
Unmasking The Consortium(2)

Barry opened his eyes to find that he was strapped onto a machine connected to the machine he saw on the hologram before he passed out.

He then noticed something peculiar about himself—his body was continuously vibrating, almost but not at the speed needed for his body to phase through objects.

He tried to stop his body from moving. Tried increasing his speed so he phases through his 'cell', but nothing worked.

"You've been quite the elusive one, Flash" A woman walked toward him, her attire reeking of wealth.

"You see, we were very close to utilizing the power of the speed force, then we realized, 'to access the speed force we need a medium that is connected to the speed force.'"

"You see, I have abilities similar to yours, but not quite. she said and brought out her gloved hand and stretched it towards Barry's right arm."

Gradually, the vibration in his right arm stopped until the arm was no longer moving. What was weird though, was that, that was the only part of his body that wasn't moving, it was almost as if time stopped around his arm.

"You see, unlike yours, I have the ability to speed up or slow down everything around me. If I so wished, I could be faster than you. But..."

"At the expense of increasing your body's time. Eventually leading to death from ageing." Barry completed.

"And that's where you come in." She said gripping his chin.

"We're going to use you to gain access to the speed force. The very space that controls the direction of reality. With that at our control, nothing would be impossible for us again. I will become god." She said, a crooked smile crawling up her face.

"You're all crazy if you think you can control the speed force. Even I can only utilize a tiny fraction of its ability. But to think you can control reality itself... Man! I need to meet your drug dealer." He said laughing at her.

She frowned in annoyance and waved her hand at the scientist behind her who started up the machine.

Immediately, Barry's body began to violently vibrate as the machine spun around and around. He could hear some voices over his comms, but he was so disoriented that he couldn't make much of it.

A needle from the shackles holding his limbs in place pricked into his body, drawing an agonizing scream from him. The needles collected blood which was transferred along white tubes into another machine that looked similar to the one holding him, just with more devices attached to it. 

The woman who was speaking to him earlier got atop the machine and the needles plugged into her body transferring the blood to her body.

This continued for about a minute before all technological gadgets, including the one holding Barry, flickered for a few seconds before turning off. 

After a brief few moments, they turned back on, displaying a white background with a golden circle in the middle pierced by a golden lightning.

"What the hell is that?" The woman on the other machine screamed in annoyance as she got off the machine.

"Ma'am, we've been hacked. The bast**d bypassed all our security and rerouted our access to the mainframe, gaining..."

"Quiet! All I need to know is who they are and where?" She shouted, her eyes seemingly emitting sparks of fire.

"They're nearby and with that logo, I guess it's pretty cl..."

The scientist suddenly floated up, his body smashing into the ceiling before dropping lifelessly to the floor. 

A man with sunglasses lowered his arm to remove the cigarette from his mouth, puffing out the smoke. "Gather a team and check the back of the building. I'll take the front."

"Yes sir." The man who followed him in said and waved his hand, the rest of the armed guards in the room following him.

"Xander... I want them alive." The woman said.

He sent her a lazy gaze, from the corner, took a drag of his cigarette and left the room without saying a word.

Meanwhile, Barry who's finally got his bearing, heard the conversation and panicked. 'Cisco and Caitlin.'

Quickly he opened his shop. He had been gathering Skill Points from level ups and had 7 of them. He was at level 9 and insisted on training the hard way, saving his skill points for emergencies only.

Quickly, he spent 5 skill points on AGI and 1 skill point on Regeneration because the next increment needed 2 skill points.


STR: 20

DEF: 19

AGI: 189(+29)

INT: 52

(A/N: The stats in brackets are the recent large changes made to the stats. It's not a sort of buff. It's just to help you keep track of it.)

Regeneration. Lv2

Gradually, he started to recover from the dizziness, his body kicking with newfound strength.

"Cisco! Caitlin! Get out of there. Now!"

His shout drawing the attention to him.


Meanwhile Cisco and Caitlin, having hacked into the mainframe systems of the organization and started to disable the meta-human weapons and equipments batch by batch.

They were on it when they got a shout from their comms, "Cisco! Caitlin! Get out of there. Now!"

"Pack up. Let's reposition." Caitlin said, immediately bringing turning off the equipment to prevent their location from being revealed.

Although, Cisco still seemed like he wanted to do more, he only hesitated for a second before shutting down the devices and leaving the building, Caitlin behind him.

As they left the building, they saw a man some 100 meters away from them donning a black windbreaker and black sunglasses.

He lifted his hand, the gravitational force started fluctuating around his hand...

Sorry for the delay on this one. I apologize.

75BlackFlamescreators' thoughts
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