we can call it Academy, that's simple.

The Academy is a hugely built building consisting of two floors with a gigantic student body and faculty. Our principal is the no nonsense type, not too strict but likes everything in order and smooth. Our school color is red, mainly red. The only thing I dislike about the school is the stupid uniforms: The girls wear white shirts with a red jacket and cross like symbol with a plaid skirt worn to our knees, not above it, teenagers tend to break the rules, hardly anyone abides by them so the skirts sometimes go above the knees, it's rare.

The guys however, they're in a completely different building on the property unless there's labs. Strange isn't it? The boys are the same: white shirt, red jacket and plaid pants. Personally, I don't get the purpose of separating boys from girls it would be nice to have a class clown once in a while.

It was Monday morning, 7am, my alarm clock kept ringing and I knew it was the beginning of a dreadful week at the hell hole they call school. That particular morning I did not want to wake up but dragged myself helplessly out of bed and got dressed. Soon enough I was sitting at the kitchen table munching on a bowl of cereal watching my dad scurry around grabbing papers that were thrown all over the room. My mom was struggling with a suitcase trying to get it closed for her next trip. She was leaving the very same afternoon so when I came back home, she would be gone.

"Ready?" my dad picked his briefcase. I laid the bowl in the sink "Am I ever ready?"

My dad laughed "Cheer up kiddo, one more year" he said cheerfully. "Come on let's go"

I sighed picking up my book bag looking over at my mom in the living room tugging at a zip. "Maybe take out some clothes, it's too tight". She looked up from her struggle. The entire house was in chaos, it had looked like a hurricane went through "Good idea" she gave a weak smile "Have a good day sweetheart" I nodded but before she could speak "I KNOW LASAGNA IN THE FRIDGE IN CASE I GET HUNGRY!" I yelled "THANKS!" I closed the door behind me wondering if my mom will ever get the suitcase closed, she had to, some way, somehow

My dad pulled up at the school building. I looked at him "Dad, why can't Josh bring me to school. He has a car"

He looked at me with a smile "I'll think about it" Protective he was. "Off you go" he said kissing my forehead "Have a great day"

"LAUREN!!!!!" squealed Caroline. I looked behind her and there he was, Josh.

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